HBBum- E&F Chernobyl and Fruit Juice


Well-Known Member
20 days since flip, nearly out of room. Did a rez swap a couple days ago. Stems are super thick, but I really need to do only 3 plants in this space since it is over crowded in a 2x4 with 5.


Well-Known Member
Just over 7 weeks. Changed time to 12-12 (from 13-11), and will keep it there until harvest. Judging form the look of things I have about 3-4 weeks left.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, this E&F set up is really hands off. Been traveling a lot and really only check on it every 3-4 days, sometime longer when on the road. PH is staying right where I needs it and minimal PPM shifts.

Only thing I wish I had done differently is only put in 3 instead of 5, there is not enough room in the little 2x4 for 5 plants.


Well-Known Member
Did a partial harvest last week(72 days), chopped off the top half and I am letting the bottoms go a couple weeks longer since they didn't get much light penetration. I have never done this before, but so far pretty happy with how the remainder has been filling out. Took 6 days to get dried where I wanted them and have the first round in 1 gallon jars with 62% Boveda packs.

Got 203g dried so far, I estimate another 100-150 when I finish.
