Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

Peat moss is the only soil you're using?

everything looks really good by the way man. Im loking forward to see how you go about everything from here

Nah im using 60% peat, 30% perlite, 10% compost. Then adding Osmocote for nutes, along with guano top-dressings during flowering.

Thanks brother, I found that rollitup is way more interactive compared to icmag. I think I'll stick with this site for now on, a lot of cool dudes on here. Stay tuned!
I am gonna use the X Nutes for bloom. I have the X Nute Grow and Bloom spray also.

Nice, I'd use all the bloom stuff you have but the vegging will be taken care of with the Osmocote; you don't wanna over-do it because a lock-out is hard to come back from. You can always up the dose of your feeding. How are you administering your X Nutes by the way? By hand-feedings?
Administering the X nutes by hand watering. We are going to mix 2 to 3 gal at a time in a watering can. Then spray the leaves down with the pump sprayers.

I am doing all nutes from 1/2 spec to full spec. I've grown before in hydro, so I know the power of the nutes.
Administering the X nutes by hand watering. We are going to mix 2 to 3 gal at a time in a watering can. Then spray the leaves down with the pump sprayers.

I am doing all nutes from 1/2 spec to full spec. I've grown before in hydro, so I know the power of the nutes.

Gotcha. Sounds good man! Just keep visits more towards dusk hours to prevent compromising the grow and be smart out there.

So I need to wait a little bit to haul out the peat, a good buddy of mine told me he'd help me out with haul in exchange for a % of the final total in October. I'm thinking between 10-15%, depending on how much peat moss I order. It may seem small, but when you're looking at 10+ lbs that's 1-1.5 pounds for hauling out 500 lbs of peat moss or pretty much a day's worth of work. Saves me a lot of work though, and he's cool so I don't mind helping him out this year. He also has a kid so he's doing it for money towards her which makes me wanna keep it more towards the 15% range to be honest. I'll be blindfolding him in the car on the way to the sites, and it's not because I don't trust him. I'd recommend anyone growing with a partner to do the same though, and I'll tell you why:

Let's say you go the entire season, no problems and everythings looking proper come harvest time. You go to visit your crop a week later and everything is chopped down.... what would you think?? Who would you blame??

You'd most likely think it were rippers or law enforcement if you didn't have any security cameras set up at your site. But the the possibility of it being your partner would cross your mind, don't even pretend it wouldn't. I'm 99% sure my buddy wouldn't think about doing such a thing, but if the situation ever did arise I know our friendship would be compromised if something did go wrong - even if he didn't do it. There's that unknown factor that you just can't risk. There are also "friends" out there that would throw away a friendship for a field full of beautiful buds without second thought.

If you're willing to risk a friendship, don't blindfold your partner. If you're not willing to risk it, tell him why you're doing it and he'll agree to do so if he understands where youre coming from. My buddy immediately agreed with me because he's smart and knows why I'm requesting such a thing. I explained myself anyways.

Also, we won't be bringing cell phones in the car with us to the sites at any time. When I do/have, I take the battery out until the phone is needed; and the gps is disabled at all times to prevent any cross-referencing from being possible by any means. Remember, you can never be too cautious and if for some reason law enforcement does catch you (for being sloppy) you want to make it as hard as possible for them to build a case against you. Remember, the only time you can be charged with cultivation is if youre found watering plants, harvesting/transporting flowers, filmed tending the grow, or if finger prints are found on your pots/tools found at the site. This means either set up a security camera or mask up when visiting your grow. This means wearing gloves when handling any supplies left at the site. This means be very careful and harvest either just before dusk at night, or just after sunrise in the morning. How careful is too careful? The answer is - you can never be careful enough when it comes to your freedom. Be smart out there, and stay one step ahead of law enforcement. It's worth the extra effort.

Anyways, I got a tip over at another forum on hauling out bales of moss - they told me that this is how the Mexican cartel do it:

peat straps.jpg

It's pretty much a heavy-duty duck tape harness that you slip over the bales and onto your back like a back pack. Sure as hell seems easier than carrying them by hand with nothing really to grab a hold of... I'm stoked on this find because it'll make the haul wayyyy easier. I'm gonna make another one for my buddy, and we should be able bang the task out in 2-3 trips. I made this one with extra wide Gorilla Tape (irony... much?) and pretty much just folded each strand in half so I wouldn't have tape sticking to the bales and my back (common sense) then taped everything together with several wrap-arounds to prevent anything from ripping and falling into the swamps. These each way around 60 lbs per bale, but feel more like 80 to me personally... maybe I should start working out again LOL

Aside from that - I made my buddy read a few chapters in the book I recommended in the beginning of this thread to get him up to par with the program... especially the chapters on security precautions and obviously the chapter on swamp growing.


Now I hate to do this, but realize some of you out there can't afford the $40 book price so I'm going to give a link out that is only to be used if you honestly cannot afford to buy this book. Vinnie Kaz would kill me if he saw this post revealing the link to his entire book, so I'm asking you to buy this if you can afford to do so.

http://www.tradesecretspublishing.com/ < to buy the book for just $40

http://www.tradesecretspublishing.com/uploads/2/9/3/4/2934636/a_look_inside_this_book.pdf < to read the book online

Honestly, I'd recommend buying the book because in doing so you can bookmark certain pages and highlight key points Vinnie makes in here to quick reference... but if for some reason you can't buy it then look to the link above for some really amazing guerrilla secrets that would take the average guerrilla 10+ years to learn the hard way. This book saved me a lot of time and money, and I'd HIGHLY recommend it to any growers looking to take their guerrilla game to the next level(s).

