Hash and Oil Picture Thread

i think this is the right spot for my pics


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texas give your dish a quick blast of heat before you scrape.... you will be glad you did. scraping dried dust and flakes is NO fun.

and for god sakes buy a pair of forceps.... only oil mkr scrapes oil dishes with a tiny razor barely pinched between his fingers SMGDH.


6$ at wal mart in the fishing section for fly tying. a buddy of mine once went to a hospital and seen a pair... he stole them. apparently the hospital ones are like 200$, needless to say he got a phone call asking if he seen where they went.

no offense doesnt that scrape up metal shavings off the bottom of your vac
no offense doesnt that scrape up metal shavings off the bottom of your vac

nope, its not aluminum im scraping like texas likes to think.

its stainless steel. IF there is shavings, theyre so microscopic and insignificant that they dont even matter. you cant see them with the normal eye 20/20 vision, nor with a 40x magnifying glass so im not too concerned.

also, that dish is about 5 years old, those scrapes arent from 2 or 3 runs.

see any shavings in here?




nope, its not aluminum im scraping like texas likes to think.
never said aluminum...but yes, me and many others
see any shavings in here?
there is something in the 3rd pic now that you mention it (of course insignificant)
But like you said

"IF there is shavings, theyre so microscopic and insignificant that they dont even matter"

wise up, there is no such thing as steel shavings in a concentrate that are insignificant or don't matter
even if you cant see it with your eyes

Most people would agree with that

Stainless mesh in 'screens' are jagged under 200x and up..

I wonder why they do that.. I have to imagine it's for a reason. No participant in the above, but I have looked at metal under a scope for sifting it's the edges of the mesh are indeed jagged. I have no clue where the rest of those 'fragments' end up.
never said aluminum...but yes, me and many others

there is something in the 3rd pic now that you mention it (of course insignificant)
But like you said

"IF there is shavings, theyre so microscopic and insignificant that they dont even matter"

wise up, there is no such thing as steel shavings in a concentrate that are insignificant or don't matter
even if you cant see it with your eyes

Most people would agree with that


im not selling this oil to "patients" as "medicine" this was my personal smoke. after smoking about 50 grams, the nail has barely ANY residue on it, let alone metal shavings.

ive tried scraping with just a plain, clean, sharp new blade in the dish for like 10 mins and came up with nothing.

I can scrape that whole dish in 2 passes, not going over the same area twice.

whats so bad about possibly having 5 ppm metal shavings in the oil? youve smoked off a metal screen before havnt you? the nail is metal isnt it? ever smoked someone elses bud? (what if it wasnt 100% flushed/clean... only 99.5%??) how about a hoot of non winterized oil?? im sure those alone are "worse" for you than 1ppm of metal in a 10 gram chunk of oil.... not like the metal is making its way into my lungs.

were inhaling massive clouds of thick smoke daily, sometimes not 100.000000% purged, sometimes its not off a real 100.0000% TI nail. sometimes made by some other guy. if you think 10ppm SS shavings in the oil is gonna kill you, youd better think again, there is more harmful shit in the oil that you should truly be concerned about, like plant waxes that truly damage the lungs, not a microscopic spec of metal dust.

I find it funny how people will find ANY tiny little thing to bitch about, then go smoke a cigarette and eat a double cheese pizza.

that first pic,,, "no I in team" I dropped on the carpet. I would be WAY more concerned about carpet dust/hairs on my BHO than 5ppm metal shavings.... why did you not catch that?

"smoking metal shavings" texas you crack me up. im smoking more waxes than metal shavings, let that sink in for a second and see what the real concern is here. think about it.

I am a welder, ive seen SS chunks of pipe RED hot, (the welding fumes are a diff story) whats the diff between me standing in a tent with a 316/304 SS flange thats glowing red hot, and a microscopic of SS steel sitting on a red hot nail?

no doubt there is the odd insignificant microscopic spec in the oil, ill agree with ya there.

BUT, is it REALLY that harmful and something to be concerned about? I think theres more important stuff to worry about here.
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"I find it funny how people will find ANY tiny little thing to bitch about, then go smoke a cigarette and eat a double cheese pizza.
that first pic,,, "no I in team" I dropped on the carpet. I would be WAY more concerned about carpet dust/hairs on my BHO than metal shavings.... why did you not catch that?"

what a contradictive statement ...
i find that funny as well since you do that more than anyone on this forum
and just got done doing it to me lol

"why did i not catch that?"
idk maybe you picked the carpet out like most people would have done before taking a picture...?

i understand that it is for personal use
and im not arguing that it isn't safe under a certain ppm,

all im saying is there should be no reason that there is anything other than cannabinoids or plant waxes in your extract

I guess im just really confused to why you don't just use glass
and prevent it from even being a possibility

"I find it funny how people will find ANY tiny little thing to bitch about, then go smoke a cigarette and eat a double cheese pizza.
that first pic,,, "no I in team" I dropped on the carpet. I would be WAY more concerned about carpet dust/hairs on my BHO than metal shavings.... why did you not catch that?"

what a contradictive statement ...
i find that funny as well since you do that more than anyone on this forum
and just got done doing it to me lol


exactly he brought it on himself haha. The guy who picks out insignificant details gets defensive when the tables get turned.

fucking scrubs haha stay strong tex
thanks budbro

yeah unfortunately when i first joined this forum he was someone i looked up to
now he is just another troll

despite my feelings for you VP
you have taught me a lot
mainly what not to do... but that is still an important part of the learning process
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"I find it funny how people will find ANY tiny little thing to bitch about, then go smoke a cigarette and eat a double cheese pizza.
that first pic,,, "no I in team" I dropped on the carpet. I would be WAY more concerned about carpet dust/hairs on my BHO than metal shavings.... why did you not catch that?"

what a contradictive statement ...
i find that funny as well since you do that more than anyone on this forum
and just got done doing it to me lol

"why did i not catch that?"
idk maybe you picked the carpet out like most people would have done before taking a picture...?

i understand that it is for personal use
and im not arguing that it isn't safe under a certain ppm,

all im saying is there should be no reason that there is anything other than cannabinoids or plant waxes in your extract

I guess im just really confused to why you don't just use glass
and prevent it from even being a possibility


nope, if youd look close the carpet dust is still there, causing way more harm than 5ppm of SS steel shavings in the dish!!

I never used glass because the corners are impossible to scrape, and im also not a fan of working with glass and extreme temp changes.

you looked up to me?! thats kinda sad to admit....

contradictive? how so? I think youre still upset that I grouped you with finshaggy and oilmkr, like I said, grow up and stop being a pussy over everything.