Has anyone grown out R4 seeds? (cbd)

Its seriously impossible to find clones or seeds of cbd strains in michigan -.-. Moving from cali to mi was a big upsetter as a mm card holder. Less availability and options :(
Its seriously impossible to find clones or seeds of cbd strains in michigan -.-. Moving from cali to mi was a big upsetter as a mm card holder. Less availability and options :(

There is a guy in the Michigan forum that runs a cut of Cannatonic and some other cuts. Hit him up if he's still around. I think his handle is Huel....

@ Mile High, thanks. She yields massive.... just not enough giddy-up. The Tora Bora unfortunately isn't a massive yielder, but I think a SOG run of her would do justice.
There is a guy in the Michigan forum that runs a cut of Cannatonic and some other cuts. Hit him up if he's still around. I think his handle is Huel....

@ Mile High, thanks. She yields massive.... just not enough giddy-up. The Tora Bora unfortunately isn't a massive yielder, but I think a SOG run of her would do justice.

Thanks bubba! Im gunna try and see if I can get some good clones for my next grow.
303 will have cuts of the wife available on 420!!!!! tested 18% CBD 1% THC harvested at week 7. We would like to get them to people who really need it so please spread the word to those in need...They will be available at the shop for FREE, the shop is Green Grass and for those of you who do not know its up in Central City. Also we will have some at the 420 cannabis cup at our booth. The point of this is to get it out there its absurd that it is so hard for people to access CBD. The cut will be permanently available for around 10 dollars after 420 at the shop to ensure that this does not continue.

Also look for seeds to be available by summer the pollination will start in 2 weeks so BIG OIL (z7 x the wife), Meltdown, Ambulance, and a night star outcross 1 ( Z7x{Z7xsensistar}) to name a few will be available for anyone over 21 from anywhere as long as they can make the trip to CO. The big oil has phenos with CBD over 15% and THC under 1% again at week 7, the cut of nightstar we used had 7% CBD and 5% THC at week 8.

On a side note if anyone has any media connections they could refer me to it would be greatly appreciated we really want to get this out to all those in need. You can PM me with any questions or info

Thanks everyone


im in washington desperately looking for her, any help advice? Willing to travel if we need to. I work with a few families in Easter washington. They are a group of three families pooling resources to get mess for there kids. Please help anyone.
I just attempted growing a seed I found in some R4 flower, but it's not looking too good. It germinated quicker and stronger than a True Blueberry seed, but comparing the two now in pots, the R4 seems dead. It popped the surface and died. The Blueberry is kicking it though and is standing up, dropped the seed hull and should have it's first leaves spread sometime tomorrow. Let's hope it's a she. I only have about 3 grams of R4 flower left...maybe I'll find another seed?
i had three seeds, they all germinated but the first popped up and died. kind of cold in the house that night as a storm blew through. the other two are looking good and i took the first cutting today. i watered the soil well, then pushed the seeds down 1/8" and kept them moist, no problem, they were up in a few days. i watered four times a day but just a little each time to keep the seeds moist just as i always do. very bushy and stout little girls. another week and they will be in the greenhouse. i have severe back problems and neuro pain, hope this will help. i'd really like to get more though, seeds, clones, anything.
i live on the edge of town in an area zoned commercial and there are warehouses and farms all around growing. hiked up a hill and someone has built a compound with a vinyl covered chain link fence, inside filled with greenhouses. this as a very depressed area, things are changing. j
I've ran a few of 303's Nightstar (sensistar x Z7) http://www.303seeds.com/seed.php?i=28
People looking for a high cbd strain acquired from seed I encourage not to overlook this strain.
Great strong genetics from what Ive seen so far... Because of the mother you may have to do some hunting for the high cbd pheno... but I would imagine it being a much better ratio then 1/50.
Out of the 2 I ran... the keeper ended up being real good medicinal smoke. Never had it tested, but if I had to guess, shes probably in the 6-8% THC and 10-15% CBD. Deff not the knock you on your ass cbd effect that I sometimes need for pain at the end of the night, but a great functional daytime pain reliever.
Lets all understand the with a high cbd variety one will NOT experience a "knock-out" type effect. More like a comfortable feel at best no psychotropic effect.
Of R4, ouR14er an s1 of Greenwerks R4, is well underway to creating multiple hybrids and further S1 from this individual.
The hybrids include both high cbd and high thc. Another few months before they are available.
No males either. Makes it easier for some

