Hbr's Stadium Vsog

its cool i have the dr 12o too-im gona do a lil sog project in therei use the 15o as a mother/veg room-i have 24 moms in 2 gal pots.
What is your set up in there? do you have any pics?

Got 3gal pots for half the stadium and was gona do 18 gal tubs with 2 plants per `tub
b ut they dont fit! Arghh! so balls for that idea as i dont feel like rebuildin one side to accomidate.
So manyana i ll get the rest o the pots-
i could squeez 1o6 if i do 1 row on the floor,messy but worth it?

If i get a ounce per plant that would be 6.6lbs not bad
But im tempted to go get a few more lights and do flat next round or even this but im tight on dough so looks like another show for the stadium

hey hbr...did you get a final weight for your stadium> i think next round im using 2 to 3 gallon buckets and only 3 to 4 shelfs....every thing is going good though..im 2 weeks away from the cut..
yeah the tube is quite expensie but prob could diy one out of roofing tin and hurricaine candle glass or something of that nature. good design to start off of though needs some refining.
:leaf:Alright the tally is in and definatly not awsome lol
2.7 lbs I might ad that the herb is a bit on the dry side.
with an average of 8 g per plant?! I didnt weigh the seeded bud
and have 3 Gq left to harvest.
I think i remember hearing that the chem d needed a ton of nutes and i def kept her organic and flushed a long time so could have alot to do with her poor performance.
I will run one more in the stadium with a few changes...
I am toying with the idea of doing a wooden dyi version of the pi rack/coli setup next
Cheers and highgrade to all and to all a good night!:joint: Hbr
Congrads man!!! still an awesome grow. I mean c'mon, you've got 2.7 lbs of organic goodness......i think you can do 6 lbs in there =)
That isn't a huge yield but I'm sure its great bud. I think with some tweaks bro you can definitely get more out of the stadium. Perhaps a bit more veg time, and some differant trimming techniques?
shoot thats almost a pound per 1000w right? pretty good, and the plus side of that is your yeilds will probably improve each time you do. excellent grow! I wish i had more space than i do so i could make a sweet stadium
Thanks guy! Yes i will attempt to dial her in this round.
The smoke is great and very clean-the real flavors are just starting to come through.
I have thrips right now and just did a test spray of SEVIN bug spray.
I also tried the botaniguard wp21 {google that stuff!}
I asked them nicley to leave,and they wouldnt.

Does everyonelses ballasts get very hot? I can touch them but they are very hot it seems hooter than norm hmmmm i am using extension cords so that could be it.

Time for some call of duty cheers HBr
My ballasts also get hot. can touch them but not for too long. mine are outside of my room and i have a 6" fan on them to try and circulate the air seems to help but never had a prob with them. about your yield curious if you add CO2 i have used it in the past when i had sealed room but new room isnt sealed yet so I didnt use it this time and I can def tell a diff buds are big but dont seem to be as full as is in the past. chop time in three weeks only half of the stadium though, 23 plants guess we'll see.
I used co2 for most or untill week 5 ithink.

Headbandrocker I just read through your thread, took a good few joints, but I loved it :shock::shock:

Hey man 2.2 pounds is nothing to worry about, now you have some good experience and hopefully you can get this system dialed in.

I'm going to be running a vertical next run, either a WOG (wall of green) like greenbastard over in cannabisculture or a stadium type system.

1 question do you think 1 gram per watt could be achievable with 3 600's and smaller space? And if the environment was perfect of course :)

If I was running this system I think I would use a really good Indica instead of sativa, what do you think? Anyhow thanks for this great grow I LOVED every second of it.

Grow Ops
well Bro you just gave me my next grow room idea.. except I will be using some kinda of automatic watering system.. I thought about using the 6" tubes with net pots.. and I will have a bedroom to use next run.... And a closet room for moms and rooting so the room is always being used... I can put newer plants up top and bigger ones on the bottom Something so I can harvest every week or two...Do you think It would be possible.. If I always used the same nutes except the bottom could have a flush res tank
Ya for sure,new ones added every 2 weeks would be nice!
I am using 3 gal pots now though.If this one doesnt work im throwin this wood in storage and building a wooden collisiem,looks clean and holds the same plants as my setup in half the space.Auto watering is my goal aswell,saving my nickles!
wow that would be cool if you could buy like 25 degree or 35 deg elbows for 6 inch PVC.. and build a octagon shaped spiral...
Ya for sure,new ones added every 2 weeks would be nice!
I am using 3 gal pots now though.If this one doesnt work im throwin this wood in storage and building a wooden collisiem,looks clean and holds the same plants as my setup in half the space.Auto watering is my goal aswell,saving my nickles!
It came out ok but had major calcium def and had a few nanners that threw a wrench.
That chem D is notorius for the nanner on ladies,i have a chemdawg x sour/ogkush that i am trying out,but the chem d took a while to finish even with the BM.
I like the 7 week kushs,also have a great hindukush and a Bubbakush X Sour/Ogkush i want to try!
I want to germ the greenqueen seeds i got from the chemd 9ollen tho too,all in due time
hey hbr was your last harvest the entire stadium at once? I am looking toward to the end of this op and thinking of how it would turn out yield wise having all shelves harvest at once, is 6lbs off 2 1k's ridiculous?