harvest suspended, try standing?


Well-Known Member
so uh.... i am out of town helping my sister with her deck, and my plants are in their final stage. Finishing off. I thought that they would wait until i got home, but my GF tells me they are dying.

I watered them three days ago, and have flushed them. Can i get her to just shut off the light, leave the fan going. And in three days when i get home i can cut and manicure them?

thanks !

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
describe dying, because if it is something destroying the plant they need to be pulled immediately- other wise your golden till you get back.


Well-Known Member
if their just drooping why cant she give them a light watering?
if their yellowing or some leaves are just dieing but most leaves are purky and upright you shouldnt do a thing, as it was said before if somthing is killing them such as a bug or somthing than immediate action should be taken!!!!
also you shouldnt have your fan blowing on the plants but rather around the plants or the ceiling even, if the plants are exposed to direct wind from the fan thats not soo good, the buds will be drieing out too quickly, its possible their dry now if you havnt waterd them for 3 days and the fan has been on them all this time, this isnt a terible thing, but its going to make drying and curing a shorter process and screw it up over all, which isnt so good for the finished product.
however if the plants are in fact just underwaterd I would have your girl water them and turn the fan around or up. and than have a happy harvest when you get back.
leaving the lights on or off at this point is pretty indiferent, though many would argue there are many benifits and negative effects of doing so.