Kellie Leitch Says She'd Make Pot Illegal Again If Elected Prime Minister

Most of us can easily see why the conservative's would back this kind of environmental nightmare.
either way adults or kids...asbestos (chrysotile) is a dangerous rock/mineral (and should probably be left alone in the ground), that still has plenty of uses, and I doubt that anytime soon they will stop mining it,completely.

As long as there is a need for fireproof /resistant surfaces,there will be a need to mine this mineral/rock.
I can see why they would want to reduce the number of operating mines, to the bare minimum,because this rock has the potential to make you very sick.
No, there is no reason to use asbestos for fireproofing.

Here we go FUCK THE CHILDREN, you're kids are already high on sugar wheats, the drink box. pop, sugar snack you sent them to skool with. You have already done more damage to your kid with shitty diet and detergents, home cleaning products that weed ever could. Your kids are already high and can get weed faster then you can.

But but lets not worry about alcohol which is in majority of houses and is a true gateway drug. After all if daddy can have two beers after work so can Jane and Johnny Canuck after school.

'Children' was always a straw argument; the last straw for me with this particular LEECH is that in order to push such a political position, she has to turn her back on The Hippocratic Oath, the solemn pledge every doctor takes to do no harm and heal with what they have to the best of their ability.

In other words, a typical conservative HYPOCRITE.
It will take years for the phobic reefer madness control regime to die off. Good riddance to them all.
My patience with being fucked over is pretty much non existent.
They wanted to hurt I hope they are hurtin. I've been waiting years to hand the phobic's their asses.
I actually have been seeing lately ( here n there ) the dislike the Non's are gettin back now...and I love it that they hate now too. Join the club ya drunken SOB's.
Don't think I'll ever doze off watching their jugulars. YES I'm bitter at the time wasted and lives ruined.
these conservative MP's have to be stopped.
where do they get their absolute blindness to the truth.

legal pot will make it easier for children to get.....ha
I dropped my daughter off this morning at high school and just in front
of the school parked on the grass was an older volks jetta with 2 kids hotboxing!
sun was shinning into the windows and smoke billowing.
you'd think they'd spend more time regulating stupidity

what I'm seeing at the same school I went to 30 some odd years ago.. that you dont see what you're talking about EVERY DAY 24/7 365
like it was when we went there. :joint:
Getting high just isnt cool anymore, not from what I see.
Here we go FUCK THE CHILDREN, you're kids are already high on sugar wheats, the drink box. pop, sugar snack you sent them to skool with. You have already done more damage to your kid with shitty diet and detergents, home cleaning products that weed ever could. Your kids are already high and can get weed faster then you can.

But but lets not worry about alcohol which is in majority of houses and is a true gateway drug. After all if daddy can have two beers after work so can Jane and Johnny Canuck after school.

I saw a sugar documentary. Coverup like tobacco.
Eat a few apples get fructose with fibre, slows absorption.
Drink soda pop, like a few ounces = few apples. get fructose rush.
Sucrose is glucose plus fructose molecule.
Soooo bad. Major cause diabetes epidemic.
I saw a sugar documentary. Coverup like tobacco.
Eat a few apples get fructose with fibre, slows absorption.
Drink soda pop, like a few ounces = few apples. get fructose rush.
Sucrose is glucose plus fructose molecule.
Soooo bad. Major cause diabetes epidemic.

That's the thing, health care, medicine and knowledge of the environment has pushed our lifespans to 70+ years, but letting food companies sell food full or chemicals, sugars and fats specifically targeted at children has damaged their metabolic systems for life in lots of instances.
That's the thing, health care, medicine and knowledge of the environment has pushed our lifespans to 70+ years, but letting food companies sell food full or chemicals, sugars and fats specifically targeted at children has damaged their metabolic systems for life in lots of instances.

Sugar and food industries powerful.
Like the Hippy says, the struggle never ends, cause the right wing always wants more control.
Traffic - 40,000 Headmen (1971) link not work?