Summer 2011 review
Pictured is my veg area with all myvarious grow projects, this year i supplied my self with a constant supply ofCherry Tomatoes, Onions, Various Chile peppers and cat nip for the kitties.

Yep as the pineapples approach oneyear old, they are looking Strong and healthy
On to the Real Plants!
well this summer i finished up 1super lemon plant yielding 48 grams
and 3 Dutch Passion Blueberry plantsyielding 80 grams
the buds were very skinny and wispydue to high temps in the grow area thus giving me a smaller yield than my normal.
My current Baby Girls include SuperLemon Haze, Vanilla Kush, and NL5 from Greenhouse seeds, and Pyramids Osiris(another ak-47/white widow cross) These are my current favorite strains. Nextweek these will start their super cropping, however the kitties have been doingthere job at topping too!! they nibble on the leaves and my seedlings alwaysturn out much bushier, and it doesn't seem to do any harm so i let them, i meanweed eating kitties is kool lol
As promised here is my Cruz inspired super cropping methods
these were about 1 week old when istarted my cropping basically folding over every shoot to an even size, alsomaking sure the stem actually breaks at the cell wall level enough to keep thestem from standing back up. a small pinch until a snap is felt is good as longas you do not snap the stem completely off they will survive and be strong forit.
if you do snap your stem to much, ifound misting with water for a couple days will help it through the rough patchuntil it regrows its stem.
As you can see i had a stem herewhich was almost completely severed, and she too recovered and became a verytiring branch.
This is a Super Lemon Haze about 20days into veg, just prior to me flowering her, she was around 13 inches tall,and very bushy!!!
Here you see the Super lemon and Osiris with vanilla Kush about 4 weeks intoflower
After 4 tries I have actually gottena Tangerine dream from Barny's farm to Germinate, with the propagation in aseedling tray, medium is rock wool cubes, and water plus rock wool startingsolution is used for nutrient pool for the cube to rest in.
Here you see the tangerines dreams seedling 2days into germination, amazing how well this works, keeping the temp andhumidity around 80 made for a perfect sprout!