Happy Thanksgiving - what a happy time for America and the world


Well-Known Member
America is so blessed to be on the right path again. Finally peace at the dinner table as the voters have spoken and both sides should come together and honor the wishes of the people in a free and fair election. There is excitement in America as the wars will soon be over, the bureaucracy and the unelected tyrants will be cast out like the freeloaders they are, free speech will be celebrated again, the criminal illegals will be removed as well as those refusing to leave who's cases have been heard and they don't qualify, and that's a good start. The crazy woke agenda and DEI has been exposed for what it is....truly, the people have been shown what the matrix never wanted them to see, the justice department will be restored to its former non political glory for all the world to envy, and all the people, of all races living in America, will have the same equal chance to succeed in the greatest country ever created. America is the pinnacle of success and everyone knows it because they all want to get in for a piece of good old American pie...except the hollywood elites, they want out, and we need to show them the door. God bless you all, GOD BLESS AMERICA AND DONALD TRUMP, and THANK YOU FOUNDING FATHERS!!!!
America is so blessed to be on the right path again. Finally peace at the dinner table as the voters have spoken and both sides should come together and honor the wishes of the people in a free and fair election. There is excitement in America as the wars will soon be over, the bureaucracy and the unelected tyrants will be cast out like the freeloaders they are, free speech will be celebrated again, the criminal illegals will be removed as well as those refusing to leave who's cases have been heard and they don't qualify, and that's a good start. The crazy woke agenda and DEI has been exposed for what it is....truly, the people have been shown what the matrix never wanted them to see, the justice department will be restored to its former non political glory for all the world to envy, and all the people, of all races living in America, will have the same equal chance to succeed in the greatest country ever created. America is the pinnacle of success and everyone knows it because they all want to get in for a piece of good old American pie...except the hollywood elites, they want out, and we need to show them the door. God bless you all, GOD BLESS AMERICA AND DONALD TRUMP, and THANK YOU FOUNDING FATHERS!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving,I'm a centrist,pragmatic Dem,I also like a united USA,I'm not woke and sure as hell don't want to defund the police. I think the D party drifted too far left, that said this country was certainly not AWOKEN when they sleepwalked into putting the biggest con and creator of FAKE Alternative News as a way to rebrand obvious lies and false info back into office,the policies he's pushing ,along w/ a cabinet of sheer folly will result in American Carnage that will make his chaotic 1st term seem mild in comparison. The Founding Fathers never in their wildest anticipated such a morally bankrupt individual attaining the Presidency and will roll over in their graves as he uses the Constitution they so carefully drafted as CHARMIN,more Cool Aid?
I'm thankful for the four blessed years that Joe Biden gave to the people of the US allowing the economy and our society to recover from the disastrous chaos the ensued during Trump's first term. A term that ended in the turmoil of an epidemic for which Trump was completely unfit to lead us through. I'm thankful that this country had a chance to heal and prepare for the challenges the next four years will present to our democracy, freedom and way of life.
I'm thankful for the four blessed years that Joe Biden gave to the people of the US allowing the economy and our society to recover from the disastrous chaos the ensued during Trump's first term. A term that ended in the turmoil of an epidemic for which Trump was completely unfit to lead us through. I'm thankful that this country had a chance to heal and prepare for the challenges the next four years will present to our democracy, freedom and way of life.
Nice to see you back Fog.
Im totally sure and completely confident that yet another Republican president will lead us into another recession. But hey, who cares, the price of eggs ! (Is actually going up again).
R's are deficit hawks w/a D pres. and Congress control,flip the coin and it's Tax cuts to those who can and should pay,deregulation that SCREWS the consumer deficit be damned, and the rise of the Evangelical right's influence in National politics is a COMPLETE middle finger to the separation of church and state. The Founding Fathers were wise beyond their yrs. to recognize that religion and politics are toxic,look at the Middle East,Crusades,etc.
Nice to see you back Fog.
Biden meant well,I believe his heart/ morals are in the right place,his age and the R's use of lies and disinformation coupled w/his heart sinking debate performance spelled doom. The last Stimulus package overheated the economy and the R's ran w/that,how Americans put such a morally bankrupt man back to the Oval Office strains my imagination. To reduce their choice solely to the money in their pocket suggests frighteningly simpleton tendencies present in voters despite the MOUNTAIN of evidence suggesting that Trump shouldn't have gotten within sight of the White House again. The 2024 election serves as splash of ice cold water in the face,a wake-up to the new reality of what is acceptable to American voters. Presenting this guy as the "Face of America" to the rest of the world overlooking the warnings of those in the know,the evidence,the indictments,and the history is a poor reflection on where we are as a people I'm ashamed to say. The D party has to toughen up,move back to the center some,and not allow themselves to be painted by very far left issues that are foreign to Americans not on the coasts to appeal more to working class Americans. We're in for a parade of Trump clones, using the same vile tactics, following the same sad road, he has paved in forthcoming Presidential elections and the D's need strategies that resonate more w/the working masses that also include rural Americans.
America is so blessed to be on the right path again. Finally peace at the dinner table as the voters have spoken and both sides should come together and honor the wishes of the people in a free and fair election. There is excitement in America as the wars will soon be over, the bureaucracy and the unelected tyrants will be cast out like the freeloaders they are, free speech will be celebrated again, the criminal illegals will be removed as well as those refusing to leave who's cases have been heard and they don't qualify, and that's a good start. The crazy woke agenda and DEI has been exposed for what it is....truly, the people have been shown what the matrix never wanted them to see, the justice department will be restored to its former non political glory for all the world to envy, and all the people, of all races living in America, will have the same equal chance to succeed in the greatest country ever created. America is the pinnacle of success and everyone knows it because they all want to get in for a piece of good old American pie...except the hollywood elites, they want out, and we need to show them the door. God bless you all, GOD BLESS AMERICA AND DONALD TRUMP, and THANK YOU FOUNDING FATHERS!!!!

Thank goodness we have someone to speak for the billionaires.
Biden meant well,I believe his heart/ morals are
i'll just leave this hear as a reminder:

View attachment 5442290

Friendly reminder on what gonna happen
Tell you what, let's pull this up in 4 years and see what is actually happens.
i'll just leave this hear as a reminder:

View attachment 5442290

Friendly reminder on what gonna happen
There is a pretty good saying, and it goes like this: whatever a liberal accuses a conservative of doing, you can bet the liberal is doing it themselves. The examples go on and on, from democracy, to quid pro quo, to the justice system, to free speech, to "my body, my choice", etc
Tell you what, let's pull this up in 4 years and see what is actually happens.

There is a pretty good saying, and it goes like this: whatever a liberal accuses a conservative of doing, you can bet the liberal is doing it themselves. The examples go on and on, from democracy, to quid pro quo, to the justice system, to free speech, to "my body, my choice", etc

here is another saying "well, you voted for him, better buckle up"
Christian Nationalism’s First Item on the Agenda: Repeal Women’s Right to Vote
Right after the election, Pastor Joel Webbon, president of the Right Response Ministries, said that half of his vote was stolen from him by the 19th Amendment—that would be the 1920 amendment that enshrined women’s right to vote. As Webbon noted in his podcast, he does “allow” his wife to vote so that half of his “stolen” vote can be returned to him.
Women’s suffrage is only the beginning as Project 2025—a far-right transition plan for Trump’s second presidency, undermines additional voting rights and democracy more broadly under the banner of Christian nationalism.