Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Sorry I haven't been around guys. Summer is my busy time of the year and I'm swamped with work. Not that I'm complaining! The economy sucks right now so I feel lucky to have too much work.

I've basically been working, eating, sleeping and kiteboarding.

I have an interesting story. I've tried growing pot without flushing before and it always had a sort of minty fresh grass taste to it. I didn't learn about flushing until I had grown a couple of years.

So I'm flushing my last batch of plants and forgot to plug the pump back in after I filled the res with water and Sweet:dunce:. I woke up the next morning to all the plants wilting. I plugged the pump in and within 3-4 hours the plants perked back up to normal except for most of the fan leaves had turned light green/yellow.

The next day all the leaves where yellow. Just like I had been flushing for 5+ days. All the pistils had turned orange. I tried a sample and it tasted finished so I went ahead and cut them after just 2 days of flushing. One night of drought then 24hrs of water with 450ml of Sweet.

I just sampled the final product and I can't believe how sweet it is. By far the best bud I've ever grown so far. It tastes just like candy, I shit you not!

I'm not sure what happened but whatever it was has opened up my mind. Am I completely insane or did I just accidentally discover a completely new way of harvesting?

I did some blind taste tests with my patients and buddies. So far the new bud is in another league above and beyond anything we have ever tasted. Every strain has shown massive improvement in smell and taste.

Who is willing to take a chance and try this new method with me? I give you my word you are going to shit when you taste the bud!!!!!!

StinkBud's drought method of harvesting bud:

1) Leave your pump off the day before harvest. After about 12 hours your plants should be wilting enough for step 2. You don't want to kill them, you just want them to use all the available water in the roots, leaves and stems.

2) Fill the res with water and 450ml of Sweet. I'm using half Berry and half Citrus Sweet. Plug the pump back in. The plant's empty cells are refilled with pure sweet water.

3) Within 24-48hrs your plants should be a light green/yellow color. Go ahead and harvest as normal.

4) Get ready to be surprised!!! Do a taste test and tell me if I'm crazy or not.
Who is willing to take a chance and try this new method with me? I give you my word you are going to shit when you taste the bud!!!!!!

I'm starting my flush this saturday! About 40/60 Amber/Cloudy right now, I think I'll take you up on that offer.
I already started my flush, its been about 36 hours with 450ml of sweet. Can i still try this?

I'm not really sure dirt. I don't think this has ever been tried before so we have nothing to go on.

The concept is to dry the plant out and force it to use all the available water in the roots, leaves and stems. Then when you add water the cells are filled with Sweet water.

I'm taking hits right now as I write this and I'm beyond blown away by the taste. I'm in complete shock about how good it is.

Go and smell the bottle of berry Sweet. That's exactly how sweet your bud will taste and smell. The Citrus adds a little more orange/lemon taste to the bud.

My Goo smells and tastes just like a grape Lifesaver candy. The taste lingers on your pallet for a long timer after the hit. I think you can tell how excited I am!
Hey Stink! Thanks for your help man! While you were here I just wanted to ask you really quick, your opinion on TriFlex. I ordered one of them for Veg. Botanicare has some really awesome info on the site on the nutes :) Thanks again Stink!
Think i will wait and try that method on the next batch.

ps. I just made 30 grams of bubblehash,, (30 from the bottom 20 micron bag)
i have it pressed and sitting on a plate. How long are you supposed to let it dry for?
StinkBud's drought method of harvesting bud:

1) Leave your pump off the day before harvest. After about 12 hours your plants should be wilting enough for step 2. You don't want to kill them, you just want them to use all the available water in the roots, leaves and stems.

2) Fill the res with water and 450ml of Sweet. I'm using half Berry and half Citrus Sweet. Plug the pump back in. The plant's empty cells are refilled with pure sweet water.

3) Within 24-48hrs your plants should be a light green/yellow color. Go ahead and harvest as normal.

4) Get ready to be surprised!!! Do a taste test and tell me if I'm crazy or not.

I have got to be psychic.. this is EXACTLY what i was doing.. score one for chef!

actually, i just ran out of water(again). i didnt check em for a day. lol. BUT this is a nice save. gunna go start the sweet flush right now. thx again stink kiss-ass

Sorry I haven't been around guys. Summer is my busy time of the year and I'm swamped with work. Not that I'm complaining! The economy sucks right now so I feel lucky to have too much work.

I've basically been working, eating, sleeping and kiteboarding.

I have an interesting story. I've tried growing pot without flushing before and it always had a sort of minty fresh grass taste to it. I didn't learn about flushing until I had grown a couple of years.

So I'm flushing my last batch of plants and forgot to plug the pump back in after I filled the res with water and Sweet:dunce:. I woke up the next morning to all the plants wilting. I plugged the pump in and within 3-4 hours the plants perked back up to normal except for most of the fan leaves had turned light green/yellow.

