Had a long talk with my father


Ursus marijanus
I was extremely grateful for the recent opportunity to visit my folks. Momma is losing the battle with senile dementia and a passel of physical ills. My dad is healthy as a horse, but i do worry about him. She has been his LIFE for over sixty years. Damn; can't see the keyboard any more ... cn


Ursus marijanus
Wasnt trying to attack your faith, I was offering sincere condolences. A little chuckle is good when your down.
Kaendar, when I looked at the post in question, I saw a trashing of Carne's LDS faith as well as another thing of which I disapprove: an incitement to sneaki meds to someone. If this is your idea of friendly humor and sincere condolences, I implore you to be gentler. cn


Active Member

naphtha oil is straight fucking magic when used medicinally
when you make it you'll be left with a thick molasses like tar
you eat about a finger full in the morning and night (in this case your dear old mom)
she will not feel it at all.. she will not be getting high or become intoxicated, unlike the drugs im sure the hostpital is giving her.

naphtha oil has the power to reverse memory loss!!
again.. straight fucking magic


Well-Known Member
Kaendar, when I looked at the post in question, I saw a trashing of Carne's LDS faith as well as another thing of which I disapprove: an incitement to sneaki meds to someone. If this is your idea of friendly humor and sincere condolences, I implore you to be gentler. cn
How was I supposed to know he was a Mormon? He said his parents are, I figured he was the rebellious kid that cant believe his parents believe in that shit type of kid that I usually run into with mormon parents. Like I said, it was a sincere offer of emotion. I couldnt imagine losing my mom, I dont know what I would do.


Ursus marijanus
You're halfway there, Kaendar. Ditch the indignation, own your not having researched that user, and be genuinely, unconditionally contrite. Anything less is a failure of humility. My opinion, of course. cn


Well-Known Member
Beef Jerky (please note that I use that as a term of endearment, and not as the typical JO snarky nickname).

Perhaps your Dad should be remimded that God created cannabis.

And perhaps you should remind him of Gensis 1:11.

If a natural source (which is legal in your state) could reduce yor Mom's suffering. How could he refuse her?

I'll be sending some positive thoughts her way; and yours, too, BTW. :hug:


Active Member
Kaendar, when I looked at the post in question, I saw a trashing of Carne's LDS faith as well as another thing of which I disapprove: an incitement to sneaki meds to someone. If this is your idea of friendly humor and sincere condolences, I implore you to be gentler. cn
I agree with the point that not to sneak her anything. Not right in no way. I live in a non medical state and I would love to have it legal here but that thinking is why i dont.


Well-Known Member
Gah, what's wrong with me. Men are not supposed to cry...

Peace and love to you and your family Carne.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Kaendar is a dick head everyone... Doesn't answer direct questions as to his reasoning... believes that THC isn't a drug and that if it is a drug then so is smelling tasty food and video games... He's an imbecile that doesn't research anything before typing...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
oy vey! That woman can tie you in knots when it comes to the scriptures. She pulls stuff out of her ass that scares me to death. She is completely convinced (and convinced me in the interim) that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and can back it up biblically. She also believes that Lilith was originally a representation of God's wife and was later corrupted by foreign male dominated tribal customs which completely changed the dynamics of Semitic society. (deep breath) God's wife being an equal deity to God himself. Early Semitic writings allude to a female co-deity that was later written out of the texts.

It's all too much for me. We debate back and forth but I never win. Evil woman. :p
As the non conforming semi pentecostaly christianish sort of person I am I've got to say Your mother seems like the sort of religious person I'd love to sit and chat with...

I pray that everything works out for her Carne, I can't imagine what it'd be like to be in your position right now...


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks carne (I'm sure you know that).. Hmm I can't think of anything positive to say besides stay strong bud.

I hope the best for you and your family.