Hash and Oil Picture Thread

Not that ive ever found. They have something similar in some medical states for people who cant/dont want to drive across the state to a testing facility. And that was mostly for buds but im sure they could do concentrates.

But i wouldnt send shit out of state no matter what. haha unless i was in a medical state to a medical state. But at that point i wouldnt need to send it out of state.
Those are some yummy looking cakes there Guz!!!

I hope this summer to get some of my concentrates tested as I have a friend in a med state that can submit them for me. I don't how ever currently have a spare $100 to throw around or live in a med state myself. Its sad huh, but I don't grow for profit, and I'm not ashamed to say I'm just a guy with a family living pay check to pay check making my way through life. I also havn't felt the NEED to get tests yet as I consume the majority of the product myself, and don't spread it as "medicine" to others.

Thanks for bringing the negativity back to the thread though MnH it is really appreciated. I like your pictures of pretty blond trich heads way more then most any of your comments. Maybe you should keep it to posting pictures in this picture thread and skip the commentary on EVERYTHING else.
The way you approach it....Yes. You've asked that question before, and have confronted people before saying show me the test results to prove its clean. So I feel its negative to bring it back up in that manner when no one was talking about it.

If I am the only one that took it that way, and I'm wrong then I am sorry. Maybe its all in my head when I read your posts. I know some people take QK the wrong way, but I know how he is, and have come to know how to read his posts. Perhaps I've done the same with you. Thats the tough thing about the internet you don't really know "how" people are saying what they say.
My bad, carry on posting your stuff.

My dry sift is 99% thc. But you don't get to see a lab sheet. You just have to believe me.
ive tested my stuff . yess, it was exciting, yess, it was expensive.

yes, it was awesome!

the following test is of a mix i made, around 55% Propylene Glycol, and 45% bho.


there you go MNH.

i imagine my winterized oil would push the 90+%.
I didn't see anyone comparing THC%, yield or dick size so there is nothing to prove or believe. Your the only one that keeps talking about any of that. I'm very glad your dry sift is 90% pure trich heads I'm sure it melts really nice, and tastes great.

On that note I'm sure since its so clean that it doesn't leave any residue at all on a nail right...

EDIT : Guz to the rescue with test results lol.
Thanks Guz, very nice.

Thundercat I don't think you understand, but not living in a med state, maybe you should try to see where we're coming from. The secret cup.. where the 'best of the best' show up, had all but like.. what, 1 or 2 fail? Some of them literally stopped making the stuff because it was so bad.

This stuff is IN DISPENSARIES.. being SOLD TO PEOPLE WITH SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITIONS.. it's NOT RIGHT. Nobody tests and it's disgusting. I am all for you doing this on your own, having a family, etc. and not providing to others, but that's not the case with most out there.

All i'm sayin'.. not tryin' to be a dick just honestly wanna know how many of these people who make a ton of oil (and let's be honest, they're not smoking it all) are testing and such.. because I know a lot of that stuff ends up in other peoples hands..

Moving on.. back to the thread.. sigh.

Another shot from over 4/20 in Denver.. nuggage courtesy of @fmcd_productions
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MnH since were nitpicking your dry sift isnt 99% THC or THC/cannabinoids its 99% heads which contain things other than cannabinoids like the membrane head that contains said THC. But thats just my take on the situation. Its sad people are getting sold poop but bitching at us isnt going to cleanse your soul at the end of the day thinking that you convinced people to strictly make dry sift/ bubble.

Where are your test results proving said 99% THC. PICS OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN

had to go caps lock on ya. haha
I apologize again if I took you wrong man I was not trying to get all defensive on my part. I completely agree that especially big time producers should have some standards and live up to them. If it means running smaller batchs to do a better job then so be it. I understand and would love to have some tests done just for my own reference.

Yet again some very pretty trich heads :).

Edit: Budbro I am fairly certain he was being sarcastic about it being 90% THC from the statement and rest of my conversation with him.
To me its like cooking. After a certain amount time you know exactly how long it takes to fully purge X amount of oil. Sure you can throw a thermometer in the meat if its abnormally larger or smaller than youre used to cooking, but after a while you dont even need a timer let alone a thermometer. haha.

Id love to get mine tested but it wouldnt be out of fear that my oil has too many chemicals in it, more to know that my TEK is right which it is. People try to over complicate things and thats what messed up alot of people. Even Knotty used to whip some of his shit. Just shows you how if enough people start doing something wrong others will follow out of lack of knowldege.

Also didnt mean to get defensive just hate the bullshit in the hash industry now a days.
Edit: Budbro I am fairly certain he was being sarcastic about it being 90% THC from the statement and rest of my conversation with him.

Thank you. Like you said its hard to tell over the interwebs. Especially in something as controversial as solvent VS solvent free. Practically a "defoliation" thread. One wrong statement and boom goes the dynamite


opinions on this please.

I didnt think these bees would work this stuff. it worked perfectly though!! has a WAY higher melting point than my shatter. the hair dryer barley touches this stuff and itll burn your skin in 2 seconds, melts my shatter in 20 seconds. this stuff takes like 2 minutes. yet doesnt turn to perma goo. it waxes right back up in about 15 minutes.

I can get this stuff for 500$ an oz. so I bought two ozs for 1000$ (I believe I paid 18$ a gram), sold 1oz of it for 1000$ the next day (comes out to like 33-35$ a gram), whereas normally I sell it for 40$ a gram.

if I were to spend 1000$ on weed, I would get roughly 5-6 ozs, which would produce 36-40 grams of shatter. far from the 56 grams I got for 1000$.

so basically I got an oz of this stuff for free.

anyways, heres what im wondering... what do you guys think about those prices, AND how the fuck do they make so much of this stuff? the guy had a half lb of budder there with him and can get more. im pretty sure it takes 5lbs of bud to make 1lb of budder/wax, etc..

its pretty good, im pretty sure its purged. not the tastiest, although it smells alright.

opinions on everything please.
happy bday war!

fresh out off the rack.

xj-13.%18 after winter storm.


leaves just traces thin amounts of residue on the nail. almost perfect :wall:


Thanks Guzias! It's this Saturday! Kase and I actually share the same birthday lol. Feel free to send me those as a gift ;)
Careful with that stuff vp....

I've ended up with that texture after 20minutes or less into the vac...

And it had those same melting properties, took over 200* to melt into an oil to purge.
Blasted, usual evap, scraped onto parch, did everything as usual,and 15-20 minutes into the vac & it nucleated on me...
Doesnt look too bad but those temps are a little crazy. Hows the flavor and smell? If i were you i would not remelt it itll only lead to more flavor loss all to just get them in bee form.

They probably used some premature or just a ton of trim to sell it to ya that cheap. Because thats the thing OZs go for a fair price and yield about 15-20% depending on buds and system. But you can buy 1000g of trim for barely the price of a zip.

So lets say off 1 zip of nugs you get 20% so about 5.6g ish. Where off 1000g of trim you can get somewhere around 5-10% giving you between 50g and 100g. Sure the nug run you could charge a little more for but either way you have a product worth at least 30 a g off the trim. Especially if you can find people who dont do shit with there trim and just buy it off em.