Guerilla growing tricks and tools of the trade


Active Member
Hello every one i have been sitting back and reading on rollitup for a good year now and i think im starting to get ready to do my own grow i know that there is only about a month left in the growing sesion im planing for next yeah i would like to know some stuff first always good to ask questions
how do you hide your clones and not looks suspicious when transporting them to the plot
do alot of you use thos military folding shovels stuff like this genral info i havent really found yet i got lots of time just though id start now look for potential growing sites
im use to hiking not on trails i do it for fun so that would not be a problem for me at allbongsmilie


New Member
i just had a very successful first-time guerilla grow from bagseed

and i never had to ask ONE question...

do yourself a favor and google ALL questions you have before asking'll save YOU time from making threads and save US time from repling. Jus helpin 2 do moderator work :) lol

and welcome bro


Active Member
i'll be happy to give you some pointers as of what i know

first, whenever you go to your spot, always try and fit whatever you can in a makes it look more like you hiking anyways

2nd..pick a spot with a lot of brush in the way, you can always cut some it with snippers

3rd the trail you take there, its almost guaranteed whatever trail you make to go there will be any bit noticeable at all, i had 2 going to mine

4th. set up little wires or something by your trail to see if they or it get broke to let you know something has stumped upon or near your grow

5th when you have your supplies out by there, try to cover them up with somethin a little bit dark but something that will blend just right on in

hope that helps out a little man.

Buster 420

Active Member
If you've been watching for over a year you should know what to do. Look at all the good successful growers and see how they do it. If you think your far enough in go another mile. If you found the nastiest shit you've ever seen, your in the right place. Plan on sweating and bleeding for your girls. It's hard work but well worth it.


Well-Known Member
I like to go the day before to dig the hole and add soil. I fill my backpack with good soil then I throw the collapsable shovel in there. I noticed the animals never dig out the plants if you dig the hole and add soil the day before. The next day I bring my clones in Dixie cups sometimes just cut open about 4 1.5 liter water bottles and fit the cutting in safely. And I bring 2 bottles to water the plot. Planting on south facing slopes work the best. It's good to take a different trail to the patch every visit . Planting by streams is a must or you could set up a rain catch. Water crystals is another thing you will need unless you live in a rainy area. It's good to be early before the sun even comes up that way you will not be seen plus u can carry alot more stuff to your plot without being seen. Scout the area good before u plant. I like to hike an hour into the trail before planting but that's just me. Deeper in you go the less likely somebody will find it. Be safe and be smart I never leave rubbish all my water jugs I hide so I can reuse. Harvest day I cut the jugs open and use them to transport the harvested bud so they don't get squashed. Good luck


Well-Known Member
i cant strees enough the use of deep woods off and protecying your self against ticks and bugs.also have a good cover for being in the area i have a fishing pole with me at all times make sure you have a fishing licesense. if they see the pole then there not going to ask a lot of questions hope this helps...


Active Member
i have been using Google maps to find some areas id like to check out there all accessed by logging trails and go up into the mountains and all have water sorces so im gonna do a whole lot of winter hiking thanks for the tips
there was a tip i heard about where you put a dollar coin in a bag and staple it to a tree and if its still there a few months later no one has been around anyone recomend some thing like this ?


Well-Known Member
You need to be up there hiking now, not in Winter.

This is the time to be scouting grow sites. Winter is when you put the work into getting the site ready.

You need to be scouting now!



Active Member
the winters here are very mild compaired to what im use to in manitoba i live in british columbia now so im gonna start scouting out sites in the next couple of weeks
thanks doublejj ill be woking my ass off this winter


Well-Known Member
Guerrilla growing is actually alot of work especially if u hike far like me that almost garantees I pull off atleast a few plots. Plus I have to be clever because around here the green harvest eradication is crazy I swear they search everything so u have to keep plants hidden or keep plots small so they won't want to drop down and take all the fruits of your labor.


Active Member
Guerrilla growing is actually alot of work especially if u hike far like me that almost garantees I pull off atleast a few plots. Plus I have to be clever because around here the green harvest eradication is crazy I swear they search everything so u have to keep plants hidden or keep plots small so they won't want to drop down and take all the fruits of your labor.
yeah i was thinking maybe just like a bunch of 5 plant plots place around so its not all bunched up and not so visable