Has anyone cut all the sugar leaves off and left only the fan leaves when drying?


Active Member
I'm trying to find the best balance between ease and taste. I find when I cut all leaves off before I dry it dries too quick and affects the taste and smell but if I leave all the leaves it's a pain in the ass to trim. So I want to know if anyone has done this approach and had sucess with it thanks.


Well-Known Member
When u say it affects the taste of ur smoke r u talkin bout cured bud or just bud that was hung up to dry. Cause there is a big diff.


Active Member
After the cure it just wasn't as strong a smell or taste as when the leaves weren't left on. I'm putting that on the extra time to dry before being tossed in the jar.


Well-Known Member
are you starting the cure 2 early? buds should still have some moisture when you start the cure, then they fully dry during the cure process.


Active Member
So you guys have noticed no diff whn trimming before or after in taste or smell? I don't believe I am starting it too early it doesn't smell like grass its just not as strong.


Well-Known Member
i have tried both trimming and not trimming, and saw no difference.
havent tried leaving fan leaves though, thats usually the first thing I do is pluck fans.

brewing up

Well-Known Member
its prob because its drying too quick, dry it as slow as possible for smell and cure it for taste, the moisture u leave inside the buds will circulate the air in jars and sort of dilute the nasty taste away


Active Member
Anyone else try this???? As soon as I can I will experiment to find out for myself but until then I'd like to know peoples take on this. Please read my first post before you give the typical cure too soon dry too fast reply. I know it dries too fast when I cut all the leaves and I cant control the drying room thats the point of takin the sugar but not the fans.


Well-Known Member
well more leaves equals longer dry time so trim up one bud fully,leave just sugars on another,and fans only on another see what you like or if there is a difference. I had a bagseed plant that half got trimmed half I didn't touch, the untrimmed side took almost twice as long to dry, but I can't notice a difference between them once they cured. I will NEVER hang a untrimmed plant to dry again, total PITA trying to trim dry sugar leaves...


Well-Known Member
U could try what is it that water curing I think it is, I've never tried it myself but I think there r threads on this forum about it.


Well-Known Member
I do not like trimming dry buds so I take everything off while it is in the pot. I let the plant dry out in the pot for a few days so the leaves are not crispy but getting there. After trimming hang it or just let it sit in the pot a bit more and then into the jars.

Comes out nice. Easiest way as well, at least for me.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
if you have lighter, airier buds that dry too quickly, just do a choppy trim job on them before you dry them. this way you can still draw out the drying process without having to go through the horror of trimming buds that have dried leaves stuck to them. a choppy trim allows for an easier "second trim" after they are dry. if you have big fat nasty dense colas, trim as well as you can, because those will take forever to dry to begin with.

i've never left on just the fans for this purpose, but in theory it sounds like a decent idea if you're trying to draw out drying. dry fan leaves are a lot easier to trim than dry sugar leaves.


Well-Known Member
to help the buds take longer i tend to leave branches together,
then trim the buds off for curing when they are ready.


Active Member
Thanks everyone for the replies what do you mean by a choppy trim job.... kinda like a lazy one just take off half or something?