Hanging with girl that's turning 40, how much to spend

Take her out to a nice seafood restaurant. Or steak place. Buy her some nice earrings. The 529 account for her kids is a good idea. I always felt cash is so thoughtless and lazy. Even gift cards really. If cost is really no matter then drop whatever you like, just put some thought into it. I'm still unclear on whether or not you're fucking her or trying to fuck her. If you are not trying to fuck her then none of this really matters and just get her an Amazon gift card and be done with it.
Ass is a B+ .... I don't want to give her too much money, bc she might always except it. .. Like I said I have tinnitus and no longer am happy really.. I use to jump out of my bed and couldn't wait to start the day. I can't smoke weed, drink, or no caffeine.
Oh man, my sympathies....I have severe tinnitus too, and it does suck majorly. There are things you can do though...I have tried a bunch of them. Honestly, I was about ready to end it...Saw several hearing specialist who told me it was hopeless, nothing could be done, etc., then I saw a tinnitus specialist. I now wear Widex hearing aids and they, at times, eliminate my tinnitus. Not always, and not completely, but enough that I can enjoy life again, smoke weed again, and everything else. Widex, check it out. They were $6,000, but it beats a funeral!! And insurance helped a bunch!! And there's other things you can do as well!! Xanax is a good short term "fix", and I have learned for me, stress has a lot to do with it. I have had to learn how to avoid stress as much as possible.

And a tip for everyone else...protect your hearing, because you do NOT want tinnitus!!
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Oh man, my sympathies....I have severe tinnitus too, and it does suck majorly. There are things you can do though...I have tried a bunch of them. Honestly, I was about ready to end it...Saw several hearing specialist who told me it was hopeless, nothing could be done, etc., then I saw a tinnitus specialist. I now wear Widex hearing aids and they, at times, eliminate my tinnitus. Not always, and not completely, but enough that I can enjoy life again, smoke weed again, and everything else. Widex, check it out. They were $6,000, but it beats a funeral!! And insurance helped a bunch!! And there's other things you can do as well!! Xanax is a good short term "fix", and I have learned for me, stress has a lot to do with it. I have had to learn how to avoid stress as much as possible.

And a tip for everyone else...protect your hearing, because you do NOT want tinnitus!!

Is you're tinnitus reactive to sound?? How did you get it my T is from a reverse curve in my neck that led to forward head posture that gave me TMJ.
In 2002 I fractured my foot then 3 months later I tore a ligament in my ankle. I thought someone shot me it was so bad. I didn't have surgery until 1.5 years later. That was fun compared to my Tinnitus.
Oh man, my sympathies....I have severe tinnitus too, and it does suck majorly. There are things you can do though...I have tried a bunch of them. Honestly, I was about ready to end it...Saw several hearing specialist who told me it was hopeless, nothing could be done, etc., then I saw a tinnitus specialist. I now wear Widex hearing aids and they, at times, eliminate my tinnitus. Not always, and not completely, but enough that I can enjoy life again, smoke weed again, and everything else. Widex, check it out. They were $6,000, but it beats a funeral!! And insurance helped a bunch!! And there's other things you can do as well!! Xanax is a good short term "fix", and I have learned for me, stress has a lot to do with it. I have had to learn how to avoid stress as much as possible.

And a tip for everyone else...protect your hearing, because you do NOT want tinnitus!!

I don't think Widex would be good for me because my T is reactive. If I'm sitting in a quiet room it doesn't bother me that much. But once the tv is on, furnance or other shit it gets amplified.
My T is reactive too. I don't use the Widex Zen feature because all it does is make the T louder...Like they are competing. The way the audiologist explained it, it is more of a brain deficiency than a hearing issue. I do have mild to moderate hearing loss but I really wear the hearing aids to help with the T, although right away I did notice I was missing a lot of subtle sounds.

Most hearing places will let you try some hearing aids for free.

There's no way for me to know for sure, as I did a lot of construction work over the years and I'm in my late 50's, but both my hips are metal on metal and I have elevated cobalt & chromium levels, and at the top of the list for those issues is hearing loss and tinnitus. Plus the way it came on suddenly in me makes me think it is the metals. No one else in my family has had it, but again, who knows.

Yeah, I been through a lot too and the T is by far the worse!
My T is reactive too. I don't use the Widex Zen feature because all it does is make the T louder...Like they are competing. The way the audiologist explained it, it is more of a brain deficiency than a hearing issue. I do have mild to moderate hearing loss but I really wear the hearing aids to help with the T, although right away I did notice I was missing a lot of subtle sounds.

Most hearing places will let you try some hearing aids for free.

There's no way for me to know for sure, as I did a lot of construction work over the years and I'm in my late 50's, but both my hips are metal on metal and I have elevated cobalt & chromium levels, and at the top of the list for those issues is hearing loss and tinnitus. Plus the way it came on suddenly in me makes me think it is the metals. No one else in my family has had it, but again, who knows.

Yeah, I been through a lot too and the T is by far the worse!

Would you're T go way up when you smoked befroe the Widex??