• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Has the American Government become Tyrannical?


Well-Known Member
anarchy is chaos, the total breakdown of all society
Keynes demonstrates his stupidity, gets called on it, then copy/pastes from the web dictionary and insists he was right all along. Here is Keynes demonstrating that he knows not what anarchy is. Yet he spends so much of his time ranting about what he thinks anarchy is. This is a person unworthy of heed. He is a shill for the GOP, here only to muddy the water of debate and to troll.

Kynes, if you spent half as much time gathering information as you do misinforming, you might not be so obviously ignorant. Your lies would be more effective bro.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Keynes demonstrates his stupidity, gets called on it, then copy/pastes from the web dictionary and insists he was right all along. Here is Keynes demonstrating that he knows not what anarchy is. Yet he spends so much of his time ranting about what he thinks anarchy is. This is a person unworthy of heed. He is a shill for the GOP, here only to muddy the water of debate and to troll.

Kynes, if you spent half as much time gathering information as you do misinforming, you might not be so obviously ignorant. Your lies would be more effective bro.
so youre implying that those dictionary definitions are contrary to my stated definition of anarchy?

or are you implying that i've changed my stance on anarchy and anarcho-___________ism sometime in the last forever?

or are you, as usual, NOT stating anything definitive, and instead making vague allusions which can be interpreted by every reader in whatever manner suits their personal views and biases, while simultaneously implying that those manifold and irreconcilable interpretations support your narrative?

youre implying something, because you didnt say ANYTHING definitive at all.

but thats your style. a complete lack of substance.



Active Member
Keynes demonstrates his stupidity, gets called on it, then copy/pastes from the web dictionary and insists he was right all along. Here is Keynes demonstrating that he knows not what anarchy is. Yet he spends so much of his time ranting about what he thinks anarchy is. This is a person unworthy of heed. He is a shill for the GOP, here only to muddy the water of debate and to troll.

Kynes, if you spent half as much time gathering information as you do misinforming, you might not be so obviously ignorant. Your lies would be more effective bro.
Dude, you say you are an anarchist yet are for socialism...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
the way they seem mutually exclusive to you is of interest to me
would ya look at this guy?

he's fucking PRECIOUS!!!

[h=2]an·ar·chy[/h] [an-er-kee] Show IPA
noun 1. a state of society without government or law.

2. political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental control: The death of the king was followed by a year of anarchy. Synonyms: lawlessness, disruption, turmoil.

3. anarchism ( def 1 ) .

4. lack of obedience to an authority; insubordination: the anarchy of his rebellious teenage years.

5. confusion and disorder: Intellectual and moral anarchy followed his loss of faith. It was impossible to find the book I was looking for in the anarchy of his bookshelves. Synonyms: chaos, disruption, turbulence; license; disorganization, disintegration.

[h=2]so·cial·ism[/h] [soh-shuh-liz-uh
m] Show IPA
noun 1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.

3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.


there is no way these two ideas can coincide.

it is impossible. even a child can see this.

well, a child who is not retarded.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Are you trying to spread Judaism? Are you a Orthodox Jew or Hasidic Jew?
Disturbed is one of my favorite Jewish bands
nope...I just love the message and the animation seems really applicable in today's world

and there's lotsa good jewish musicians/bands


Well-Known Member
would ya look at this guy?

he's fucking PRECIOUS!!!


[an-er-kee] Show IPA
noun 1. a state of society without government or law.

2. political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental control: The death of the king was followed by a year of anarchy. Synonyms: lawlessness, disruption, turmoil.

3. anarchism ( def 1 ) .

4. lack of obedience to an authority; insubordination: the anarchy of his rebellious teenage years.

5. confusion and disorder: Intellectual and moral anarchy followed his loss of faith. It was impossible to find the book I was looking for in the anarchy of his bookshelves. Synonyms: chaos, disruption, turbulence; license; disorganization, disintegration.


m] Show IPA
noun 1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.

3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.


there is no way these two ideas can coincide.

it is impossible. even a child can see this.

well, a child who is not retarded.
WRONG AGAIN. HOLY SHIT I'D SAY I'M SHOCKED, but literally everything you've written here has had some sort of bullshit in it.

ATTN Dr. Dumbass:


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
WRONG AGAIN. HOLY SHIT I'D SAY I'M SHOCKED, but literally everything you've written here has had some sort of bullshit in it.

ATTN Dr. Dumbass:

Herp a Derp.

maybe nobody has told you, but ANY ASSHOLE can edit a wikipage.

wikipedia is about as authoritative as the limericks scrawled on a men's room wall.

if you take that shit into a middle school social studies class youll fail miserably because it is pure NONSENSE.

anarchy is now and has always been the rallying cry and "philosophy" (despite being nothing at all similar to an actual philosophy) of those who desire the VIOLENT overthrow of any extant government, while pretending to have little interest in what may or may not replace it, but the proposed replacement government was usually communism in the marxist fashion.

thats your classic black cloaked bomb throwing anarchist, who were often actually agent provocateurs for marxist organizations where marxism was unpopular, thus the need for the figleaf of being anarchists. some anarchists concealed their affiliation with the various marxist and communist associations so the communist and marxist parties could maintain deniability if the operation went pear-shaped, or the violence turned out to be unpopular with the plebs. but some of them were just nuts.

generally however, in the US and western europe, when anyone was accused of being an anarchist (before the first Comintern when communism and marxism were largely unknown by the populace at large) they were in fact actually marxists, communists and militant trade unionists. (sacco and vanzetti for example)

the current claims of anarchism, and anarcho-___________ism are almost invariably camoflage for the claimant's real agenda which is good old fashioned marxism, of any of a variety of flavours, from the relatively benign utopian communists like Rob Roy, the mostly harmless social democrats like cheesus rice, all the way down to the bitter and disillusioned fascists like abandonconflict, who never explains what he actually believes in, so he can maintain a pretense of not being a fascist, while vehemently demanding the nationalization of all of the "means of production" which in the end goes all the way down to shovels and seeds, while still claiming that you can keep your personal belongings.... though there is nothing left in the category of "Not the Means Of Production"

the constant pretense and word games of the new-left, new-progressives, occupy-tards, and the anarcho-____________ists (like yourself) is sometimes simply lack of understanding of the ideology they are espousing, but you have demonstrated that you are aware that you are in fact an old school marxist, but are trying to hide that fact behind a veil of bullshit.

all that remains is to determine what kind of marxist you are.
Please self-identify by checking the box which applies:

Harmless Hippie Dippy Egalitarian Communist Flower Child_________________ [ ]
Mostly Harmless Social Democrat _____________________________________[ ]
Grasping Tax and Spend New-Left Populist______________________________[ ]
Euro-Style Third Way Socialist________________________________________[ ]
Mao/Stalin Authoritarian Socialist______________________________________[ ]
Castro Style El Presidente For Life Dictator with Peasant Underclass__________[ ]
Kim Style Monarchy with Socialist/Communist Rhetoric Disguise______________[ ]
Straight Up Fascist Dictator With Secret Police Witch Hunts for Dissidents_____[ ]
AbandonConflict Crazy Loon Dominar Who Thinks He Can Collectivize Everything_[ ]

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Voluntaryism, or voluntarism, is generally considered to be the philosophy which holds that all forms of human association should be voluntary.[SUP][1][/SUP]
Anarchy is a term that often misleads and scares people. Some people use other terms....

The principle most frequently used to support voluntaryism is the non-aggression principle.

Many voluntaryists base their thinking on the ideas of voluntaryist philosophers Murray Rothbard and Robert LeFevre. Rothbard maintained, first, that every government "presumes to establish a compulsory monopoly of defense (police and courts) service over some geographical area. So that individual property owners who prefer to subscribe to another defense company within that area are not allowed to do so"; and, second, that every government obtains its income by stealing, euphemistically labeled "taxation". "All governments, however limited they may be otherwise, commit at least these two fundamental crimes against liberty and property."[SUP][2][/SUP]

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Voluntaryism, or voluntarism, is generally considered to be the philosophy which holds that all forms of human association should be voluntary.[SUP][1][/SUP]
Anarchy is a term that often misleads and scares people. Some people use other terms....

The principle most frequently used to support voluntaryism is the non-aggression principle.

Many voluntaryists base their thinking on the ideas of voluntaryist philosophers Murray Rothbard and Robert LeFevre. Rothbard maintained, first, that every government "presumes to establish a compulsory monopoly of defense (police and courts) service over some geographical area. So that individual property owners who prefer to subscribe to another defense company within that area are not allowed to do so"; and, second, that every government obtains its income by stealing, euphemistically labeled "taxation". "All governments, however limited they may be otherwise, commit at least these two fundamental crimes against liberty and property."[SUP][2][/SUP]

but since we do not live in a perfect world, and everyone cannot defend themselves, and there really is no choice for voluntary private contractual protection against roving bands of brigands, rape gangs, or cannibal bikers we must make compromises.

the only other option would be to pay protection money to the various malefactors, but then you either have to pay them all, or bribe one group to keep the others away for you, so you wind up paying only one protection racket extortion instead of dozens.

and thats what we do.

our constitution establishes our gang, the gang's colours, by-laws and rules, sets forth membership requirements, and establishes the manner in which we will be squeezed for protection. unfortunately our chosen gang has been lax in the handling of other gangs who have been intruding in our turf (but they always show up for their payday...) and they have extended and modified the manner, frequency and extent of their protection payments beyond their charter
they have also been lounging on our stoop, drinking in the park and smoking our weed far more than is acceptable, so we need to petition the gang leader to get his house in order, or drive out this gang and replace them with a gang thats a little more in keeping with our views.

driving out the gang, and declaring our turf a gun free zone will only result in another gang (or several) moving in to fill the void, unless we form a new gang which will inevitably face the same problems as before.

pretending you can simply put a stop to all the various gangs and institute world peace by lecturing us all on the "Golden Rule" doesnt solve the problems of an imperfect world, and is really just a utopian dream.

but theres nothing wrong with dreams, they just dont work in reality.

i commend you for having a well thought out and utterly charming (if unworkable) utopian dream, and discussing it in frank and non-cryptic terms, but it still wont work outside small communities of voluntary associations (which are what we call Communes...)

thats why youre a hippie dippy utopian communist egalitarian flower child. and those cats are always cool with me.


