Hate group shuts down Jeb rally


Active Member
Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush has been forced to abandon a rally early because of a protest from Black Lives Matter.

The former governor of Florida was in Las Vegas for a town hall meeting on Wednesday when he answered a question on racial inequality.

An advocate in the crowd of around 150 then started to chant their slogan, so he quickly ended his speech and left the venue without making a final statement or shaking hands with members of the audience.

The music he plays when he walks off stage is heard in the background of a video as the civil rights group keep shouting the mantra.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...hanting-Black-Lives-Matter.html#ixzz3iftAl7nd
The usual suspects
Heckling presidential candidates seems calculated to get them bumped to the back burner when said candidate gets elected.

Seems counterproductive to me, too. Am I missing some subtle art of strategy here or is this just stupidity spreading?
I'd rather see people protesting the entire warfare / welfare circus than a particular candidate.

All of the candidates are actors.
They shouldn't try to stop Sanders from speaking and they shouldn't try to stop Bush from speaking. Holding these kind of disruptive protests are counterintuitive to your cause..

You ever wonder what these people do for a living?
How many six figure guys do you think are in this crowd?
Do you think if they had something better to do they'd be doing it?
Are they making personal sacrifices for a higher ideal?
Or are they most likely just a bunch of "fuck-ups"?
The cause is to destabilize the union, It is financed by Soros.Destroy currencies and societies is what he does .
They shouldn't try to stop Sanders from speaking and they shouldn't try to stop Bush from speaking. Holding these kind of disruptive protests are counterintuitive to your cause..

actually, they are infringing upon everyone else's constitutional right of free speech including sanders' and bushes (right to give) and the audience (right to hear) that came to see them.

#blacklivesmatter should get their own rally and let the chips fall where they may..noone shows? i wonder why?..there are plenty of black people in america that stand with, right?:lol:

also the pic above 'usual suspects' doesn't appear to be #blacklivesmatter. their shirts say 'planned parenthood'.
The cause is to destabilize the union, It is financed by Soros.Destroy currencies and societies is what he does .

i agree..but not by soros..fear is a 'means of production' thingy..it's fear (put onto all cultures in various different ways) that destabilizes the union.
i agree..but not by soros..fear is a 'means of production' thingy..it's fear (put onto all cultures in various different ways) that destabilizes the union.
Fear doesn't pay the bills sky.Soros does .Well most of the time BLM got stiffed .#CutTheCheck
Fear doesn't pay the bills sky.Soros does .Well most of the time BLM got stiffed .#CutTheCheck

there are 435 billionaires in this country..ever wonder what the dem to pubster billionaire ratio is?

BLM is not going to have support so long as their position is militant in nature..noone wants this and some of our black members here have said same, in addition to those on the street interviewed about.
#blacklivesmatter should get their own rally and let the chips fall where they may..noone shows? i wonder why?..there are plenty of black people in america that stand with, right?:lol:

I bet most in that crowd couldn't survive if their neighbors weren't funding their survival.
that has nothing to do with..everyone's voice is equal regardless of net worth..unless you are oligarchy and, well, then..ya know:wink:

If equal, why do they silence the speakers by taking over the stage, and force feed the crowd their opinions?

Bullshit is always hard to sell.