Hbr's Stadium Vsog

Whats up Hbr sounds like you had a good turkey day. So did we, I hooked up a BBQ turkey this year. Cooked that bitch for almost 5 hours, and she fell off the bones.
just got back from the west coast... damm i totally killed the mashed potatoes as i have been to chef school.... how was yours.... i coiuld soo goo for some more stuffing and gravy..im fucking wasted right now and there no way im going into my grow room. been gone for 5 days..had a buddy drop by last night.....the last time that happended..ha...ohhh booyy... i killed 20 plants....pc/////
Thanks for the tips trolodyte
What do yo mean center bulbs top to bottom?
Handwatering isnt bad at all.

How long would you suggest i veg in this setup?
also do you using bushmaster would benefit any?

Thanks again,cheersHbr
i have never in all my years seen a room like that good luck with that curious to see what comes of it...
Next up on the auction block ladies and gentlemen is one sterilite plastic tote full of nugs. I'd like to open the bidding @ $5,000 please. Do I hear 5, lol
Sold to the man in the hawiaan shirt!
Well imnot totaly blown away with my results...avg plant weight was low.
18 g was the most on a plant i believe-im sure it had to do with my over pruning.
im thinkin 3 gal pots this round,but it will only fit 3 rows of pots that big...hmmmmm
ill load the pics tonight-cheers hbr
Sold to the man in the hawiaan shirt!
Well imnot totaly blown away with my results...avg plant weight was low.
18 g was the most on a plant i believe-im sure it had to do with my over pruning.
im thinkin 3 gal pots this round,but it will only fit 3 rows of pots that big...hmmmmm
ill load the pics tonight-cheers hbr

Did you run the one gal grow bags on this one bubba? I got 2 gal's for mine i'm putting together. Gotta wait til the 12th, spent all the extra on gettin utilities and what not changed over. I got in and cleaned up after the old tennants and got my spot cleaned, did some electrical and pulled 220 into a pr of boxes for lighting. I still gotta build my filter, damn i'm draggin ass on this, lol been busy getting a strain library up, 14 flavors so far 3 cloned and locked down, the rest in seedling or germ stages. It seems like it went from a passion hobby to a movement overnight, I dunno...

Edit : From my grow room to yours, Merry Christmas!
HeadBandRocker I have one of the Dark Room 150s and I thought I saw that you had one in one of your pics. I love mine how do you like yours?
The Natural is too fuckin old to have ever even stood a chance against that fuckin maniac Brock man. He got lucky in the 1st place when he beat Chuck n took that fuckin belt dude. - id personally like to see a Liddel/Lessnar fight come up pretty soon man. I mean, i think that Chucky would get his ass handed to him, but it would be a good fight to watch, n not the dog n fuckin pony show that was put on by Randy "the Natural" Coteour, or however the fuck you spell his name, lol.

N sorry for not checkin you out sooner man, you got a fuckin AWESOME grow goin on, your shit is lookin off the hook amazing. Ive never seen a stadium grow done before, n just thought to look it up this morning. N to do one with Chem D, thanks for doin that man, cuz now i have an idea of what the D buds are gonna turn out lookin like, n now cant wait to move into a bigger fuckin house so i can start the tenner i bought a few weeks back :D Keep up the good work HbR, your doin awesome bro!

it was a lucky puch to the back of the neck, err is it a punch when you have 50 pound arms? or a clubbing with a tree stump hehe.

But I think Randy was doing just fine for an old guy, and I think he had a chance if it went longer.

I just finished reading the whole thread, I wish I was here from the start as I used to use the same techniqe many years ago.

Congrats on a great thread and some great ideas!!!

Ive been out of it for years because I got married :) but never lost interest.

I love to brainstorm like you guys have been doing over that past few months.

I have tried alot of systems and techniques and can honestly say that I am still confused haha.

The omega garden came from vancouver and I was one of the first to try them out.

Didnt like them, as one person pointed out already; they wick up the nutes as they rotate, and then the drip the shit all over when they get to 12 o clock.

HBR, I had 2800 watts on my stadium, 1k hps, 400 mh, 1k hps, 400 mh
I had a hells angel strain called knuckle bud, 5lb was a bad pull, best ever was 8lb when it was dialed in with water chillers and co2.

I have also done tft pipe systems and got 5lb consistently off of 2x1k hps rotating on a sun circle.

I think I am gonna try an aeroponic v stadium with 2x1k hps next
thats my dream system

KUDOS on a great thread !!!
its cool i have the dr 12o too-im gona do a lil sog project in therei use the 15o as a mother/veg room-i have 24 moms in 2 gal pots.
What is your set up in there? do you have any pics?

Got 3gal pots for half the stadium and was gona do 18 gal tubs with 2 plants per `tub
b ut they dont fit! Arghh! so balls for that idea as i dont feel like rebuildin one side to accomidate.
So manyana i ll get the rest o the pots-
i could squeez 1o6 if i do 1 row on the floor,messy but worth it?

If i get a ounce per plant that would be 6.6lbs not bad
But im tempted to go get a few more lights and do flat next round or even this but im tight on dough so looks like another show for the stadium
Hbr I was curious if you ever figured a total weight of the stadium? Also you mentioned that you were'nt happy with the weight per plant, you mentioned overpruning were you talking about before or after harvest what else do you think it could have been? also I don't remember but were you using Co2 check out this vert grow you mentioned wanting to change style just an idea not sure about posting links like this on this site but here goes. http://forums.cannabisculture.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1390963