Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

I'd say if you don't sell any of your weed you grow then simply put any price is an expense, why not be open to other products that easily could be the SAMETHING in a different bottle. I only got to use it for a few months but really liked a nutrient I used called ENVY http://www.envybrand.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=70&Itemid=79 its a fantastic product that isn't marketed towards growing pot and inturn is much cheaper then many of the other products out there. I had great results with it, and some of the best tasting herb I've ever grown. I've been trying to get my local shop to order me some for forever cus I don't order supplies to my house.
Price of nutrients per ounce is very subjective, an ounce where I live goes for $150 and thats not the cheap stuff. This system dosent give me a pound every 3 weeks because I dont run strains that yield much.
I left botanicare pure blend pro to go with more chemical based nutes as I also wanted run sterile reservoirs so couldnt have mycos in there to digest the organics. It was making this switch one summer to a low cost chemical nute that I found the quality of buds no worse than the botanicare pure blend. I then experimented with different brands before I settled on the Dyna Bloom nutrients. It just so happened the cost of these were super cheap compared to what I was paying, plus I wasnt mixing so many different nutrients together making it all quick and easy.
How can the price of weed affect the price of nutes? It doesnt matter if you sell it or keep it the price is the same per ounce. And $150 is cheap for anythjng, by the way. I understand peoples preferences and likes i was just stating that in the long run the nutes arent that expensive and that $1.20 for the life of a plant that yields 3+ ounces is a damn good return.
Some unfortunate herb smokers are paying up to 25$ a gram (just for flowers mind you)..... which makes what SS said ^^^^ way more relevant to the growers just trying to be self sufficient. Nutrient debate is just the same as the infamous lighting debate, whatever floats your boat and is available to you is the biggest key factor IMHO. What stink said waaay back when, If you're truly worried about price of nutes...then this system isn't quite right for you......yet!:bigjoint::weed: Upgrading your system overtime is part of the fun of growing, for me at least haha.bongsmilie

:leaf:Did I mention that you guys are fuckin' awesome??? my bad if i forgot to remind ya'll :leaf:
My nute cabinet has easily $400 in jugs of mostly Botanicare and I have been replacing them as they run low, usually with the bigger ones because of their economy. I recently let the Liquid Karma run out and ran to my local hydro store to pay $64.50 for a gallon, which got my attention. If I can simplify the grow and save both labor and expense it makes sense to do it. I love the results that I have gotten so far, but am afflicted with the desire to improve on everything all the time, like most growers. If the Jack's does not produce results that are as good as Botanicare I will switch back. In fact, I am only going to test the Jack's in one system. I have not seen anything negative about this stuff, but I just might be the guy to post up a lost crop with it. One way to find out. Even if it was just 10% cheaper I'd still do the test because I am that cheap.:bigjoint:
the art of frugality... is not a negative thing at all, and by no means "cheap" my friend. the phrase "you gotta do what you gotta do" can be interpreted in both ways. For these forum purposes though, if i hear someone getting equal results or better with something cheaper, of course it will get my attention, no matter if i was struggling for $$$ or not, its just common sense, for me at least :blsmoke:
I believe that is the flower room, and at the beginning he was vegging in a spare bathroom if I remember correctly back to 08......Anyway a spare room would be a great place for this kind of set up for sure! I've been planning a room like Stinks for a few years now just gotta get my own house.
Ah. If that's the case then I can't fit the full system. Drats. I have 7' x 10' but need space to get in, move around, ect. I'm going to have to read through this stuff again.
My grow space is a 5' x 8' flower room with a veg closet that has doors and a curtain. Installing the ducting that got the carbon filter and vents out was the hardest part and counting the amps used by the lights and making sure not to overload the electrical circuits took some work. Glad I took the carpet out and painted the walls with anti mold paint. This was originally designed as a bedroom, converted to a storeroom and I just added a simple stud wall with a door to cut the room in half and keep it discreet and secure. It can be converted back to simple storage in about a day, but I plan to keep it.:mrgreen:
I've always wondered that with all the collesum type grows, and the vert scrogs where you can't get in to the plants in the middle.
I have taken a couple of tumbles in there while stretching to the back and landing on those fence rails in the ribs hurts. But i found out how durable my systems are, if they can take 250# landing on them and still not leak thats good.
SS, you musta switched from the PVC pipe frames, my stumbles and impossible reaches have popped pipes out of sockets more times than I can count. Good reason to not cement the pieces, that way you have a gentler landing as the rack crushes in slow motion as you fall...:bigjoint: