Hawaii Growers

doca G, man i know how you feel with the back pains. although im not the oldest guy here ive been "adjusted" by a friend of mine and was down for the count a couple days and unfortunatly those days were spent traveling on airplanes, the worst remedy for a fizzled back.

I absolutly hate when my backs fuct. Luckily it happens more rare these days, but yeah when it does happen i'm useless. They say its because my bodies core balance is in a different spot since losing 190 pounds, thus the new way my body has to balance puts stress on areas of my back that didn't provide that function before.
Last time I had one over my meds in august , the next day they were all stolen! Cops are definitely stealing from mmj patients! Took this from my lanai this afternoon.


This Hughe is registered to windward aviation. I suggest you call the company and make a formal complaint saying there flying by trying to get a peak at your wife sun bathing nude, and next time you will throw a ball of yarn in there rotor.
yup! good eye, kkday.

both of those kooks stay pulling their meat and get smiles on there faces. the guy in the back must get one big one 'cause his legs stay spread wide!
I absolutly hate when my backs fuct. Luckily it happens more rare these days, but yeah when it does happen i'm useless. They say its because my bodies core balance is in a different spot since losing 190 pounds, thus the new way my body has to balance puts stress on areas of my back that didn't provide that function before.

100 situps /day will strengthen your back... eliminate the pain
both of those kooks stay pulling their meat and get smiles on there faces. the guy in the back must get one big one 'cause his legs stay spread wide!

HAHAHA you crack me up drg

hey guys I got a great idea to veg plants guerilla style.
-Solar panel
-12v car battery
-12v 15w CFL
- some sort of timer or light detector that turns on at sunset and off 5 hours after sunset

Basically it will extend veg time another 4-5 hours or so, so the plant wont flower. You could keep clones in the forest if u wanted.

any ideas smart people?
Next true cycle starts Dec 21st and goes to March 21st... Just finished the last season and if you put anything outside before the 21st it will flower then revert... and flower again... so wait :)
Next true cycle starts Dec 21st and goes to March 21st... Just finished the last season and if you put anything outside before the 21st it will flower then revert... and flower again... so wait :)

Tell that to my plants....they are flowering without issue
yeah mine are flowering they reached about 4 inches and are now flowering and taking off, I cant wait to smoke their delicious budz.
why dec 21? The sunlight hours are under 10, wouldn't it start flowering around feb with around 11 then revert back to veg?!?!!??

Dec 21 is the shortest day of the year.... every day after that gets longer until June 21... then it goes back down until Dec 21
The season is an issue if you are growing seeds..

If you use clones, then they have probably been vegged with a lot more than 12 hours light.... they go into flower as soon as you put them outside.
all about the photoperiod ...ive been growing one right after another since feb ...when i put em outside they flower ..pretty doggone simple
all about the photoperiod ...ive been growing one right after another since feb ...when i put em outside they flower ..pretty doggone simple

That’s been working for me too!....Veg indoors to whatever height and then out they go!....So Far So Good.....Fistbutt must be talking about starting from seed outdoors?
That’s been working for me too!....Veg indoors to whatever height and then out they go!....So Far So Good.....Fistbutt must be talking about starting from seed outdoors?

Lol fistbutt ..i sure you meant fishbutt ...and yes i agree man , he's all about the outdoor true season ...all natural ...shortbutwork