having sex with people who are unconscious

considering you are on your 9th sock puppet dedicated to me and me alone, that would be you.

didn' know you had a grow journal. on my way to troll you over there.

I ain't a sock. And I love you, but I'm not in love with you.

OK baby, troll my grow journal. It'll be fun I'm sure.
It's not rape if they don't say 'No!'
I'm pretty sure you're joking, but just in case...
The old "no means no" is outdated. "Yes means yes" is a better rule. There's a lot of circumstances where someone doesn't feel comfortable saying no. If they say yes, or literally ask for it with words, then go for it! I have a girl in the picture who likes to be woken up with sex. She gave me express permission. Remember, consent is sexy!
UncleBuck, travis, see4, and mathematician1.618 walk into a bar.

The bartender says "Hello Buck. So you're alone today?".

Listen numb nuts. All your sock talk amuses me to no end, given that you are in fact a sock.

I saw your grow and was going to comment on it, hell even throw you a like or two, before I realized, you'd just start rambling about socks again. I'm amazed anytime, any of you old fucks actually grows weed.

Be careful around your new pal skunkydick, for him sleepy time and rape time are one and the same.

Listen numb nuts. All your sock talk amuses me to no end, given that you are in fact a sock.

I saw your grow and was going to comment on it, hell even throw you a like or two, before I realized, you'd just start rambling about socks again. I'm amazed anytime, any of you old fucks actually grows weed.

Be careful around your new pal skunkydick, for him sleepy time and rape time are one and the same.


Hey travis,

If you're for real, then you're welcome to comment in my grow journal. I like to avoid making enemies whenever possible. This is a place for shit talk, and I talk shit. Why the fuck does that offend anyone?

I grow some pretty good weed, believe it or not.

And skunk seems OK to me.