Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

You don't need rockwool with my cloner. Just leave the cuttings hanging in air. I cut the net portion of the net pot off and just leave the couple of inches. That way I can just pull the clones right out of the netpot without damaging the roots. (I grow soil)
They have already been in the rockwool for 2 days. Should I remove it before the roots grow more?
stink any alterations to your system recently?
Kind of...I'm actually designing a PVC support system for soil or Coco. I want to be able to train the plants and keep them spread out and low. The thing is I want to be able to move the pot, plant and support all at one time.

So I'm coming up with a rig that somewhat resembles the SB Single support. The entire plant fits within the cage and everything can be moved together. I'll be trying some prototypes this round and seeing what works best. I'd like to use this same layout with a drip to waste Coco system too.

I'm setting up a StinkBud Single right now. I have the plants in the cloner ready to go. I just need to put it all together and get it running. I plan on doing a side by side test using the exact same strains. One will be in soil the other in the SB Single. It should be an interesting test.

Stay tuned bro, I have a lot of cool tests coming up. Now that I have everything setup I can start back to work. I always have a pencil and paper in front of me sketching out ideas and designs. The growing is actually just a small part of what I do. You should see the other things I design!
Let's change the law, it is time to end prohibition, join NORML or at least let your politicians know that it is time. They generally only hear from the control freaks who want to keep it illegal. We changed the law in CO by voting. The politicians here are almost all against this, but we did it by getting involved and outnumbering them.
I was able to purchase a display cloner and paint it black for cheap. I returned all my lowes items and actually got the cloner for less. Pretty excited.

My question being, are my clones to close together?
How long will that light be okay? Just use it until I grow roots then I can give them as much light as possible correct?
I was going to run them 5 off 1 on as far as the sprayer, but the cloner was only slightly more than the timer so Im just running full on.
Is 1500 ppm nutrients to strong for full on sprayer?
I plan on growing them in this until they are to big to fit then transferring to soil and growing under a 1000w MH for 3 weeks then 1000w HPS

Thoughts? Thanks stink


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I was able to purchase a display cloner and paint it black for cheap. I returned all my lowes items and actually got the cloner for less. Pretty excited.

My question being, are my clones to close together?

The one on the lower left needs a little more space. It's a personal thing with her. Every since she saw the shower scene in "Carrie" she's had space issues.

How long will that light be okay? Just use it until I grow roots then I can give them as much light as possible correct?

Go a little easy on them bro. You can use your big light but don't put the newbs too close or they may wilt or burn. They need a good root system to be able to uptake enough water and nutrients. A couple of little root hairs won't cut it.

I was going to run them 5 off 1 on as far as the sprayer, but the cloner was only slightly more than the timer so Im just running full on.

I've been running my cloner 24/7. It helps keep the water warm and the roots moist.

Is 1500 ppm nutrients to strong for full on sprayer?

As soon as your plants pop a nice set of roots put them in 2 gal pots with a good quality soil like Foxfarm's Ocean Forest. Add a little extra perlite to the mix if you want to. Perlite gives the plant roots a little more air but you do have to water more often. Veg the plants for a month or so. My plant are on a 2 month schedule right now. I take clones right after I harvest. The new plants have 8 weeks to pop roots and veg. They end up about 4ft. tall. Then it's on to flower...

I plan on growing them in this until they are to big to fit then transferring to soil and growing under a 1000w MH for 3 weeks then 1000w HPS

Thoughts? Thanks stink

Sounds good! Use regular good quality soil for the first month in 2 gal pots. Then mix up some of Subcools's super soil. Add kelp and extra perlite to the mix. Use at least 7 gal containers for flower. If you can afford it go with 10 gal containers. Bigger is better!
The one on the lower left needs a little more space. It's a personal thing with her. Every since she saw the shower scene in "Carrie" she's had space issues.

Go a little easy on them bro. You can use your big light but don't put the newbs too close or they may wilt or burn. They need a good root system to be able to uptake enough water and nutrients. A couple of little root hairs won't cut it.

Im going to wait till they have a good root structure. I was just wondering if that light was to small until that happens.

