Having to deal with law enforcement real soon


Active Member
Grow tomatoes or flowers; or both. It will be good practice. Good luck.
Its fun to grow no matter what, and the money you put in will go to your new hobby. If you dont get the boot from the landlord. Have another party in a few months. when the cops come over they will see your new herb garden is growing like you said and your alibi is secured. IF yo dont get evicted after the second party. Move then start again. and pick a smarter room mate. WHY IN THE FUCK would anyone have a party where your gonna be growing pot???


Well-Known Member
suggest you find a new roommate that understands the issue and no partys at the house. You can lie to the cops and put herbs under lights saying your a romantic cook who believes in fresh veggies for your dates/entertaining. They won't believe you but who cares. Move out of that apt. Is the apt. in your name? If not super....If you can swing it live alone so your the only person managing it...

Live and learn.


Well-Known Member
I suggest people check the dates on threads before responding. Way to bring a year-old post back from the ashes........ lol


Well-Known Member
and ps. The light and the foil are enough for them to obtain a FULL search warrant. Cops arent stupid people, if you keep it up and put something else under it, theyre not gonna just say " Hey guess this kid was growing rose bushes all along "... sorry but cops arent that stupid. No, theyre gonna say " Hey there was nothing under there a week ago, and now theres a fully flowering rose bush " and then theyre gonna get suspicious. A suspicious cop is a VERY BAD THING. Im also from a family of lawyers and trust me man, leaving that shit ANYWHERE near your property will get you fuckd!
Fuck the Feds