OK guys I am brewing the tea. My local store which had the Ancient Forest did not have ZHO powder or aquashield. So I am bubbling a 5 gallon bucket (with maybe 4 gallons of water in it) with a sock with a large man's fist sized amount of the ancient forest inside of it. I gave the thing about 12 ml of great white. The great white container says you're supposed to use 5 ml for 2 gallons, so I followed the label's instructions and then gave it a pinch more. For appropriate tea action, my preference is for strong tea
The great white label lists the following :
2% Vitamin B
Mycorrhiza (131,326 of viable organisms per cc)
Pisolithus tincorious - 112,500 spores per cc
rhizopogon luteolus - 3,125 spores per cc
rhizopogan fulvigleba - 3,125 spores per cc
rhizopogon villosullus - 3,125 spores per cc
rhizopogon amylopogon - 3,125 spores per cc
scleroderma cintrinum - 3,125 spores per cc
scleroderma cepa - 3,125 spores per cc
Glomus aggregatum - 13 spores per cc
glomus intraradices - 13 spores per cc
glomus mosseae - 13 spores per cc
glomus etunicatum - 13 spores per cc
Glomus clarum - 6 spores per cc
glomus monosporum - 6 spores per cc
glomus brazilianum - 6 spores per cc
glomus margarita - 6 spores per cc
Contains 269,786 CFU's per CC of each of the following 11 species:
bacillus subtillus
bacillus licheniformis
bacillus azotoformanas
bacillus megaterium
bacillus coagulans
bacillus pumlis
paenibacillus polymyxa
streptomyces grisees
streptomyces lydicus
psuedomonas aureofaceans
psuedomonas florescence
trichoderma konigii-93,750 spores per cc
trichoderma harzianum-93,750 spores per cc
97.9% inert ingredients
ok i typed all that out to ask if I'm going to be ok without zho and aquashield and you'll have the information you need to say yes no maybe
ok, with the sock in the bucket and with the airstones bubbling good and strong and with the great white in their brewing it all up, and with the 5 ml of unsulffered mollasses. I've got this stuff in a 5 gallon bucket in a cool room. Should I move it into my grow room so it will be warmer? I've got a lid on this bucket so there is no light getting in.. thats correct, isn't it?
Thanks guys