I've been running my cloner 24/7. It helps keep the water warm and the roots moist.

As soon as your plants pop a nice set of roots put them in 2 gal pots with a good quality soil like Foxfarm's Ocean Forest. Add a little extra perlite to the mix if you want to. Perlite gives the plant roots a little more air but you do have to water more often. Veg the plants for a month or so. My plant are on a 2 month schedule right now. I take clones right after I harvest. The new plants have 8 weeks to pop roots and veg. They end up about 4ft. tall. Then it's on to flower...

You take the clippings to make clones from you just harvested plants? I heard it takes longer if you take them from flowered plants

Sounds good! Use regular good quality soil for the first month in 2 gal pots. Then mix up some of Subcools's super soil. Add kelp and extra perlite to the mix. Use at least 7 gal containers for flower. If you can afford it go with 10 gal containers. Bigger is better!
Am I still adding liquid nutrients to the soil? The same I would as if I hydro'd them the whole time?

SO this forum works different then a nothing Im on. my questions are in green. thanks a lot man
Hey Stink and everyone

haven't been around for about 3 + years, had some issues where I had to step back from my growing activities
I was an avid reader of this thread in '09 and before, with occasional input
I treasure all the knowledge I have received here, as well as the wisdom
I am sorry to read of your troubles Stink, but I am encouraged by and happy for your recovery
I am still in the dip of my wavelength but still look forward to a better day
thanks for your philanthropic efforts, they have been invaluable to me

I have many questions, getting back to the topic of growing
I'll start small
How often do you water your indoor soil plants?
How often do you feed?

thanks again to all the contributors in this thread
Am I still adding liquid nutrients to the soil? The same I would as if I hydro'd them the whole time?

SO this forum works different then a nothing Im on. my questions are in green. thanks a lot man

You shouldn't have to feed your plants the first 3-4 weeks. By that time they're ready for the Subcool mix. The mix is really hot so you can't put the plants directly into the soil until they are a foot tall or so. Otherwise you will burn the plants.

If everything is mixed well you shouldn't need to add fertilizer for the entire grow. Everything is already in the soil and is slowly being dissolved and broken down by bacteria. Your plants should run out of nutrients right before harvest.
How often do you water your indoor soil plants?
How often do you feed?

I always let the plant completely dry out before I water it. You can use a meter but I just lift the plants to feel how much they weigh. If they are heavy I don't water them, if they are light I water until I see water coming out the bottom of the pot. Once you get it down it surprising how much you can sense by feel.

The reason it's so important to let your plants dry out has nothing to do with oxygen or drowning, etc... It's to keep pests in check. Many pests spend part of their lives in larva form. When you force the soil to dry out it kills the larva. Think of it as preventative medicine.

You don't have to feed your plants nutrients if you use big enough containers and Subcool's Super Soil recipe. I also add kelp and extra perlite to the mix. I tend to run more perlite than the average grower. My aeroponics background has taught me a lot about the importance of oxygen to the roots.

Mix everything in small batches. I use a kiddie pool to mix everything in. First I put in the perlite. Then I add the soil. After that comes all the small stuff. Since the perlite is on the bottom it's a good indicator of how well the soil is mixed up. It's a messy, dirty, dusty, fucked up job that takes hours. Just remember though that this is the only time you should have to deal with fertilizer again for the entire grow.

Remember that the size of the container also plays a huge part in the nutrient game. The bigger the pot the more nutrients are available, for longer periods of time. It's easy to understand that a 10gal container holds twice as much as a 5gal container.

When you buy your soil containers think of it like buying a new dick. If you could buy a new dick, would you buy a big dick or a small dick?

Also think security when you get rid of your old soil. You can only put so much old soil in your flowerbeds before you end up with a mountain in your front yard! How many people throw away perfectly good soil? That's what it looks like when you trash your old soil. Neighbors know what's up. Be safe...

Here is the mix and how much you can expect to invest every batch. (kelp is not on this list)
This is enough to fill a little less than 20 - 10gal containers. That's a lot of soil! I mix everything in 4 small batches. I just divide everything by 4 to get the correct amount. If you have the space you could mix everything at once but that would take a shit load of space!

