Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

Signed. I can not wait to see how it turns out. ONLY I wondered, how much direct sunlight in one day BE YOUR Babies get? At plot one SEEMS A little shade to me, am I right? Fellow guerrilla grower here, so I like to learn and share the "tricks of the trade", so to speak. . This will be my second grow this year. :D

That's the trade off I'll be sacrificing for the arial cover Plot 1 offers, but when I was there yesterday (mid-day) it wasn't too shaded. It has some for sure, but it's not enough to the point of concern, they'll be getting a good amount of sun in there. Especially when summer rolls through and the foliage dies down a little bit. I'll also be planting on the south side of each tree in hopes to bypass those tall shadows. We'll see how it goes...

But hellll yeah homie, that's what this thread is for! Sharing and learning... I'm no master grower by ANY means lol. Always looking for fellow guerrillas to stop in and share what they know to help me and anyone else looking at this thread for a base to their outdoor grows.

Sync up!
I can't believe what I am seeing. I am doing a nearly identical grow in the swamp this year.

Hahaha that's whats up! It feels like it's the latest and greatest technique of going guerrilla... unlimited water = unlimited growth creating 10' monsters! Plus the security of a swamp is unreal, only waterfowl hunters go where we go and most of the time if we're smart they still won't find out plots... even if in the same swamp. I always see my "destination", then hike another 100' til I'm out of site to that spot. Always goin deeper than I feel is safe just to be sure of a harvest. Just think about it, will you be up at night wondering if your plot was found? Or is it that stealthy that you'll be sleeping like a baby dreaming of carrying pounds back in your duffle bags come Croptober? That's the question I ask myself before transporting tubes out and if I see myself sleeping pretty then I know it's a go. If not, then I hike more until I feel that way.

What's your soil mix looking like for this season? I know swamps demand a little different style-mix than dry land crops do. This is my only task left - dialing in my mix.
Hahaha that's whats up! It feels like it's the latest and greatest technique of going guerrilla... unlimited water = unlimited growth creating 10' monsters! Plus the security of a swamp is unreal, only waterfowl hunters go where we go and most of the time if we're smart they still won't find out plots... even if in the same swamp. I always see my "destination", then hike another 100' til I'm out of site to that spot. Always goin deeper than I feel is safe just to be sure of a harvest. Just think about it, will you be up at night wondering if your plot was found? Or is it that stealthy that you'll be sleeping like a baby dreaming of carrying pounds back in your duffle bags come Croptober? That's the question I ask myself before transporting tubes out and if I see myself sleeping pretty then I know it's a go. If not, then I hike more until I feel that way.

What's your soil mix looking like for this season? I know swamps demand a little different style-mix than dry land crops do. This is my only task left - dialing in my mix.

The security is the main plus. I feel very comfortable with security of my spot. I don't know about 10' monsters here, our goal is 1/2 lb per plant, whatever that takes. My spot is sun all day long. They will be big for sure. So far we are using Hyponex soil in black 3 and 7 gal buckets with X Nutrients Grow, Bloom, and Micro. How should we do the mix? And what nutrients should we use?

For watering, I bought this to pump water out of the swamp and filter it:


Can't wait for Croptober
The security is the main plus. I feel very comfortable with security of my spot. I don't know about 10' monsters here, our goal is 1/2 lb per plant, whatever that takes. My spot is sun all day long. They will be big for sure. So far we are using Hyponex soil in black 3 and 7 gal buckets with X Nutrients Grow, Bloom, and Micro. How should we do the mix? And what nutrients should we use?

For watering, I bought this to pump water out of the swamp and filter it:


Can't wait for Croptober

Lookin good mang, not exactly sure what you meant by what nutrients should you use though. Aren't you using the ones you listed there? If so, go by the bottle and then cut that in half-2/3 because they always recommend the strongest plants can handle. Are those slow-release ferts btw? If not, slow released is where it's at for swamps. They won't ever be needing water so top feeding will hurt the aeration levels. Lemme know more deets before I toss anymore advice your way though for sure.

