Harvesting under a full moon


Active Member
anyone heard of harvesting outdoor plants under a full moon that the gravitational pull makes the buds better or anything like that a friend wanted me to ask and how to keep animals away from the plants (in the woods slightly) or any other outdoor tips Thanks
there are various ways to keep animals away. i had deer eating my buds, didnt get much luckily, but all i do is go piss around em in a lil perimiter, everything stays away. on the other hand your in the woods if you grab some fishing line and put it in a perimiter around your plants about deer chest height that works... deer are deathly afraid of what they cant see is touching em. for rabbits and small critters put ground back pepper on the ground around your plants and they'll sniff it up and burn the shit out of their nostrils.
Full moon does wonders. Heard stories from guys saying they've seen miracles on a full moon with regards to buds.

If you can do it. Or the day after.

Piss around the perimeter for deer too.
I agree with Bagelthief. I bet the full moon is great for not needing lights when finding your patch, anything other than that really doesn't show any benefits, but I have never done it so don't take my word for it. :P
Go and check the web for information on moon phases, I know for a fact that the gravitational pull of the moon does wonders with seedlings, in the seedling stage this slight natural inertia helps pull the roots better into the ground giving the seedlings a better chance at establishing themselves, I don't know about harvesting though.
Geogre Cervanas wrote in his book "Medicinal Marijuna Cultivation: Indoor/ Outdoor," that the best time to harvest is early in the morning, for this is when more THC is active on the plant. I would combine the two and harvest like 6 a.m. on a full moon. Don't forget that it doesn't have to be night to be a full moon.
wtf? i call BS on the full moon thing...any one have any fist hand experience?

''Moon Gardening Basics
The moon moves through a complete cycle every 29 days. For moon gardening purposes, this cycle is divided into four quarters. Each quarter denotes specific garden chores.
The first two quarters are during the waxing phase of the moon and go from new moon to half full and from half-full to full moon. The third and fourth quarters are during the waning moon and go from full moon to half full and from half full to new moon.
According to RJ Harris, the head gardener at a private estate in Cornwall, England, and an expert on moon gardening, the first quarter is ideal for planting crops that grow underground, such as potatoes and carrots. The second quarter is for planting crops that grow above ground, such as corn and peas.
As the moon wanes during the third and fourth quarters, it is a good time to prune plants, as the water table is diminishing and so less sap will flow out of the cut ends. The fourth quarter is the most dormant period and is good for chores like weeding.
Additionally, some moon gardeners say there are better times to harvest certain crops, such as picking fruit as the moon waxes, which is when it should be its juiciest. Crops that require storage, such as roots, are best picked during the waning moon.
Harris said that ever since he implemented the lunar calendar at the estate where he works in Cornwall, "we have never had to use any artificial watering, I mean a man standing up with a hose, or sprinkler. If this isn't conservation then I don't know what is."

Age-Old Moon Gardening Growing in Popularity -- John Roach for National Geographic News July 10, 2003
Full moon.. usually a greater chance of frost so it does make sense (and only in that respect) to harvest that same night

The farmers almanac does also mention the waning/waxing phases of the moon and how they effect produce that is grown above or below the ground.. but only with respect to planting, no mention about harvesting

IMO, why would you harvest on a full moon?? unless your plant is ready for harvest that same night, there is no point.. i dont go out to visit my plants and think "it's a full moon but they won't be ready for another week.. i better harvest them anyways cause this full moon will make my trip better" or some dumb shit like that

c'mon, the full moon has little/no affect on harvesting times, YOUR plant will tell you when IT is done, not the fuckin moon

On the back of alot of High Times magazines theres an advertisment of a calendar that shows the phases of the moon and gives information i suppose.
I should look into buying one and starting 2 plants, one according to the "moon calendar" and one just of a plain ol plant.

I wish i knew the internet site.
I call shenanigans on anything that involves the moon... If anything, harvesting during a full moon would be bad because people will be able to see you better.

A comment was made about THC being more 'active' in the morning. Shenanigans on that too. What, the plant breaks down the THC as the day goes on and replaces it at night for the morning? Yea? What would be the evolutionary pressure for a plant to do that?

Junk science and fairy tales.
I'm sticking with

him and


The Harvest Moon actually occurrs mainly in September. I believe it falls in October about every 4 years. As I stated earlier, it was simply referred to a Harvest Moon due to be able to get the crop in late into the night before lights were used.

Can we bump this thread to the front plz? This is a topic I feel should be discussed a bit further. Anyone in these 13yrs since the last thread post been working with cannabis and the moon cycles? I'd be interested to hear some differing perspectives.
The harvest moon is oct 7 and I’ll definitely be harvesting my weed at that time it’s just magic
I think the harvest moon already passed in September. Shooting for right around that late October full moon to harvest tho, on the 20th. That one's the hunter's moon.
It's only half the story. Set five green candles out in a pentagon and light them. Then You have to get nekkid, and dance around the plants in a circle while intoning, "oyoyoyoyohhhh... oyoyoyoyohhhh... hear me, o great spirit Marijuanolo, and forgive me for this harvest." You can get the candles from me, I know they seem expensive but they're guaranteed to give the biggest harvest.