Hanging with girl that's turning 40, how much to spend


Well-Known Member
I don't like anyone, I basically like being alone 80% of the time.. But I've known this girl since HS and she started coming over about 2 months ago. I'm wondering how much money to spend on her on her 40th BDAY. She's a single mother with not much money and I have money.
I like hanging with her from time to time and she's easy to talk to. Kind of had a crush on her for a while and like I said we started hanging when she got a job by me... I don't see myself with anyone long term (bc of health issues), but she's cool.
I don't like anyone, I basically like being alone 80% of the time.. But I've known this girl since HS and she started coming over about 2 months ago. I'm wondering how much money to spend on her on her 40th BDAY. She's a single mother with not much money and I have money.
What kind of girl did she turn out to be?
A. Just get her fkd up and smash.. maybe call tomorrow.
B. Get her fkd up & smash... maybe not call her tomorrow.
On a serious note.. I was just fuckin around prior lol

Are you feeling her like that?
How far are you willing to take it if things go past the friend zone?
Do you even wanna really go there?
is there any baggage?
Any you are not willing to put up with? (If yes.. abandon ship)
How does she match up to your ideal woman?
Meaning the “one” for you...
I like hanging with her from time to time and she's easy to talk to. Kind of had a crush on her for a while and like I said we started hanging when she got a job by me... I don't see myself with anyone long term (bc of health issues), but she's cool.
You can still be with someone. Just be sure they make you happy. If things take a turn from what they are now.. let her know what you want.. see if that works with her personal agenda. If it does.. awesome... if it don't.. it's not too late to keep shit kosher between you two. As long as both minds are in the same place.
Back to the main question how much do I spend?? If I give her too little she might think I'm cheap.. If I give her too much money then she thinks I like her.. She is ok, I wouldn't say I like her or no one, but I do care about her and think she deserves a nice present/money.
On a serious note.. I was just fuckin around prior lol

Ass is a B+ .... I don't want to give her too much money, bc she might always except it. .. Like I said I have tinnitus and no longer am happy really.. I use to jump out of my bed and couldn't wait to start the day. I can't smoke weed, drink, or no caffeine.

Haha! This is going that direction, as you were my friend!
I kind of am dead inside, ever since I got my tinnitus do to neck and jaw issues.. I never understood what "dead inside" was til this tinnitus curse 3.5 years ago.
Well from here on out I suggest (as I would myself) to enjoy life and do all that you want to do.. and do it worry free as long as it doesn’t cause anyone else grief. (Depends on ur conscious) And once you do... do that shit again!
Rock out with your cock out my friend!
Back to the main question how much do I spend?? If I give her too little she might think I'm cheap.. If I give her too much money then she thinks I like her.. She is ok, I wouldn't say I like her or no one, but I do care about her and think she deserves a nice present/money.

You say you can't smoke cannabis, but can or does she? A nice concentrate, or hash, something un-common from a local dispensary maybe? It's not too much, unassuming, and doesn't make you seem cheap, or really make any statement other than "I like you enough to buy you some hash".

This is a cannabis forum after all! :bigjoint:
Back to the main question how much do I spend?? If I give her too little she might think I'm cheap.. If I give her too much money then she thinks I like her.. She is ok, I wouldn't say I like her or no one, but I do care about her and think she deserves a nice present/money.
Dinner 100
Can’t smoke weed.. saved 40
Drinks after dinner 60
Condoms 10
Back seat free

this is my cold side answer lol