Pumps lookin good as well, what you gotta take into factor is how many GPH (gallons per hour) the pump is - I couldn't seem to find the amount for that one but I'm guessing its around 70ish. Could be off though. Anyways, if your pumping your water UP hill then consider a heavier-duty pump that will be able to handle that kind of task. It's best to use gravity with you rather than against you, the best scenario is finding a water source that's above your site level that way you can just install a line and have the rest of the work be done for you. This is a really hard find though. So I'm guessing you have to be pumping up hill. Measure the feet the water will have to be pumped up (vertically) and then go from there. If it's more than 5 feet incline that pump won't be strong enough, I've ran ebb-and-flow hydro setups with a pump of that strength having trouble to raise my water up to the table 4' above the res. It's all about the GPH, you can find some really powerful pumps for relatively cheap that'll last you years on end. Just gotta do a little research/shopping around online.

Lemme know the deets of everything like I said, and we'll be able to asses your sitch a lot better homie. Youre gonna do fine this season either way... Stay up!

EDIT: Also, don't grab that water filter because it will gunk up in no-time with what's in the swamp. Plus, you want all those beni's and minerals from the nutrient-rich water to stay in your water; adding to your plant growth. Plants LOVE swamp water, that's why everything in the swamp is so robust and full of life. Plants thrive on that shit. I've seen commercial growers use a window screen mounted on the inlet of their pump, or a piece of wired cage as well. They'll still gunk up eventually, but you won't be having to visit weekly to pull out leaves/debris. More like every 2-3 weeks, depending on the looks of the swamp your inletting from.
I am using X Nutrients liquid nutrients. I have 2.5 Gallon Jugs of Grow, Bloom, and Micro. The X Nutes are more of a hydroponic nutrient than a soil nutrient and they are liquid. I feel the liquid nutes would potentially get washed away. I want my buds as big as possible and need the best nutes for the swamp.

I currently have my plants in 3 and 7 gallon pots totally above the ground. I am using the pump to simply water them, no hydro system. I just put the pump in the water and filter the pumped swamp water. I will look into a wire cage for the pump to keep debris out. Should I put the plants in the ground? I was going to leave them out.
I am using X Nutrients liquid nutrients. I have 2.5 Gallon Jugs of Grow, Bloom, and Micro. The X Nutes are more of a hydroponic nutrient than a soil nutrient and they are liquid. I feel the liquid nutes would potentially get washed away. I want my buds as big as possible and need the best nutes for the swamp.

I currently have my plants in 3 and 7 gallon pots totally above the ground. I am using the pump to simply water them, no hydro system. I just put the pump in the water and filter the pumped swamp water. I will look into a wire cage for the pump to keep debris out. Should I put the plants in the ground? I was going to leave them out.

Yeah I'd save the liquid nutes for another crop, they'll be washed away almost immediately unfortunately. Go to home depot or Lowes and grab some Osmocote. I'd suggest to not plant directly in the ground as well, having your plants in pots will keep the Osmocote in and around your roots, plus the swamp doesnt really have a true "floor" so the Osmocote would be washed away eventually. Go no smaller than 5 gal buckets, and pay attention to the high water mark. This is the highest level the water will get during the season, usually depicted by the surrounding dead trees; if you look on their trunks you'll see moss on the bottom portion of them. The highest point of the moss growing on them is your high water mark. Make sure your pots are at least 6''-12'' above this height or you could risk drowning your girls when we get those heavy down pours through out the season. The 7 gal pots sound really good, and if you wanna keep some cash in your pocket you could even go with some grow bags.... a pack of 25 ten gallon bags are like half of the cost of plastic pots in the same bundle. The only thing I would recommend if going with pots is to stake them down in the muck at the bottom of your swamp... come end of season your plants will be top heavy (because of your giant buds!) and you could risk them falling over and find them soaking in swamp water on your next visit out. I grabbed a 75 pack of garden stakes from Home Depot today for when I install my tubes this week... a big update is in store for that!

