5 Barneys Farm LSD seeds, 5 plants, each a bit different. Harvested 1/22 & 1/23, put in jars to cure on the following Thursday and Friday.
On Monday 1/29 after a week of dry/cure I began the testing, Starting with #1 on Monday and finished with #5 on Friday, one nice bud per day. Never finish a full bud any of the days but did my best,
Each plant is very good high wise, the next 5 days will be tested for flavor and to determine which plant provides the best stone. I will take two nice bowls and go for a bike ride, that really clears my mind and I can assess each plant.
After a week plus of breathing the jars I examined them under my 60x100 handheld scope and overall I would say they are 60 to 70% cloudy the rest are sparkling clear, very distinctive look.

There are very few Amber trichs and there are just a few that have black spots in the trichs, have not seen that before.
Each is a very pleasant high, one hit and you feel it almost immediately, 2nd hit, after just a short period you say to yourself Oh yeah, I am stoned, 3rd hit does not really take you higher but you are feeling light headed, hell your whole body feels light. The stone last a good long time but smoking more will just make you sleepy. With every plant tested this week, I napped after a few hours after taking the first hit.
The fragrance is still developing but there is a difference, be it ever so minute , most are sweet but distinct. The flavor again is developing, so this week I should be more able to distinguish. I do like this strain, was not a big producer for me but the quality makes up for that.
I have clones of #'s 1, 3 and 5. Four plants of #1 and one of number 3 are in the tent now, 4 days into 12/12. I have a clone of #5 that I took about 4 weeks in flower, took three, one has made it and it has begun it's mutant leaf stage, not big enough to start monster cropping yet but am reading up on the process now. Could use some info from you all who have used this technique and have something to offer, help is always appreciated.
Guess I will be closing this journal now, probably start a new one on this batch of clones in the tent.
Time for the two bowls, get on my cool weather bicycle gear and start this next weeks test.