Im at 5 weeks with one of my racks and the DAM!! yellowing has started again.
I know its not a heat problem beacuse the highest the temps in the room gets is 87. An its mostly not yellowing at the top near the lights, but low random leaves.
I think it may be an over fert problem?
Stink? or lion? or any of yall? In my journal and earlier pics ( before i started using RO water and c02) the plants stayed green all the way to the flush.
My thinking and i may be wrong but when using my 600ppm tap water i would bring the ppm to 2000ppm in the flower res. And the plants didnt yellow.
Maybe beacuse im bringing the ppm to 2000ppm with clean 0ppm water its too much?????
and the leaves are getting an overload and cant hold that much nutes?
I am flushing with clean water for 24 hours in this rack and need some input on what to do with the nutes afterward?
Yo Dirt - yes, you are right... with 600ppm tap, you were running the equivalent of 1400ppm with 0 ppm water... so you are running 600ppm hotter than you were with tap! Botanicare recommends lowering your ppm's around week 6 (as do most nutrient makers).
What up with these yellow leaves? What are your res temps? I wonder if you tried increasing the irrigation interval to 6 off 1 on... I wonder if the roots start to slow down the drainage rate as they get big at weeks 5 - 6 and cause a drop in the amount of available oxygen? ...or perhaps they need more frequent watering? haha - I am really reaching here!
Not sure we have the same issue - as my lower leaves were unaffected...?