But like I said, go with the soil mix I mentioned above and check out how TwoHeads' plants turned out. Not sure if you have an account on icmag or if it lets you see it but they came out to be MONSTERS. It's a solid mix!
You aren't using a pump yet you say you'll never have to water them...so youll be placing bottomless buckets directly into the water with about a foot of the bucket still above the water?
You aren't using a pump yet you say you'll never have to water them...so youll be placing bottomless buckets directly into the water with about a foot of the bucket still above the water?

I am keeping my plants in black plastic 7 gal pots on grass islands in the swamp. I don't see them getting flooded, in fact I see the depth of water dropping a little over the summer. If they need to be raised at some point, that is not a problem. By growing on the small islands, I am getting almost a full day of sun, since the trees don't block the sun. Hopefully I get some nice sized plants.
Hey Heady Intentions, BTW, if you want to use wireless surveillance cams, you need to get some solar panels to run them. I already looked into this and next year will be installing some. This year the "no hunting" will have to do.
You aren't using a pump yet you say you'll never have to water them...so youll be placing bottomless buckets directly into the water with about a foot of the bucket still above the water?

Exactly. I hauled tubes out today, and right now they have 6'' of standing water. Come heavy rainfalls though, they'll be more lookin like a foot - 18''
Hey Heady Intentions, BTW, if you want to use wireless surveillance cams, you need to get some solar panels to run them. I already looked into this and next year will be installing some. This year the "no hunting" will have to do.

I was thinking about posting some "posted" signs up near my grow but I'm worried about any land owners seeing something out of the ordinary that they didn't place there. I'm banking on the "steeper and deeper" tactic and gonna hike in my soil/tubes to the point where you can't see them unless you hike into the swamp yourself, which I'm assuming nobody would do except rare guerrillas like us. *fingers crossed!*

Hauled out my tubes to Plot 2 today.

swamp 1.jpgswamp 2.jpgswamp 3.jpgswamp 4.jpg\

Decided to disregard Plot 1 due to indirect sunlight at times during the day. This site is facing south and will get sun as long as the sun is OUT this season. I'm excited about the potential here, cept they're pretty out in the open. The land is commercial and up for sale so I'm guessing hunters won't be wandering on the property/in the swamp during my season. I have to hike through the woods a little ways and then to this clearing, and I'm hoping the tubes will be concealed by the cattails come mid-season. Right now they're visible from the swamp entrance. I'm waiting for those cat tails to start growing and conceal the grow a bit more as the early-season starts up pretty much.

The tubes I threw out there are both 2' and 3' tall, depending on the water depths of their locations. There is about 6''-10'' of standing water in each tube's bottom. I'm assuming there will be a maximum of a foot after heavy rainfalls, judging by surround tree trunk moss-markings. Peep it -

inner tube.jpgtube base.jpg

I haven't shown pictures on this site of my other Plot that I'm using, and will do so once I transport tubes to that site this week. Have a lot, and I mean A LOT of hauling to do soil-wise this Monday so I'll be focusing on that first. Picking up a 4,000 pound load of peat moss that's supposed to be only 2,000 lbs but they let the rain get to them so water permeated through the plastic, resulting in a GREAT deal on my end; but a heavy heavy hauling task as well. I'm renting a U-Haul Van to transport the 2 loads, 1 load to the spot above and the 2nd to my spot not shown yet. Fuuuck. My back hurts already. I just can't wait to transplant and get everything up and going so I can sit back and take a deep breath, relax and watch em grow for the rest of the season. That day will come soon enough though, this is the busiest month of the year so we guerrillas have to MAN the fuck UP! Better done earlier than later though, I know next year I won't be waiting for temps to get to the 70s before hauling out supplies. I was sweating bullets today in my waders! Live n learn though, that's what it's all about right? Will toss another update up when I transport my soil/tubes this week. Wish me luck homies!

Heady Intentions :leaf:
Peat moss is the only soil you're using?

everything looks really good by the way man. Im loking forward to see how you go about everything from here