Hair Follicle Test


Active Member
Hi Everyone, I have no where else to i thought I'd go to the experts. Does anyone have any suggestions for passing a hair test? This is a life or death thing and I am scared to death. Any advice would be so appreciated!!!


Active Member
i have blond hair and they court knows what i look like...i think they're trying to mess with me b/c im clean cut and your "average" good girl...and they can't understand how i am passing my urines and the judge is really nasty...they're has to be a way!


Well-Known Member
that shit costs money i doubt they will go that far, unless you in some deep shit haha


Active Member
im not even in deep shit...its a custody thing with my ex and they already made me take like 20 urines and i passed them all...thought i was out of the clear and then got crazy around thanksgiving with some friends...went for the final court thing and they ordered a hair test...i am so scared...i heard you can bleach your hair three times and use some shampoos, i don't know if that will work though. i reallly should just go britney..but couldn't imagine no hair : ( this is nuts


Well-Known Member
umm they can test more then just the hair on your head you would have to shave your entire body


Well-Known Member
lol idk about cutting your hair, they can find other place to hrarvest some hairs haha ;) but damn that suc's i havnt heard of anything that can pass that, good luck tho, that reall y suc's, ever since my neice was born shit like this always gets me


New Member
aww. Im sorry hun. I was along side a friend of mine for a custody battle. The only reason they are asking that you take a hair test is because the opposing lawyer is getting the info (from you know who)that you smoke. Try the bleaching thing. You are already blonde and at this point all it will do is give you split ends and dry it up. Condition like a biotch after that though!


Active Member
act like a severe burn victim and say you need time to grow the hair back, and dont smoke so you will pass YAY!!!!! except the burning off all your hair


Active Member
just seems so unfair. im a great mom and i don't bother with each is their own...unfortunately, my cheating ex husband is upset I have moved on and uses the only thing in the world that he knows will tear me apart, and that of course, is my two girls. and now b/c of my stupid decisions...i will lose them to an abusive, selfish person. it suks sad:sad:


New Member
What you can do is fight fire with fire. Similar situation with my friend. She set up cameras in the house to catch him in the abusive asshole act and then submitted it on court.