The next day all the leaves where yellow. Just like I had been flushing for 5+ days. All the pistils had turned orange. I tried a sample and it tasted finished so I went ahead and cut them after just 2 days of flushing. One night of drought then 24hrs of water with 450ml of Sweet.

I just sampled the final product and I can't believe how sweet it is. By far the best bud I've ever grown so far. It tastes just like candy, I shit you not!

I'm not sure what happened but whatever it was has opened up my mind. Am I completely insane or did I just accidentally discover a completely new way of harvesting?

I did some blind taste tests with my patients and buddies. So far the new bud is in another league above and beyond anything we have ever tasted. Every strain has shown massive improvement in smell and taste.

Who is willing to take a chance and try this new method with me? I give you my word you are going to shit when you taste the bud!!!!!!

StinkBud's drought method of harvesting bud:

1) Leave your pump off the day before harvest. After about 12 hours your plants should be wilting enough for step 2. You don't want to kill them, you just want them to use all the available water in the roots, leaves and stems.

2) Fill the res with water and 450ml of Sweet. I'm using half Berry and half Citrus Sweet. Plug the pump back in. The plant's empty cells are refilled with pure sweet water.

3) Within 24-48hrs your plants should be a light green/yellow color. Go ahead and harvest as normal.

4) Get ready to be surprised!!! Do a taste test and tell me if I'm crazy or not.
Stink did you have any noticible taste difference with using half berry half citrus. Does it have a citrus taste.
Im thinking of trying the sweet on my current grow, but i'm semi-worried about (basically) smoking botanicare sweet, should I not be?
A few posts back Stink had a accident where he incorrectly flushed and it contained mucho Berry.. He said the taste was incredible. Read boi :hump:


Im thinking of trying the sweet on my current grow, but i'm semi-worried about (basically) smoking botanicare sweet, should I not be?
Stink did you have any noticible taste difference with using half berry half citrus. Does it have a citrus taste.

Yea, I do notice the citrus taste. Especially in my Blueberry. It tastes like a generic citrus. You can't tell if it's orange, lemon or grapefruit but it's there.

How good is the new bud? I always have my bud curing in jars. It takes at least a month for the bud to cure.

I like this new bud so much I emptied out all my stash jars of primo cured buds and filled them with the new green bud.
I need advice on brands of equipment, which is best, what wattage is best, dual sets of lights or one, what fan/filter systems are best, where to shop? I could also use suggestions on what type of seeds are the best, where to buy? I have questions about yields per plant, nutrients needed and what’s best (natural vs chemical)? How many plants can grow in what size of an area? Do you clip the lower leaves off to promote growth from that area and do you snip the tops off to promote doubling and how often if so? Is there anyone out there that is willing to take the time to answer these plus others I am sure will come up? I currently have 9 plants growing outdoors and need to bring them indoors for safety from weather and curiosity lookers. I have grown it before outdoors with mixed results.
Thats all a matter of opinion, space, budget, etc. Are you in pain? Do you need it for anxiety? RIU is full of answers for you. Check the other threads as well. This particular thread is dedicated to a Aeroponic system by Stinkbud, and how to get it perfect. Use the search button ;)
A few posts back Stink had a accident where he incorrectly flushed and it contained mucho Berry.. He said the taste was incredible.

My post was concerning any health issues, not if it tastes good. So ill help you to your own advice...

Now, my "original berry sweet" says its derived from magnesium sulfate, the msds shows low health concerns regarding exposure to it. However its highly soluble in water, and ingestion can lead to issues....

Since magnesium salts are slowly absorbed, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea may be the only symptoms. However, if elimination is blocked by bowel blockage or other reasons, CNS depression, lack of reflexes, hypocalcemia (deficiency of calcium in the blood) may occur.

So I may skip this for general care, but will try it for my own personal smoke.

Thanks for all the tips StinkBud.
Hey all.. just wanted to post and let all know of another lil security problem.

I went to the cro shop today to get some nutes. Picked up some micro and bloom, paid and left. Got about 2-3 blocks away and here come the laws. Had 2 undercovers, a K9 and a reg marked one. They took my girl out the car, ?'d her, then came to my side and asked me what I had in the bag, well they found the nutes. then said they were getting a warrent to check the house or cooroperate, I knew all i had were a few small bshy mothers and some clones. So away to the house we went.. :(

Got to the house, they saw my SMALL setup, and was like, this is it? I said yes, its personal. They asked me who was teachin me, where is the person with the big growss.. I was like, I learned off the net, like everything else you can learn. Assholes wanted me to be a nark..lol. Told they asses didnt know anyone, and i really dont. They said since i was cooprperative, it was beter on me, cause if they would have went thru the whole warrent and dog show, they would have to have taken me. They took the plants and wrote me a paraphenalia (sp?) ticket and left.

So I guess I'm done for awhile until I can figure a few things out.
Just a heads up, if you see unmarked law cars(crown vics, imps) near your hydro store, watch out.

So again.. :`(