Hash and Oil Picture Thread

Me too, I was told by a member here from CO that he was going to invite me to one last year, but then never heard more about it.

Edit: I have a hard time judging potency ever. I dab all day and or smoke all day. I would have to judge mostly on flavor and smoke quality/smoothness.
Micro run..
Cherry Diesel & Ghost Wreck

Might be the tastiest run yet, Cherry Kool-aid ..

Should a made more.



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Thatd be fun! Id love it. Just take lil ones all day long not like you gotta kill each gram before its over. So 40 over the course of a day wouldnt be too bad. Id love it. One of these years.
Yeah color has to do with strain. Like with any hash it can come out. Cookies comes out red amber. Chubbs said his OGs come out more red and the other strains come out more yellow gold.

Age has to do with color too. Makes it darker amber yellow. Still could be amazing but is just usually dark.
Look really nice, "if it ain't gold it gets sold":blsmoke:
Lol :) thanks bro... Usually I'll give away stuff that doesn't meet my standard, every time I do so, the recipient is more than elated. I reckon I'm my own worst critic.

Lovely Sir D!!! What you consider a micro run is prolly about what my normal runs are lol.
Thundercats Hooooooooo!!!
Thanks buddy, I bet we do about the same, my Micro-runs are 8-12 g starting material
Yield, is a touch over a gram to 3ish.
And you, my friend are really good at the ISO wash, very impressed man.

why though?? what does color mean for anything? ive had the nicest, tastiest stuff come out red. and the grossest most unpurged shit ever golden. I find color means very little as to its quality.

This is very true, especially when we are talking about hard finishes. Look for clarity when visually inspecting shatter, good shatter also makes a very distinct sound if dropped lightly on table or if you shake the container it's in..

Happy dabbin Rollers.
Sorry, shitty cell phone pic. A patty of some underpurged shatter, its in taffy form right now since I just pulled it out of my pocket. I don't have a vac chamber and am unsure how I want to finish this product off. I thought about dissolving it into a solvent and then purging again, or possibly throwing it on a double broiler and whipping it. I wish I could be a dick to my dude, but fuck, im in iowa. Not much of an oil scene where I am and I just cant afford to make it without growing my own material. No point in pissing off the one guy I know that has it on the regular to where I can dab full time now. Hes been good to me so far so ill let this one slide and finish the dirty work my self.

I wouldnt redissolve it. You probably wouldnt gain much purity and youd lose taste along with adding more solvent to the mix that you arent able to purge off. If you get a brake bleeder and a mason jar you can get by for like 30 bucks. Ive managed to pull big muffins and get to a shatter consistency. Definitely underpurged compared to what i do now but it was the best i could do at the time. If you have a harbor freight and have a few more bucks a cheap vac pump can be had for 90 and if you get a coupon which harbor freight cant give enough away alot of them are good for 25% off so it brings it down to roughly 75. That and a mason jar can get ya by for a while. jusst try not to redissolve.
Just bought a good camera last night. I will be taking some pics today. That first iwe batch comes out the jar today and i have another batch with proper screens drying to go in jars. Im loving the iwe now!!!