mine are about 7 weeks old now and i took four cuttings which are doing great. mothers are 12" tall. has anyone finished any? i am wondering how big they get, how much i can expect to harvest, etc. i have several other strains but is getting hard to find males for breeding, seems like they are all fems these days. if you use the r4, then even a tiny bit of thc becomes very potent. j
three months from seed and my biggest is about a foot tall with no indication of flowering.
i called greenwerkz to ask how long they take, how big they get and got zero info. "it depends." she said. i asked if they will finish outside in glenwood springs where she was because i was tired of my plants freezing each fall and she said "that depends too... it is the middle of summer, so i doubt you need to worry about frost". middle of summer?? not even summer yet, i just put them out the day before. j

mt. girl, are you by any chance a telemarker that likes pizza?
20140612_150014.jpg 20140612_145944.jpg
Those are from last week.
fyi, this reallyis one of the slowest growers I have seen in some time. and i will metion the pollen doesn't appear to be viable. Still trying though. My first real attemp at a reversal.

Those sound like seriously finicky plants!

Not trying to change the strain (topic) but I'd seriously look into MNS' Z7 strain and pheno hunt a bit for your CBD queen. They spit a more reasonable 50% CBD-rich phenos, with differing ratios from 1:1 to 3:2 CBD:THC. And the THC-dom phenos are fantastic in their own rights. Easier to grow, more prolific terpenes. These are available from seed, direct from the breeder.

I've worked this strain over the past 3 years, and its a mainstay of my garden due to its properties.
She is dropping pollen...just not very much. I did make a few seeds using Bright Cookies, gsc x NL, male. This may be the way to go if little to no viable pollen is released. I am not a fan of growing this thing but with a 23.5:1 cbd to thc ratio i cannot abandon her. Seeds are being made one way or the other.

Update on the reversal, she is dropping pollen. We have her selfed, as well as making femminzed hybrids.
R14ER S1
Mazar-i-Shaif, collected landrace Tangerine Kush, RD
Tange-istan, 14er Holistics, me
Haze, 9wks finish time
Tora Bora, Natural Mystic cut
and will be hitting the Harlequin at home as well.1404579697233.jpg

I also will have for in house seeds/testing, R14er x Bright Cookies. We ar going to look down a few different avenues to get these seeds in the most effect production of CBD on the market. Asap.

hard to believe only 1 of 50 seeds is viable. i have some r4 seeds myself and am looking forward to growing this spring but i would like to know how long they take and how big they get. i suppose i will grow in pots in the greenhouse and hope they don't take too long as the season here is very short.
drs, how do you grow more seeds, just let them go? i assume these plants can be cloned? i have some pollen in the freezer but it is from some auto/dwarf plants so i need to get some indica growing. i have vaped it a few times and it really helped with the neuropathic/back pain.
oh, found this.be sure you have your expert card to grow this one... just what constitutes an expert grower?

I know this is an old post, but that link's dead. I found some R4 seeds from canadianhempco and was curious what greenwerkz tips were. If anyone had a small write-up of what they said, I'd appreciate seeing a copy of it.
I got two R4 seeds from buds at GreenWerks, both are females, and are 5.5 months old. They are growing outdoors at 6600' and are well into flowering and about 4 feet tall. I plan on crossing it with a high THC strain, since I mix CBD extract with THC extract 1:1. I've found the CBD seems to work in conjunction with the THC, muting the high from the latter.