Active Member
\What the fuck are you talking about?
Let me dumb it down for you since your reading comprehension is clearly below average.
Page 1: Op says he has a 3 month premature baby in the hospital
Page 2: op says he makes nearly 12/hr at place of employment , any idea how much money it costs to sit in a hospital for a day.Sure as fuck isn't 12/hr
Page 5: op says baby ways 2 lb and change... not leaving the hospital any time soon at that size.
Page 15: Op claims to be supporting himself, baby momma, and baby, and helping out foster mom with the rent... that paycheck must be made of magic
This is the information that I used to come up with my burden of state comment.
Back to page one: Heres a direct quote from the op, Plus I'm still in highschool so there are lots of hot girls always walking around and flirting. Jeeez god help me. I'm not a cheater but this INSANE. The will power will give out eventually, I assume he is human, although barely.
Page one again: Baby momma isn't even healed up and he already can't think about anything else. If she could get pregnant orally she probably would already be.
These comments lead me to the conclusion that he will be done with her more sooner than later, cant get it at home, gonna go somewhere else to get it. Its just the way some people are. Since he can't think about much else besides fucking, its what he's gonna do, with who ever gets in his way.
Thats what the FUCK I'm talking about.