Hairs/Pistils turning orange/brown too soon?


Active Member
Hey I know this is an old thread but if you guys still on the forum can u let me know how it turned out. I am thinkin this is a phenotype of nirvana's bubbelicous. Cause I was lookin for a reason why my plant's pistils turned orange only about 3 weeks into flower, (since they grew pistils), and the plant stayed so much shorter then the others and it is covered in orange pistils, and the trichomes are all clear still. Guess wat this is also a Nirvana Bubbelicous plant. I searched orange pistils way too early and it seems 3 of us havin the same problem with the same strain. Did you guys end up chopping early, and did the buds turn out ok, also did they stay small till the very end?
I'm having some of the same issues . How did your plants turn out . Mine are turning orange and even if mine was pollinated I don't see seeds growing . If you still on this thread how did things turn out


I have many orange-brown pistils in the middle of the flowering period more or less (5 weeks), no pollination though, it's indoor growing, I grew feminized seeds and some clones, no males or hermies as far as I can see here. I guess this could be related to a strain trait or day/night temperature difference.


If anyone is still reading this I need some serious answers that I can't seem to find...I have a plant that vegged 3 mths and when I flipped her she had white hairs after 2 days and 4 days they are turning orange and gold...Is this part of pre flowering and it's the 4 tops closest to the light. The bottom grow sights seem normal. Not sure about the strain (seeds got mixed) . It's either mk ultra or some street brick weed. I know the mk ultra is full of orange hair. Enough that I plucked an entire bowl of orange hair when I had it. I'm hoping it's nothing, ' because it hasn't even started forming buds yet. PLEASE HELP!


Well-Known Member
Can you please post pictures? And describe your nutrients, grow medium and watering method please?
Thanks :peace: (:


I'm using ff nutes... and I was told it was pre flowering and it was doing ok for a first grow. They aren't orange, but a couple look like they have a slight purple tint. (I'm also getting old and my eyes are But I didn't want to be rude and you might have suggestions... I have exactly 20 inches of head room in the grow tent and only 5 days into pre flowering.IMG_20200911_001321.jpgIMG_20200911_000457.jpgIMG_20200910_065044.jpg


Well-Known Member
Since you said the closest to the light are changing color, I suggest doing some training to bring them farther from the light, like use some wire and pull the branches over and tie them to the pot, I poke holes in my pot when I do this it helps to even out the Canopy and it will bring them farther from the light, thus preventing burn and allowing more room for growing. If they are this young and tall you must be doing something right! They will probably double in size (Provided the environment is good) by the time they finish growing so you will need that room in their area. If you can post pictures in normal lighting of the areas you are concerned about more people will chime in on suggestions. Its hard to tell whats going on with the purple light ;)

The breeders give a flowering time as just a jumping off point. It's by no means exact. Your plant is ready when it's at peak potency which is when your trichomes are cloudy with the exception of a few sativas that dont always show ripeness while still on the vine. You'll start seeing a few amber before they're mostly/all cloudy. I try to take them with about 20% amber because I enjoy the sedative effect of the cbn.
As far as your pistils possibly turning too early, if that is the case (should start seeing a good bit turning around week 6)if its before then you may have your light too close or maybe you're foliar feeding when you shouldnt be. In regards to the size of your buds, the best help I can offer is to tell you it sounds like you're a bit new to this and you should seek out someone who's garden is looking how you want yours to look and ask them to teach you their program. Some dudes will be dicks and snub you, most will probably give you the basics of their regimen. Theres a whole bunch of great ways to produce some amazing flower and a while bunch of wrong ones too that will have you chasing your tail for months and years.

If that's not the case maybe you need to holler at a different breeder. Some seeds are just runts or duds but if you ran a whole pack and theyre all producing small weak buds and you know from experience your regimen works, then that's your genetics all day. You'll never get anywhere with shitty genetics no matter what you do.