Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal

So they are going to update the manual and re-train officers with tasers. Cultural diversity and profiling training:wall: Looks like a crock of bureaucratic bull to me.

I think a public apology and holding all three officers accountable would be a better route but of course that will never happen . . .
So they are going to update the manual and re-train officers with tasers. Cultural diversity and profiling training:wall: Looks like a crock of bureaucratic bull to me.

I think a public apology and holding all three officers accountable would be a better route but of course that will never happen . . .

now if that dude gets off, ........................ :o
I thought the whole BART board of directors stepped down after the "incident", maybe that's their way of taking responsibility?
starting to appear as if these cops FUCKED UP, ...

The BART police officer accused of punching Oscar Grant in the face and calling him a racial epithet moments before his death on New Year’s Day 2009 was fired Thursday. Officer Tony Pirone, who called Grant a “bitch ass nigger,” was also seen in a video attacking Grant. Pirone was the officer kneeling on Grant’s back when then-BART police officer Johannes Mehserle shot Grant in the back. Grant later died.
Mehserle was charged with murder and had his trial moved to Los Angeles. The trial is scheduled to begin in June.
You know that for a fact eh? By definition, an execution is the killing of a condemned man... so unless this was a sentencing hearing at the BART station and the sentence carried out in front of the public, it was no execution. I'm sticking with accidental discharge, happens all the time... just don't be in front of the gun when it does.

hmmm, ....

"Pirone is the second BART police officer to be fired in connection with the shooting of Grant. Last month, Pirone’s partner, Marysol Domenici, was also fired. They were the first to arrive on the scene at the Fruitvale BART station on New Year’s Day 2009 when Grant was killed. Pirone is responsible for “setting up and escalating the situation that Johannes Mehserle walked into just minutes before he shot Oscar Grant in the back” in the words of Dave Id of Id added that he is also the “officer who pulled one of Oscar Grant’s friends to the ground by his hair – a ‘hair pull takedown,’ as Pirone bragged in court.”
wow so all that happened to them was getting fired?He should be charged with murder 1.
Cops get off with everything,That chicago cop who beat the living hell out off the guy with his baton on video only got charged with assault & battery if that was anyone else beating him like that they would face attempted homocide.
wow so all that happened to them was getting fired?He should be charged with murder 1.
Cops get off with everything,That chicago cop who beat the living hell out off the guy with his baton on video only got charged with assault & battery if that was anyone else beating him like that they would face attempted homocide.

"the trial starts in June, ... "

I recommend any and all of you to go to any major city and sit inside a court room for just an hour. I swear you will come out of there in disgust with the legal system in our country(u.s.a.)
I recommend any and all of you to go to any major city and sit inside a court room for just an hour. I swear you will come out of there in disgust with the legal system in our country(u.s.a.)

watch the laughter of the DA's table as they whisper amongst themselves. :cuss:
watch the laughter of the DA's table as they whisper amongst themselves. :cuss:
yea that needs to stop.Its supposed to be a serious situation and there in there laughing and smiling with eachother when your life is on the line.

Good to see he was actually charged to.
I recommend any and all of you to go to any major city and sit inside a court room for just an hour. I swear you will come out of there in disgust with the legal system in our country(u.s.a.)

try the uk m8 i was watchin tv this morning n some guy with 6 consectcutiv life sentances is being let out on parole in a yr lol
was it in portland oregon??? portland are nortorius for killing people, mentally handicapped, street people, minoritys, you dont want portland police after you, the cop that beat a retarded guy to death he had over 40 some bones broken that cop officer nice,(nice name) just got desk duty for a road rage incident a few weeks ago he was off duty and pulled his gun on the poor guy, the president of the police union, had to resign because he got in a road rage with the same person on two different days in two different parts of portland, we have alot of protests, but police come out in combat gear and start breaking heads, portland the city of roses
I have heard Portland tends to be infested with a lot of homeless teenage Heroine addicts. There is no "justice" system in America. I'd say it's more of a "Whatever" system.