Well-Known Member
Herp a Derp.

maybe nobody has told you, but ANY ASSHOLE can edit a wikipage.

wikipedia is about as authoritative as the limericks scrawled on a men's room wall.

if you take that shit into a middle school social studies class youll fail miserably because it is pure NONSENSE.

anarchy is now and has always been the rallying cry and "philosophy" (despite being nothing at all similar to an actual philosophy) of those who desire the VIOLENT overthrow of any extant government, while pretending to have little interest in what may or may not replace it, but the proposed replacement government was usually communism in the marxist fashion.

thats your classic black cloaked bomb throwing anarchist, who were often actually agent provocateurs for marxist organizations where marxism was unpopular, thus the need for the figleaf of being anarchists. some anarchists concealed their affiliation with the various marxist and communist associations so the communist and marxist parties could maintain deniability if the operation went pear-shaped, or the violence turned out to be unpopular with the plebs. but some of them were just nuts.

generally however, in the US and western europe, when anyone was accused of being an anarchist (before the first Comintern when communism and marxism were largely unknown by the populace at large) they were in fact actually marxists, communists and militant trade unionists. (sacco and vanzetti for example)

the current claims of anarchism, and anarcho-___________ism are almost invariably camoflage for the claimant's real agenda which is good old fashioned marxism, of any of a variety of flavours, from the relatively benign utopian communists like Rob Roy, the mostly harmless social democrats like cheesus rice, all the way down to the bitter and disillusioned fascists like abandonconflict, who never explains what he actually believes in, so he can maintain a pretense of not being a fascist, while vehemently demanding the nationalization of all of the "means of production" which in the end goes all the way down to shovels and seeds, while still claiming that you can keep your personal belongings.... though there is nothing left in the category of "Not the Means Of Production"

the constant pretense and word games of the new-left, new-progressives, occupy-tards, and the anarcho-____________ists (like yourself) is sometimes simply lack of understanding of the ideology they are espousing, but you have demonstrated that you are aware that you are in fact an old school marxist, but are trying to hide that fact behind a veil of bullshit.

all that remains is to determine what kind of marxist you are.
Please self-identify by checking the box which applies:

Harmless Hippie Dippy Egalitarian Communist Flower Child_________________ [ ]
Mostly Harmless Social Democrat _____________________________________[ ]
Grasping Tax and Spend New-Left Populist______________________________[ ]
Euro-Style Third Way Socialist________________________________________[ ]
Mao/Stalin Authoritarian Socialist______________________________________[ ]
Castro Style El Presidente For Life Dictator with Peasant Underclass__________[ ]
Kim Style Monarchy with Socialist/Communist Rhetoric Disguise______________[ ]
Straight Up Fascist Dictator With Secret Police Witch Hunts for Dissidents_____[ ]
AbandonConflict Crazy Loon Dominar Who Thinks He Can Collectivize Everything_[ ]
Might as well just put me down as a Red blooded Fascist Commie Asshole Anarchist Marxist Socialist Dictator Flower Child.

I mean that's the only logical conclusion.


Active Member
Might as well just put me down as a Red blooded Fascist Commie Asshole Anarchist Marxist Socialist Dictator Flower Child.

I mean that's the only logical conclusion.
How does socialism, in our modern age of 300million individuals, work without a governing body to determine the wealth pool, and redistribute accordingly? Socialism with regards to our politics doesn't work in small bandit groups of 5 people LOL.

Anarchy is the absence of said governing body, and anarchists oppose any type of power resting with the state (i.e. socialism)
You can't just pick some average joe to start distributing wealth, and call it socialism lols.

Anarchism is often defined as a political philosophy which holds the state to be undesirable, unnecessary, or harmful

Note the words, unnecessary and undesirable.


Well-Known Member
Voluntaryism, or voluntarism, is generally considered to be the philosophy which holds that all forms of human association should be voluntary.[SUP][1][/SUP]
Anarchy is a term that often misleads and scares people. Some people use other terms....

The principle most frequently used to support voluntaryism is the non-aggression principle.

Many voluntaryists base their thinking on the ideas of voluntaryist philosophers Murray Rothbard and Robert LeFevre. Rothbard maintained, first, that every government "presumes to establish a compulsory monopoly of defense (police and courts) service over some geographical area. So that individual property owners who prefer to subscribe to another defense company within that area are not allowed to do so"; and, second, that every government obtains its income by stealing, euphemistically labeled "taxation". "All governments, however limited they may be otherwise, commit at least these two fundamental crimes against liberty and property."[SUP][2][/SUP]
No such thing as strictly voluntary association. It forms violent hierarchy on it's own.

As I have stated and you refuse to address