Hash and Oil Picture Thread

12 for red card holders 6 for rec. and care givers are limited to 99 and they are now doing back ground checks and care givers have to now go apply in a similar fashion as dispensaries and rec clubs long waiting lists, they the MMED are 9 months behind on on licensing, I was looking into a mips and a small building just to do rosin and 9 months before they would even get to my application.

we are limited to 32 without the plant count extentions . with the new regs we are all going down to 32 at our spots and probly switching to DWC. the caregiver regisration it volintary still and quite easy/ quick compared to mantaining a "rec" permit altohough both are just bullshit cmpared to opening a brewery...lol
@hyroot I found out from a doctor the 12 plant count per house hold is just for rec. you can still have 99 if a doctor gives it to you, but they are making the patients jump through more hoops doctors actually want MRIs CTs X-rays and a doctor's references to get the red card. No more going in and saying "oh I have trouble sleeping or my back hurts." For rec. you could have 15 people growing their pot in one house, that is why they made the 12 plant per household rule. They are also making it clear that the address on your red card is the address you have to have your medical grow at, you can't have 1 red card and set up 3 spots.

I race motorcycles and needless to say I have crash more than I can count and it takes a toll on your body, so it has never been a problem for me to get my red card. I show them the 8 inch scare on my shoulder where they put a 7 inch titanium plate 11 and half screws yes half, doctor broke the head off while drilling some bone together and what appears to be bailing wire. I also have bone spurs on my knees right one is real bad split the pad that your knee cap sits on, I also have arthritis and bone spurs on my spine. Along with half a dozen oxycontin oxycodone and hydrocodone bottles, they don't ask to many questions. My last mmj doctor told me I should quit racing lmao.
@Twitch. Luckily here. Jerry brown hasn't signed the regulation bills yet. People have been email and phone blasting the governors office so much there's constant busy signals if you call. AMMA and CCC are gearing up to file law suits against the state if the bills are signed. They violate prop 215 and sb 420

Anyway we still don't have any plant limits or posession limits. All you need is a rec. I get the regular mild check up. They ask questions, check your blood pressure, reflexes, pulse rate, listen to your breathing with a stethoscope.

I broke my left hand and it healed broken when I was a kid. We couldn't afford a doctor. My dad was getting locked up at the time for fraud. So I have arthritis in my arm. I never raced motorcycles. I did do bmx racing when I was a kid and was sponsored. I did crash Pretty hard a few times. I don't think that affected me though lol. I also do need it for sleep. Literally I will only sleep 2-3 hours a day without pot. 3 years ago my place was robbed. Blah blah blah. I didn't smoke for over 3 months. It was hard. It seemed like I never slept .

With our indoor farming and outdoor. We all get soar backs and feet and legs. Ganj helps out quite a bit with that. I love smoking some cbd before bed time.

Btw I was reading laws in other states. I can't find anything on the 2 years having to apply for anything. You don't have to live in Co for at least 90 days to get a state id anymore. You can get it the day you show up. So the 2 year might have changed too. I remember reading the 90 day thing last year. Selling to a dispensary license is around 10k though in Co. Plus application fee.

As of jan 1st in oregon you have to show 2 years residence ro be able to grow. You don't need to be a resident to get a card though. Wierd.
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It is 2 years for licensing for mips or dispensaries or grows but to have a grow you have to has a point of sale, they have this vertical interrogation where the shops have to grow 70% of what they sell. it is fucking weird. I'll see if i can find some documents because when I went to apply for my mips for the Rosin they told me I cant apply till November 13 because that will be my 2 years here.
some cindys blue cheese bho 30 gram popcorn run than low temp evaporated on griddle till most bubbles gone then added everclear and poured into mason jar and into the deep freeze at -18 over night should have been longer next run will leave to freeze for a full 48 hours but the filter weighed .2 extra.


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Still getting my live resin down, crumbled up a little on the sides, but none the less a fucking mazing. If anyone would like to point out tips for live resin, let me know. My first time i let moisture condense in the chamber and it turned to sugar haha, now im getting shatter but with a little bit of crumble on the edges lol.

OHO (Organic hash Oil)
the purest dab know to man. its like smoking flower but a dab at the same time. so natural. no petroleum or heat used to make this. its the pure pure…

just posted a how to thread on making this. if anyone is interested. (ITS A GAME CHANGER)
