Harper promises a national drugs strategy (not talking health care)

Won't happen, he's very well prepared and judging by the emails
Will do or say anything to protect the PMO.

It's easy to see the corruption when reading between the lines, but as per the emails it shows the great lengths they took to shelter the PMO from any fallout.

The emails also show (reading between the lines) that the PMO knew what was happening and how, however, the back room conversations and deals won't be part of any evidence and the emails lack a direct link to the PM himself.

This scandal is damn near party wide, they whitewashed reports, silenced any major players and flat out lied to the public.

But none of that will fall at harpers feet during the trial, the election is a different story though.
they said he was an excellent witness...uh huh. he has crafted his answers like a politician- talk a lot, deflect and don't answer.
i hope they ask him to run over the timeline and who did he talk to and what was discussed. i think if they ask him to walk through who knew what and when, it might nail Harper. it's tough to believe that he's a hands on ruler but didn't know about this? maybe they told Harper-"you don't want any of this..stay out" (now i am thinking of the dewy Cox story..haha) and he listened so he could play stupid..and he does that very well.
The whole thing pisses me off but nothing irks me more than the blatantly transparent lies, collusion, cover ups and corruption.

So Harpco, get tough on crime then! Fucking asshole would wind up in bracelets
just like some of his other party members. So, toss duff under the buss, screw walin, fuck brazeau and anyone else who caused the CONs an embarrassing moment.

Everyday now the POS PMO makes new promises, desperAte to change the tune, desperate for reelection. Problem is there are too many idiots who he panders to that forget the constant scandals, the constant lies and double standards.

RaWr! Fucker gets me fired up and there's too much to post in a single thread.
The whole thing pisses me off but nothing irks me more than the blatantly transparent lies, collusion, cover ups and corruption.

So Harpco, get tough on crime then! Fucking asshole would wind up in bracelets
just like some of his other party members. So, toss duff under the buss, screw walin, fuck brazeau and anyone else who caused the CONs an embarrassing moment.

Everyday now the POS PMO makes new promises, desperAte to change the tune, desperate for reelection. Problem is there are too many idiots who he panders to that forget the constant scandals, the constant lies and double standards.

RaWr! Fucker gets me fired up and there's too much to post in a single thread.
don't forget he will make sure there's no Netflix tax...whew...that was weighing on me...what a joke of a promise!