So I ask again.. is potassium potassium or does it depend where it come from?
I believe it is called a basic element for a reason...
I believe the plant does not care how the N, the P or the K got there...
And when you buy synthetic ferts.. that is what you get ... basic elements...
Once you step into the organic world of fertilizers...
The fertilizer is no longer a mixture of elements, but a colony of organisms...
Organisms which consume and excrete matter...
And guess where we will find the elements that the plants actually use???
In the excretion from the bacteria...
So in essence, you are raising bacteria, so they ca shit NPK on your roots...
Some people claim that the organic process involved creates more complex tastes and what not...
And I can see that in a full organic soil will sunshine... I can see that one would PROBABLY taste better (remember taste is subjective not only person to person but hour to hour) than the other...
But the hassle of dealing with organics... and the possibility of inviting disease...
Well.. I'll just say that I tried it when I could not get H2O2...
I am STILL trying to rid my system of some weird organism that came with the organic nutes...
Even after flushing and changing back to synth nutes.. I am still fighting my pH like crazy...
And the opposite most people would think.. it drops...
So, in my opinion.. it's not that it's bad... it's just an un-necessary hassle to deal with the bacteria and the finagleties of living beings as opposed to just dump the N, th P, and K the=at the plants wants in the forst place...
Did that make any sense?
and just for the arguments sake...
I will not calim this to be TRUE... just an opinion... my thoughts basedon what I have read and backed by having done it...
Even Al felt bad for me when I told him I had to use organics...