Hard to clone strain


Well-Known Member
I recently made the switch from coco and bottled nutrients to a coots type mix and never plan on going back.
The aero clonner seems like a step back in that direction.
I only have a small cutting/seed tent and don’t think one would fit.

But don’t worry, Should I continue have little success with this one strain I may find myself looking into one.
I am growing in all organic living soil. Aero is just unbeatable for ease of use and success rate. If you're really set on going FULL organic then sure... I dip in clonex gel and use clonex solution in my res, that's the only non-organic anything that the girls get throughout their lifetime.

I use the CloneKing 36 site cloner, it's relatively small, fits perfect in a 2x2, you could cram it into a smaller space if need be haha.


Well-Known Member
I recently made the switch from coco and bottled nutrients to a coots type mix and never plan on going back.
The aero clonner seems like a step back in that direction.
I only have a small cutting/seed tent and don’t think one would fit.

But don’t worry, Should I continue have little success with this one strain I may find myself looking into one.
You will find your fave, but do try the clone king. It will seriously up your success ratio. I've had a few strains like that, I ended up breeding her to a similar strain which cloned easier. The best part is that you sometimes create your own "bell ringer". Best of luck


New Member
Hi all,
Just scanned through the post and wondered how you went with cloning?
I am having the same issue too! I have tried all ways, that I know of, to get one particular strain cloned and nothing has worked so far.

I have tried.
cutting, dipping in clonex gel, into rockwool cubes, they just feel over in the middle - as in damping off??
air layering - purchased air layering pods and used damp peat moss with a little clonex gel, - 8 weeks and still nothing!
clone station - 12 clones and 7 weeks later - nothing, they just seems to rot away.

I'd love to know what other techniques others use that has a 99.9% success rate?

I only have one mother left. sativa dom 95%


Well-Known Member
Rockwool or the like. Soak for 24 hrs straight water. Dip in rooting solution plug in medium put in dome with vents cracked just a little. No spraying the lid or plants. Should be enough humidity with 6-10 plugs in it. Your problem is too much humidity.


Well-Known Member
The particular plant I made the post about is still a bit tricky.
I ended up using small pots (solo cup size) filled with 3/4 coco and the rest fresh worm castings straight from the worm bin.
Took the cut as I would with jiffy’s and clone gel and pushed it in just past the casting layer, then placed moistened sandwich bags over each one with an elastic band. All took perfectly.