Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

Can someone help! My tips are turning brown and the only solution I can find is nute burn, it's not the whole leaf or anywhere else, just the tips


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I cant tell if i have a nitrogen or mag deficiency. Can someone please give me there opinion? Its only on my big fan leaves and it hasnt seemed to spread more as ive been keeping in eye on it for the past 3 days. From what i can tell its stopped but not positive as its only been 3 days. My PH was kinda high @ 7.2 flushed it today and its back at 6.7. Temp stays at 79-80°F. Humidity is usually between 50-65%. Its 22 days old. I havent added any nutes yet and using vigoro organic potting soil. Was going to on next watering. Also in the third picture should my leave already begin browning at the tip like that at 22 days old? (white looking stuff is just the light lol) Overall how does my plant look though? First time growing hoping im doing good. Snapchat--4441378293321989889.jpg Snapchat--6673977062285507325.jpg 20160516_195934.jpg 20160516_195558.jpg
thankyou for the info....I have 7 acres in the mountains and I grow all kinds of stuff, but this will be my first attempt at marijuana.
Yeah man it looks like roots been in soggy soil. when you think it's time to water wait one more day .flip the pot over hold main stem between your fingers inspect roots are they healthy white or are they tan color and not healthy looking?
to day they are finished buds smells and looks very good but leaves are all gone . . . .. . putting them to 2 days of darkness


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Babies doing well
Can't seem to find the prob
Everything seems to be right
I'm guessing slugs but there aren't any to be seen and it only happens to the one plant.
What you guys think

Maybe water fell on the leaf magnetized the sunrays and burnt it?


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What is wrong with my plant. Please HELP!


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looks like a zinc deficiency. which is generally linked to iron and manganese. find a fertilizer that has a micro mix of the three.
I use young fruit tree fertilizer. it has all the micro nutes. and you only have to apply once to the soil.
Babies doing well
Can't seem to find the prob
Everything seems to be right
I'm guessing slugs but there aren't any to be seen and it only happens to the one plant.
What you guys think
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Maybe water fell on the leaf magnetized the sunrays and burnt it?
looks like a chemical or something fell on the leaves and burned those spots. that happened to me while I was spraying the soil for fungus gnats. some of my solution hit some of my girls leaves and killed the tips of them. I ended up cutting the dead ends off and now she is fine. But if its a slug, take a little container and put some beer in it. slugs cant resist beer. they will crawl in and drown.