So I need to wait a little bit to haul out the peat, a good buddy of mine told me he'd help me out with haul in exchange for a % of the final total in October. I'm thinking between 10-15%, depending on how much peat moss I order. It may seem small, but when you're looking at 10+ lbs that's 1-1.5 pounds for hauling out 500 lbs of peat moss or pretty much a day's worth of work. Saves me a lot of work though, and he's cool so I don't mind helping him out this year. He also has a kid so he's doing it for money towards her which makes me wanna keep it more towards the 15% range to be honest.
I'll be blindfolding him in the car on the way to the sites, and it's not because I don't trust him. I'd recommend anyone growing with a partner to do the same though, and I'll tell you why:
Let's say you go the entire season, no problems and everythings looking proper come harvest time. You go to visit your crop a week later and everything is chopped down.... what would you think?? Who would you blame??
You'd most likely think it were rippers or law enforcement if you didn't have any security cameras set up at your site. But the the possibility of it being your partner would cross your mind, don't even pretend it wouldn't. I'm 99% sure my buddy wouldn't think about doing such a thing, but if the situation ever did arise I know our friendship would be compromised if something did go wrong - even if he didn't do it. There's that unknown factor that you just can't risk. There are also "friends" out there that would throw away a friendship for a field full of beautiful buds without second thought.
If you're willing to risk a friendship, don't blindfold your partner. If you're not willing to risk it, tell him why you're doing it and he'll agree to do so if he understands where youre coming from. My buddy immediately agreed with me because he's smart and knows why I'm requesting such a thing. I explained myself anyways.
Also, we won't be bringing cell phones in the car with us to the sites at any time. When I do/have, I take the battery out until the phone is needed; and the gps is disabled at all times to prevent any cross-referencing from being possible by any means. Remember, you can never be too cautious and if for some reason law enforcement does catch you (for being sloppy) you want to make it as hard as possible for them to build a case against you. Remember, the only time you can be charged with cultivation is if youre found watering plants, harvesting/transporting flowers, filmed tending the grow, or if finger prints are found on your pots/tools found at the site. This means either set up a security camera or mask up when visiting your grow. This means wearing gloves when handling any supplies left at the site. This means be very careful and harvest either just before dusk at night, or just after sunrise in the morning.
How careful is too careful? The answer is - you can
never be careful enough when it comes to your freedom. Be smart out there, and stay one step ahead of law enforcement. It's worth the extra effort.
Anyways, I got a tip over at another forum on hauling out bales of moss - they told me that this is how the Mexican cartel do it:
It's pretty much a heavy-duty duck tape harness that you slip over the bales and onto your back like a back pack. Sure as hell seems easier than carrying them by hand with nothing really to grab a hold of... I'm stoked on this find because it'll make the haul wayyyy easier. I'm gonna make another one for my buddy, and we should be able bang the task out in 2-3 trips. I made this one with extra wide Gorilla Tape (irony... much?) and pretty much just folded each strand in half so I wouldn't have tape sticking to the bales and my back (common sense) then taped everything together with several wrap-arounds to prevent anything from ripping and falling into the swamps. These each way around 60 lbs per bale, but feel more like 80 to me personally... maybe I should start working out again LOL
Aside from that - I made my buddy read a few chapters in the book I recommended in the beginning of this thread to get him up to par with the program... especially the chapters on security precautions and obviously the chapter on swamp growing.
Now I hate to do this, but realize some of you out there can't afford the $40 book price so I'm going to give a link out that is only to be used if you honestly cannot afford to buy this book. Vinnie Kaz would kill me if he saw this post revealing the link to his entire book, so I'm asking you to buy this if you can afford to do so.
http://www.tradesecretspublishing.com/ < to buy the book for just $40
http://www.tradesecretspublishing.com/uploads/2/9/3/4/2934636/a_look_inside_this_book.pdf < to read the book online
Honestly, I'd recommend buying the book because in doing so you can bookmark certain pages and highlight key points Vinnie makes in here to quick reference... but if for some reason you can't buy it then look to the link above for some really amazing guerrilla secrets that would take the average guerrilla 10+ years to learn the hard way. This book saved me a lot of time and money, and I'd HIGHLY recommend it to any growers looking to take their guerrilla game to the next level(s).
That's it for now folks, lemme know how you like the book and if you have any tips for the haul out that's going down in a week or so...
Heady Intentions