Guerilla Outdoor 2010


New Member
like monopoly man... id help, but i dont want to give up my location. What is your general location, country-state if youre close, i got the best dna money can buy :)


Active Member
Oh and if you did this... PLEASE document the shit out of it because it would just be too damn cool to not!


Well-Known Member
So after a long desperate search for a real job me and my longtime good friend are both fed up. We've been friends going on 6 years now so I trust him. He's been up North camping as have I and he doesn't mind sleeping outside. My idea was to just camp during the season until October or so and then maybe pay off some bills. My idea is to maybe do 4 patches of 15 and those 10 miles apart. We have a big kayak so that's what I think we'll use. That way we can get into tighter places where normal people can't get to. I'd say that's a reasonable amount, and given the care they'll need, we should stay pretty busy. This will all take place during the spring obviously so the temperatures will be mild and we'll have all the gear we need. I'm looking at spending pretty much all summer outside camping, but it'll be so worth it.

I know the season is fast approaching and I should be getting prepped. Im thinking for the climate, white widow and big bud should both finish in time. My plan is to get a female clone of both white widow and big bud by march. From here this plant will become the new mother so that I can get the clones needed. My only drawback is that I'll have to be doing the scouting right before planting with no time to account for native vegetation later on. I figure my best bet is to be out there the day after the last frost and make due.

Well that's my idea let me know if you guys see any big holes in the plan.

ok man first of all you shouldn't grow those strains outside. its probably gonna get wet and rainy up "north" during the fall season, gonna make bud rot on your harvest.
Your gonna need a more outside orietned strain. white widow should be ok,but seriously big bud sucks, and it sucks more outside.

Look on breedbay or some other elite strain site for some l33t outdoor strains. I hear trainwreck does great outdoors and is mold resistant
10 miles apart is waaaay overkill as far as not attracting to much attention. Idk how popular guerrilla growing is in wisconsin but i asume not very, so your heli activity is not going to be high at all as far as ones looking for plants specifically. As long as you dont have them in a perfect grid pattern 10 to 15 plants wont be super visible from a heli thousands of feet up. But traveling 10 miles in between each spot by kayak sounds like way to much work for the same affect that 3 miles apart would have.

As far as camping out the entire summer, that sounds like a shitload of fun as I am also a camping fanatic, but unless you plan on spending most of your time building some type of permanent cabin or something, you're gonna run out of shit to do. Plants outside really have no need for attention more often than on a weekly basis. Even that isn't necessary as far as actually doing anything to the plants, its just nice to keep an eye on them for any changes. If you prepare an awesome soil mix like you SHOULD, you wont have to do anything but check for mold n other ailments, trim/top, and come back for the harvest.

Sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you, best wishes and keep us updated!



Active Member
Ya I was discussing this with my friend, I like to break down the logistics of an operation, especially one as FUN as this, you would be best off having a 3rd person bring you supplies halfway through, unless you plan on killing your food, and making your out place/base camp you will run out of shit to do. I suggest bringing some weed and some flowering clones to harvest while your there for personal use. and spreading out 60 plants within a 5 mile radius would be ideal so that you have time to kill between each batch. also maybe planting some kind of berry bush maybe kind of circling the sites to protect from ofter plants trying to move in. Also bring some shit to fish with!


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, I'm totally going to document the shit out of it. I was inspired by BrownDirt so I think I might make a little film out of it. Who knows, maybe I'll be a youtube hero one day. I'm kind of in the film pre-planning stages, what kind of songs, filming locations, cool shots, etc.

Yea, I'd like to not have to visit the plants weekly. I'm trying to figure out a way that I can be out there as long as I need without alerting anyone else that I'm out there. I don't wanna park my car at a park campground all summer long, cuz that wouldn't be good. I'm trying to figure out a way to spread out my trips so that I can loop back and have a variety of paths I can travel to my stuff. Now I was trying to think of how I'm going to dry all of this when I'm done. I was contemplating just subletting an apartment close by so that I have a place to dry it all before it rots.


Active Member
If I was u I'd plant 60 then clone off those and put like 2-300 out and reep the rewards... $$$$100 an oz....1 plant = 8oz
800 a plant 300 plants=$240000..
If u have 3 ppl. ...100 plants a person
I would definitely suggest choosing a couple strains with gaurenteed flowerings times at last a week apart, cuz if you have to travel far distances to harvest/trim a crop like that if they are all ready at the same time, your only really gonna get one of the 3 at their peak harvest time.

I've been thinking about doing this for a little while so it'll be nice to see how this all works out. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
I was wondering how I can get the necessary clones in time. For the little camping trip it would be tough to bring live plants in. Considering the car ride in, that would make it even more difficult. If I was to go out there say, a week or two before the last frost and go out with a mini-greenhouse. Could I start a clone mother outside on site? This way I wouldn't have to waste a ton of expensive seed, and waste time on plants I'll have to kill eventually.


Active Member
dude i hope you are in the process of a successful season, this is badass and would be some mad fun, ideally if you could go back home and return without being spotted or anything. 10 miles apart is crazy, you can get away with a half a mile easily if its only 5 plants or so, you really can't tell if its marijuana unless your close enough. Good luck tho hope its working out and you are on your way to a rich man