Gwarrior's 1st Bagseed & Blueberry Grow. Pics updated daily.


Well-Known Member
if you have been running the lights 12/12 already I would hurry and switch back to veg, if you top during flowering it doesn't seem to work as well but you might be alright either way


Well-Known Member
Hey what's up, man. I'm growing D.P. BB too, I learned my lesson tho. Never again. My seeds were tiny as shit too and half of them turned out to be mutants. I got 4 good-looking plants left out of the ten, hopefully they all turn female. I'll be watching to see how this goes. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Haha yea 2 of mine were muties.

And no, haven't begun to flower yet - still on 18/6.

I just completed the grow room :) Check this shit out:



Well-Known Member
Nice G, I like the little cloning/starter table bellow, if in fact thats' what it is going to be used for, your room looks nice, how big of hole did the mylar burn in yur pocket?

Keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Not too much, I think I got it for a cool 25 for a 100 foot roll of it which turned out to be way too big.

Yeah, below I plan to veg those babies (I gave it 2 ft of height) to about 1 foot then throw them up top for flowering. Going to cycle it out every month and try to harvest every month as well. Should work pretty good I hope although I think my flowering table's goin' to get full pretty quick.

What you can't see is that I made an awesome drainage port below the flowering part, which drains it all to a bucket on the side when it leaks through the bottom of the buckets.

Carpentry skills are great to have :)


Well-Known Member
Sounds good however, Unless I'm missing something, I'm thinking you can't veg and flower in the same room, do you plan on enclosing that table?....


Well-Known Member
Haha Yea, but that was the only spare wood I had lying around. Guess I should have said that lol. I plan to go grab some plywood and wrap the sides with it then make some sort of entrapment so I can veg in a closed space. I wish I knew how to make some kind of sliding door with it though.


Well-Known Member
Sliding door would be possible but you could also use a thick curtain, or build some kind of door with hinges, cheap and easy! I built a box for my closet so that the doors lifted up and easy to open in the space that I had but we were off a little on the measurements, I'm still thinking about using it outside the closet for mothers and clones.. I posted pics of it in me journal....

Until Next Time!


Well-Known Member
yeahh humbolts right as far as i know u dont need to completely cover light, i mean marijuana plants will still flower in the wild and i bet they get a teensy bt of light, just use some thick tarpaulin or material! like the handywork too, clever idea with the flowering area and veg inside, 1 inside the other, gr8 use of space,
Jolly, hmmm blue berry


Well-Known Member
looking great GW....I topped my Top44....but the way she's would seem like I really didn't have too. she's got branches and bud nodes popping out everywhere.....I am totally will be really interesting to watch this one progress. good luck!


Well-Known Member
Finished the grow box.

P.S. Blueberry on 34th Day Veg

Check it:

New Seeds: 5 Seeds from some Chronic Bagseed and 3 more Blueberries


Well-Known Member
Haha We were filming a scene for this little short we were making. I try to direct part-time, and star full-time ;)

I'm a English/Film student.

**In reponse to JCommerce's post he deleted ;) Don't worry brother, I can hack it.


Well-Known Member
Alright, G -Dub is one cool cat, he can take the shit I was giving him. I was asking him why he's grunting behind some dude in his picture...LOL. :hump:



Well-Known Member
Damn G you B bumpin now, yet another question , what's your plans on light/dark proofing the doors?

HOOAH!! you are on a roll, keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
I did a dark test and barely any light escapes. I mean I could barely see locked in the closet with the box lights on, so this should be good enough right?

Thanks for the Kudos guys, always appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how correct the light leak thing is, I'm thinking some light won't hurt, bother plants flowering as in nature it's not pitch dark, there's moon, star light, also I've seen people grow on their back porch with porch lights on during the night hours and their plants turned out but I still go by with what I've read, it just may be better for them, who knows I may test that theory one day but before I do I would like to get this cloning down. lol...

My closet doors are accordion with lots of cracks, I had to test my rooms with vid cam, by placing it in, closing doors and turning lights out, waiting a minute then turning lights back on, if the movie showed pitch black then I felt comfortable that it was light/dark proof.

Can you take some pictures of the box with lights on and off? also check out my videos, the darkness test is number 5, also on page 2 there are vids of the flowering stage, it's been awhile since I've added a video, maybe I should do that soon... anyways have a look see...

You did a real nice job on that room and cabinet, it's a huge difference from when you first started, thumbs up
to you buddy!


Well-Known Member
After I topped, the second set of branches ere supposed to start gorwin' fast, right?

Well, they arn't. lol


Well-Known Member
how not quick is your not quick....if that makes any sense? just trying to get a idea of what you expected versus what ur getting?