Hawaii Growers

Just what I was planning on doing. Speaking of incognito, do you think it's a red flag if I were to buy some "special" lights online? I feel sketched about it but I wouldn't feel that much safer if I went down to the hydro store. Someone could be watching, ya know?
I don't think so. what kinda lights you thinking of getting?
I don't think so. what kinda lights you thinking of getting?

With my budget right now, probably a 400 watt hps. Pretty good deals at htgsupply. I really wanted to get this amazing 600 watt LED panel but at 2 g's, that's out of the equation. There's a grow on here with that panel and the guy using it got around a pound dry from 4 plants. Pretty nuts, considering all the stuff I have heard about LEDs.
that's what soo fucked up with our medical laws. they collect the dough, give you your "blue card" and send you on your way........ back to square 1 again. and they know this and they don't care. the same guy that gives us our cards, kieth kamita, is the same guy busting us. this is truth. that blue card is some expensive toilet paper!!! cause that's about all you can do with it, is wipe your ass. I get one blue card myself, I use em for make crutches.

all the more reason we all need to ban together to try and force a change. It ain't gonna come by itself, that's for sure! This is why it is soooo important to talk to your local lawmaker and ask him why medical cannabis falls under 'Public Safety' instead of the 'Health Dept.', where it belongs. As long as it stays under the scrutiny of keith "my ulii is extremely small" Kamita, it will remain a rocky road!
But with our new Gov., I expect change, sooner than later!

We all need to get involved. With homeboy Barry, it looks like he's become extremely lazy and has forgotten his way to change we all once thought we could believe in! With him allowing the appointment of Michelle Lionheart(Bush holdover) to run the DEA...again. We medical patients are in for a rough ride. She has promised to go after states that have implemented medical cannabis state laws. Another words, we probably in the past couple of years have taken a few steps forward in our movement for all types of cannabis use. Now with her appointment imminent, it looks like the battle is about to begin!? Barry, you fucking have betrayed us!
With my budget right now, probably a 400 watt hps. Pretty good deals at htgsupply. I really wanted to get this amazing 600 watt LED panel but at 2 g's, that's out of the equation. There's a grow on here with that panel and the guy using it got around a pound dry from 4 plants. Pretty nuts, considering all the stuff I have heard about LEDs.

I'd seriously wait on LED technology. It ain't all that yet. Some people claim it's awesome, but i'm pretty sure those are the one's that have bought the LED lights already,..and must speak of it's virtues because no one wants to admit they just spent 2 to 3 grand on lights that give you "pop corn buds",as a final product. I have combed the internet, and all parts of this earth trying to do research on LED grow lights. About 80% of all LED lights come from one company in Taiwan. Doesn't that give you an idea as to were LED lights are now?

Just do your due diligence with regard to these lights before you drop your hard earned money. I think HPS lights are the way to go these days! But then, that's just my opinion. What say you?
I'd seriously wait on LED technology. It ain't all that yet. Some people claim it's awesome, but i'm pretty sure those are the one's that have bought the LED lights already,..and must speak of it's virtues because no one wants to admit they just spent 2 to 3 grand on lights that give you "pop corn buds",as a final product. I have combed the internet, and all parts of this earth trying to do research on LED grow lights. About 80% of all LED lights come from one company in Taiwan. Doesn't that give you an idea as to were LED lights are now?

Just do your due diligence with regard to these lights before you drop your hard earned money. I think HPS lights are the way to go these days! But then, that's just my opinion. What say you?

Yeah, LEDs are way to expensive right now. I'm still shopping around for hps lights and there's some great deals online, just a little paranoid about buying, even locally.