Oh yea, you can expect to harvest around 4lbs. running 4 1000W lights with 20 - 10gal containers (all approx.) Big producing strains can double that while poor producers will give you half that. Genetics are huge! (duh)

IngredientsBrand/Weight/sizepriceTotal price per batch
8- Large bags of High quality Organic potting soil with a coco and MycorrhizaeHappy Frog soil2 cubic feet16.95 (x8)135.60
1- 25-50 pounds of Organic Worm castings4-Corners Earthworm Castings1lb9.959.95
5 lb. Steamed Bone mealHappy Frog Steamed Bone Meal4lb7.697.69
5 lb. Bloom bat GuanoHappy Frog Bat Quano4lb32.8532.85
5 lb. Blood mealDr. Earth Blood Meal2lb6.2212.44
3 lb. Rock PhosphateDr. Earth Soft Rock Phosphate3lb5.975.97
¾ cup Epson saltsDr. Teal’s Epsom Salt3lb4.890.10
½ to 1 Cup cup Sweet Lime ( Dolimite)Growmore Dolomite Lime4lb4.710.50
½ Cup Azomite Trace ElementsAzomite Micronized2lb8.790.50
2- TBS Powdered Humic AcidTeraVita Humic Acids SP-851lb8.790.25
2 cubic feet of Perliteperlite6 cubic feet36.9512.32
Total startup priceTotal price per batch
Another question for u Stink

could u break down how u use CO2, I think I have read that u use it. I have used it before with mixed results and have read and heard a lot of differing info on the subject.
For instance I have been told CO2 doesn't even work at temps below 90 degrees F, ( not sure about that 1)
Another question for u Stink

could u break down how u use CO2, I think I have read that u use it. I have used it before with mixed results and have read and heard a lot of differing info on the subject.
For instance I have been told CO2 doesn't even work at temps below 90 degrees F, ( not sure about that 1)

I've had good luck with CO2. It added about 30% to my harvest right away.

The best way to use CO2 is with either a tank or burner set to come on at 1400PPM and go off at 1700PPM.

Tanks are expensive to run and a pain to fill. CO2 burners give off a lot of heat so the best are water cooled. That means you need to run an external water res with a chiller to keep the water cool. That's a lot of plumbing, power and hassle. So I recommend using a tank for small rooms and a burner for larger rooms.
Hey stink would your stinkbud single ver 1.1 be a good candidate for a scrog using a 400 watter? Also does the pump stay on 24/7 or 1 minute on 5 minutes off? Also is there a need to have a extra pump with a air stone?
I have been using the original stinkbud systems as my extra hrvsts and I have to say, there are some positives to the simple design.

Smaller rez, easy to move, easy to assemble/dis assemble. I do every other site however.
Hehe so I'm getting ready to move, which means I get to rebuild my room :). I am pretty sure I'm gonna have enough space for a second light and possibly my first SB system after all these years. Later if we buy the house like we want I'll be changing the room again, and possibly doing a whole SB room.
What up Buddies?! The first batch is long gone and my second batch is going great! We thinned out the problem girls and now we are left with just the best strains. You can see my new SCROG frame. I'm using a combination of topping, bending and super-cropping to train the little bitches. I find it also helps to wear leather while you train your girls.

I've pretty much narrowed down my list to just 4-5 strains. As much as I love the Budda Tahoe OG it just won't clone for shit. Same with the Holy Grail Kush. The Purple Wreck pops roots in 4 days!!! In fact one time I took a cutting and just showed it the cloner and it popped roots! (just kidding) No really, the Purple Wreck is a freak.

So I'm down to:
Purple Wreck
OG #18
Candy Kush
Stacked Kush
LA Silver

Best taste = LA Silver, OG #18
Best producer = Stacked Kush, Candy Kush
Best overall = Purple Wreck

They all taste amazing but the OG #18 really stands out from the crowd. The Holy Grail Kush also tasted great but wouldn't clone for shit. It's weird, I've never had problems with clones except for the Chemdog family, OG Kush, Diesel, etc...

Check out the latest photos and stay tuned...