Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity


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New Member
wow that thing needs way more light, maybe put it outside? the way it is now its not worth even trying to flower that thing inside with the lights you got


New Member
you need to use some kind of light ment for growing like some cfls or t5s or MH or hps. it looks like you are using a regular house light to grow that


Nick17gar - Magnesium (Mg): Wouldn't you also see redish purple stripping strating at base of plant? I noticed your leaf shot had a purple stem. Thats tell tell for (Mg) deficiency too. I could snap off a few pictures of the striping


Hi, and sorry if this is in the wrong spot; my first post. First of all, this community is awesome. You've all offered up your experience and knowledge to juts about every question I've seen asked. Which brings me to this... We've been growing outside; our first grow. We've got a lot of different types growing, but recently noticed two things. 1) leaves and flowers on some of the plants are wilting(?) and crumbling up/off when touched. I've included some pic I just took. If anyone could help me diagnose what's going on/what I'm doing wrong I'd greatly appreciate it.



New Member
looks like you might have bud mold in pics 2 an 4. what kinda nutrients do you feed them? is it the whole plant or just certain stems on them?
The bottom leaves of my plants have started to turn yellow with burns in some places . Iam currently using J arther bower compost with 6 weeks feed; as base soil under 400w MH bulb on 18/6 cycle. I recently transplanted the plants from their 2 liter pots to 5 gallon/ 20 liter pots on the 18th of Aug. i am also using a home made neem pesticide just as a precaution. can anybody plz tell me whether it is a nutrient burn or mg deficiency or some pest cuz i cant seem to get my head around the problem. i hope the pics help.

