Guerrilla Grow 2010, Let's do it!


Well-Known Member
couldn't have said it better myself, but i would space further than a few yards, more like 50-60 feet to be extra safe. #1 rule in guerrilla growing is better to be safe than sorry!

hey didnt i see your avatar on the prohibition vid? love those vids.

on another note-
:idea:...just counted out 205 beans for the coming season. kush, pure power plant, purple sativa of some kind, oo baby


Well-Known Member
Good Luck to all you Outdoor Guys this year. I love the outdoor guerrilla game, but my shit has gotten stolen every time I've tried around here, and no one ever even knew any of the times. Just shitloads of potheads roaming around everywhere, I guess. Sucks to do all that work only to not get any reward for it after all that time. Still, I would love to have a good secure place to be able to do it this season, just none around here. :neutral:

Anyway, I wish you guys the best of luck, and hopefully the seasons will bring a massive harvest of Dank Nugs for you all. :weed::peace:
Is it always at the end of the season? If so get yourself some auto flower stains. Im going to be trying my first outdoor guerrilla grow this year and am excited. My uncle has been doing it for years and I know a few other people who always do an outdoor grow. So I should have plenty of people to get advise from. I will be doing clones and trying my hand at some auto's too. I am just planning on putting out as many clones as I can in a bunch of different spots semi close to this creek that runs pretty close to my house. How ofter do you need to water your plants outdoors in the midwest? It seems like last year it rained so much I would hardly ever have to water.


Well-Known Member
wat up ppl got a quick question i have about a dozen seeds that have not yet cracked its been about 10 days. any suggestions to make this bad boys crack or should i call it a lost
wat up ppl got a quick question i have about a dozen seeds that have not yet cracked its been about 10 days. any suggestions to make this bad boys crack or should i call it a lost
My technique is to put them in a shot glass of water. If in 4 or 5 days they have not germinated i know they're not going to. I have never had problems with this technique except for when i was given poor seeds. I do this with everything, i just germinated some sunflower seeds.
I heard a good tip today from a guy that i no,,,if ur gonna dig ur holes do it a few weeks before you plant because i guess animals like coyotes and foxes think theres something buried in your hole and dig it up along with your young plant...he told me he lost like 40 fems like dig it early and just fill the soil back in if they dig it up.
I heard a good tip today from a guy that i no,,,if ur gonna dig ur holes do it a few weeks before you plant because i guess animals like coyotes and foxes think theres something buried in your hole and dig it up along with your young plant...he told me he lost like 40 fems like dig it early and just fill the soil back in if they dig it up.
Good idea. that also makes it less time that you have to be in the area digging holes with a backpack full of sprouts. much safer this way, cause if you do get caught there all of a sudden just make up something, oh im looking for moles? idk lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol....yeah I'm helping my friend this year halen in soil for a cut of yeild..
he's using oeat moss as well and local dirt with all kinds of guddies...I think it more then a deal, to just help carry peatmoss in
Then get like a pound...shit I'm not even doing anything illegal. .lol
but he's dumb for it cause now I have the decision of weather steal all his crop 10+ lbs or 1lb,
Let this be a lesson to all u new growers, I won't but that's not to say, me and him get into a fight or he fus my girl ect ect u get the picture. ...just cause he's my best friend today dosent mean I won't wanna kill him tomorrow. ..

By the way I fked his but he broke up with her

C do things ur self tell no one....hell how many ppl out there wouldn't steal $60,000
Of weed with no dangers except thc o.d?

You are definetley dutch iv noticed most dutches dont care about anyone else except themselfs and have anger problems :O?
HEY STONER...ya u how do you know when the plant has used all the nutes in the soil and needs to start being fed? I know that young plants need mostly only water..Im gonna be using FFOF cut with perlite and local soil. If i fuck it up and feed them too early can the nutes im feeding them combine with the soil nutes and be to much and burn them? Im probably waaaay off soo PLEAAAZ ganja gurus help the next gen!


Well-Known Member
:sad: i wish i could take part in this. yet, i live in washington. (guerilla growing is not an option in this cold, wet, bastard of a state)
Kilimanjaro is a pure African sativa that comes from the Kilimanjaro region in Kenya. The natives have been using this cannabis for their religious rituals and hunting for its stimulating effect.
traditional cannabis known as one of the best for outdoor/greenhouse growing for its cabability to produce beatiful buds even in poor conditions.
Marijuana growers love Kilimanjaro cannabis seeds as they produce early maturing plants with 9-10 weeks flowering period.
These cannabis seeds are highly resistant to mould.

I used some in a cold wet area last year, very damp infact started indoor vegged for 2 weeks so a month from seed in the grond late april. Harvest October.:fire:


Well-Known Member
people should only purchase seeds online if they can't get bagseeds. all u gotta do is grow a bunch of diff bagseeds and breed the two best plants and wat do ya know many seeds of dank goodness!

I agree but don't get many bag seeds. Clones are always great!:leaf:

OK time to dip in with questions.

This year the grow is not close as I am in a different area. Highs 105degrees lows 60s not worried about that but when it rains it's a ton but sometimes its 99degrees an no rain. It is a treacherous hike up steep pitches with tons of bush an brush.

