guerrilla grow


New Member
are these my cannabis plants. threw some germinated seeds in some nutrient rich soil 2 weeks a ago. not sure wether the weather fucked them up or these are it. first time actaully growing.IMG_0393.JPGIMG_0393.JPG IMG_0396.JPG IMG_0397.JPG IMG_0398.JPG IMG_0398.JPG IMG_0398.JPGIMG_0399.JPG IMG_0400.JPG IMG_0401.JPG IMG_0402.JPG



Well-Known Member
Never throw a popped seed on top of the soil, the tap root will dry out and the plant will die. There is a small chance enough humidity will let some take, but not likely.

Your pics have thorns.........


Well-Known Member
NO that is definitely not you cannabis plants.....
2 weeks they'd still prob be 3 inches tall. Got to do better than that bro. research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research. And then when you have done all that....
research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research research some more.


Well-Known Member
Its cool we all do it. Get ya some auto flowers and you can still throw them outdoors.
Ive read countless books and forums, watched at least a hundred hours of videos and i still don't know it all nor would I say a whole lot. My point is you have a lot of learning to do if you want a proper grow.
Don't pop your seeds for the indoors until you have literally everything else set up, rushing is what screws ppl up. do it right from the get and you'll be fine.


New Member
yh true say man i rushd things and popped the seeds as soon as i had them. roots were getting too long so i had to do something lol.


Well-Known Member
Yea not cannabis. When growing outdoors things like to eat young cannabis sprouts. I just f'ed up and let chickens eat about 50 bucks worth of beans. Lol. Shit happens.


Well-Known Member
i laugh hard at this one seem like blackberry good to cover your crop too at least dig a hole and put some soilmix in it and yu will have a better chance of see them grow take your time and read the sticky there useful information if you want a good start


Well-Known Member
Cannabis does really well where blackberries grow and it makes good cover, so does honey suckle.
I event let a few honey suce vin s grow on my plants. I've seen people walk with in five foot of a plant and not see it.

Come throw down with some of these boys in KY. They grow 20 footers and hide them from the choppers.