Hanging Flex Ducting in room?


Well-Known Member
Growing in a room with a flat ceiling not a tent with supports. How can I attach the ducting from my exhaust fan on the ceiling?
If you don’t want to damage the roof as bad, I have anchored a 2x4 rail and then I would run solid or flex ducting along that. A pack of cheap ratchet straps, screws and washers, cut the straps to length.
They make nylon strapping material for hanging ducts specifically. I've used that and just put a screw/washer to side walls. For hanging you'd want some type of hardware that is intended for vertical loads. Plant hangers for instance. If you don't want several holes do like suggested above and make 1 primary rail anchored well and then staple or otherwise attach the straps.

example =>

If wood frame construction, just put some eye/hook screws into the wood joists (not just the sheetrock/drywall). Then use above strap, or some zip ties or small bungees to hang the duct. That's what I did. My $0.02.
I use the black fabric strap above and a screw, for the ducting. For the filter and fan I use big ass eye hooks and ratchet straps like you would use for a motorcycle or something you were hauling.
Eye hooks in your ceiling going into joists.

Attach heavy items this way to the hooks etc.

Then just make sure your ducting is close to each item.

I have a small 5” gap between filter and fan.
I use a small piece of ducting between them so it doesn’t sag.

Then I have a 90 bend to go up to a spigot plate to attach the ducting onto.

each ducting piece is jubilee clamped to each item.

I honestly don’t understand what’s so difficult about cutting your ducting short enough to not sag.