That's it for now folks, lemme know how you like the book and if you have any tips for the haul out that's going down in a week or so...

Heady Intentions :leaf:
here's how we grow in a swamp in maine juans 6,18,09.jpg, june is so wet ya can't walk unless ya are up to your knees in mud and we put the babies up on tables no slugs get to our plants !!juans 7,19,09 (2).jpg july plants sex out but still too muddy to put on ground042.jpg august dries up enough to put females in 10 gallon grow bags with promix029.jpg010.jpg024.jpg sept they are doing there thing and are done before any chance of hunters never used swamp tubes but looks like a good thing ,i'll be watching ya progress and good luck
Im really digging this thread and cant wait to see how it turns out. After seeing ur swamp tubes i will surely be trying. One out this year. In my guerilla grow.
That's a pretty damn good game plan Getaway. I like the table method for ridding the slugs too, pretty smart IMO. How much do your water levels fluctuate up there between June and late-Aug? That's one of my main concerns in my areas... I'm banking on them not getting dried out at all all season long. I realize that now the levels will be higher so I'm putting tubes in as deep as I can without drowning roots pretty much...

What other pest problems have you encountered so far in the swamp besides slugs? Any deer or beavers? I noticed in one of my spots there are a lot of trees chewed down from those damn beavers so I'll be putting up chicken wire around my early-veggers.

All in all you have a nice system goin homie, I wish you all the luck this season! Be safe out there
Im really digging this thread and cant wait to see how it turns out. After seeing ur swamp tubes i will surely be trying. One out this year. In my guerilla grow.

Hell yeah man, thank you. It's all about learning in our beginning years so testing things out every season is key, I like that youre trying a tube this year. I'm also throwing some plastic bins out if you noticed above, will see how they perform as well in the more shallow waters. The main thing that I'll be experimenting with is my soil mix in the swamps. That's probably the biggest factor in a grower's arsenal so layering different layers in different tubes will be going down in my grows - I'll touch more base on that soon to come though. Thanks for pullin up a chair, goodluck this year man.
My pump and filter came in, works great. Are you sure plants like swamp water?
Depends on the water do a test on it if you can, they are typically fed from springs which can be good or bad depending upon the rock structure the spring is going threw, but plants are growing in it... I never had trouble running swamp water I dug a hole in the dry season so I always had water access and it was alteast filtered by the soil rather than the still water sitting on top with possible contamination... Look for hue in the water it will tell you about the elements in it light brown is common for sulfur other tells are iron and what not some can be found at toix level but really you can tell from the vegetation.. I would run a filter of some form on the end dig a hole full it with gravel and other sediment to act as a filter before your intake then maybe a canvas bag to save internal parts from the muck
That's a pretty damn good game plan Getaway. I like the table method for ridding the slugs too, pretty smart IMO. How much do your water levels fluctuate up there between June and late-Aug? That's one of my main concerns in my areas... I'm banking on them not getting dried out at all all season long. I realize that now the levels will be higher so I'm putting tubes in as deep as I can without drowning roots pretty much...

What other pest problems have you encountered so far in the swamp besides slugs? Any deer or beavers? I noticed in one of my spots there are a lot of trees chewed down from those damn beavers so I'll be putting up chicken wire around my early-veggers.

All in all you have a nice system goin homie, I wish you all the luck this season! Be safe out there

the only problem we have had is rabbitts !! they are the evil little fuckers !! and i have had to blast a couple beaver dams out the way but thats about it
How you looking Heady? I am moving my plants to the swamp next week. We have 36 Plants in 3 gal and 7 gal pots.

Nice buddy! I'm lookin good... been fimming and topping the ladies in veg and taking cuttings every week to up my numbers for the big day, should be more towards the end of May because I'm waiting on a soil order and I've been shopping around for support sticks/pest prevention supplies. I wanna limit my visits to prepare the plot so I'm transporting soil in 1-2 truckloads then in the last truckload EVERYTHING else I possibly need. Pretty much just a planning process, getting sooooo ancy though! ahha

My pump and filter came in, works great. Are you sure plants like swamp water?

Hell yes. And like Indagrow states above - most of the time yes, gotta look at that surrounding vegetation to see how other plants like it as well. Most swamps contain mineralized soil beds beneath the water to help boost plant life pretty damn well, look to see if there's an inlet/outlet in your swamp as well. This will ensure fresh water is coming and going circulating all those minerals and keeping things non-stagnant. I was able to see a light current last time I was at mine, but if you can't see it yourself then take a peek at Google Earth and see what your swamp looks like from above. Usually you'll see a small little snake-like line going through your swamp from one end to the other which is the current, other times you won't see much but this doesnt mean you don't have circulation. My swamp empties out into a lake eventually, check out GE like I said and see what's really good. That is a grower's tool if I've ever seen one!

Also if you have a pH or ppm meter def take some water samples and see what it's lookin like down there. Swamps are usually acidic in nature so if it's a swamp it'll be around 4.5 - 5.5

Bust out that lime and level that shit out and you'll be good to go homie
we get the swamp /pond water analized along with the juice where ever we grow ,swamp water is always good in our area alo of granite quarries so lots of minerals in it 001.jpg