Question time:
  1. How to carry water.
  2. Anyone familiar with gel crystals to hold the water longer or something similar.
  3. If I am carrying water anyone got any good ideas for a rubbermaid bucket buried up a hill for a drip system.
  4. Anything?:wall:
I totally agree about Cougar piss or something similar to keep other animals away!
I agree but don't get many bag seeds. Clones are always great!:leaf:

OK time to dip in with questions.

This year the grow is not close as I am in a different area. Highs 105degrees lows 60s not worried about that but when it rains it's a ton but sometimes its 99degrees an no rain. It is a treacherous hike up steep pitches with tons of bush an brush.

Question time:
  1. How to carry water.
  2. Anyone familiar with gel crystals to hold the water longer or something similar.
  3. If I am carrying water anyone got any good ideas for a rubbermaid bucket buried up a hill for a drip system.
  4. Anything?:wall:
I totally agree about Cougar piss or something similar to keep other animals away!
hey dude. this is what i was thinking about for water. i was gonna stick 2 or 3 buckets out in the bush, well covered of course, and collect rain water. that way i would not have to carry anything out there. though i'm not trying to grow super grade here, just trying to get a personal stash as i'm very anti social and hate getting unknown strains/dealing with a-hole dealers etc.

they also have these aqua globe things at a few stores, like canadian tire, and wal mart may have them. you fill them up with water, and they slowly feed your plant over a time period. i was going to get those maybe or just stick to my bucket idea and some fertaliser spikes, so that i woudln't have to mix ferts and stuff and carry them out there.


Active Member
then you have to think about your sitting water making mosquito fish and turning into huge swarms of bitings itchy bastards when you go to water...
then you have to think about your sitting water making mosquito fish and turning into huge swarms of bitings itchy bastards when you go to water...

i guess thats true but as long as that water is usable I'm not worried. i dont like carrying a backpack full of water out there. i'm wondering if the water would be usuable after say 2-3 weeks of sitting?

also i found this fertaliser :

  • Special time-released formulation (14-14-14) specifically designed for hanging baskets
  • Controls the release of nutrients based on the heat and moisture of the soil
  • Apply once per season; lasts up to six months


Well-Known Member
Ok, time for me to get on my soapbox:

Guerilla growers to me are the unsung heroes of growing MJ. Not to knock the indoor experts, hydro growers, PC growers, coco growers, trash can growers, refrigerator growers, etc., but the GG's face so much uncertainty with respect to weather, critters, rippers, neighbors, lack of frequent access, bugs, fungus/mold, trudging through rough terrain, law enforcement raids, and etc.

Nevertheless guys (and girls :) ), fight the good fight, make yourself and other people happy, and realize it's so damn stupid that this fine herb is illegal.



Well-Known Member
Ok, time for me to get on my soapbox:

Guerilla growers to me are the unsung heroes of growing MJ. Not to knock the indoor experts, hydro growers, PC growers, coco growers, trash can growers, refrigerator growers, etc., but the GG's face so much uncertainty with respect to weather, critters, rippers, neighbors, lack of frequent access, bugs, fungus/mold, trudging through rough terrain, law enforcement raids, and etc.

Nevertheless guys (and girls :) ), fight the good fight, make yourself and other people happy, and realize it's so damn stupid that this fine herb is illegal.

Very very well said Topo! +rep :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Very very well said Topo! +rep :bigjoint:
Many thanks bro. 'Thirty-three (33) years of guerilla growing and counting. I've seen it all, 'been through it all.

I've come home late at night after partying with some friends, and hiked down the embankment to check on my crop, only to find 2 inch stumps sticking out of the ground. They were snipped and gone. :cuss:

And, at the time, we had police helicopters buzzing around the area during each day. (This was in Hawaii in the late 70's/early 80's). Our local rock stations would actually broadcast on-the-spot helicopter sightings, and alert all the listeners.

MJ in Hawaiian is "pakalolo." The stations would called it "Paka-copter alerts." Growers had to decide whether to hide their plants, or get away from their grow area to avoid being cuffed. :lol:

Some of my plants were very close to my family's property, meaning that someone was watching me closely and timed my harvest so they can yank my buds 7-14 days before they were ripe.

It leaves a sick gut in your stomach. But, that's the cross we bear. :(



Well-Known Member
hey dude. this is what i was thinking about for water. i was gonna stick 2 or 3 buckets out in the bush, well covered of course, and collect rain water. that way i would not have to carry anything out there. though i'm not trying to grow super grade here, just trying to get a personal stash as i'm very anti social and hate getting unknown strains/dealing with a-hole dealers etc.

they also have these aqua globe things at a few stores, like canadian tire, and wal mart may have them. you fill them up with water, and they slowly feed your plant over a time period. i was going to get those maybe or just stick to my bucket idea and some fertaliser spikes, so that i woudln't have to mix ferts and stuff and carry them out there.
I do like your ideas but I have a few to many plants for globe type efforts, and Iit might not rain so im trying to figure out like a 10 gallon back pack or something!


Well-Known Member
If it rains hard in your area when it rains you can take a camo tarp and tie it up to where all the water that hits it drains into one spot and then have something there to collect the water like a kiddie pool or hole with pond liner/tarp in it. You could also take like a 55 gallon plastic drum you can get them on craigslist for 10-15 dollars and if its higher than what you are watering there are ways to make that into a drip system.