Havnt had sex in three weeks :(

I make love on special days. I usaully try to surprize her with a romantic evening and finish it off sharing a blunt and making sweet love. My girl loves that. Haha
My girl just had a c section like three weeks ago. The baby (Allysa) was three months early so she's still in the hospital. Me and my girl have been just sitting at home smokin and chillin and shit. We both get real horny but were not allowed to have sex untill she is completely healed and it has been hard as fuck! I'm high as fuck. Thought id get it off my chest as I don't have any stoner buddies to talk about my problems with. Any one else having any sex problems??? Post!!!!

I would definitely stick one up her ass when she bends over to tie her shoes!!! She will understand man!
You are so witty, I succumb your superior trolliness. Do you say other witty things also like "I almost threw up in my mouth"?
I like the 2 for 1 Sunday night special the local hookers have here.....yes, their alitte ruff from their long weekend, but they clean up nice.... and I slipped the pimp a mickey and stopped his watch, so I'm good till morning.