Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding


Well-Known Member
babs, I think the people are tripping not cause of the amount of calories, but what he is eating

and quite honestly, I didn't see anyone trip:lol: :hug:
I only know it was my sister who initially brought up the topic to me. I didn't find his caloric intake shocking in the slightest.....I never looked up or read the specifics to his diet.

If it was all Dairy Queen, well then.....questionable.


Well-Known Member

6'5 233LBS

WO #1 : Chest + Back

Flat bench: 15 rep warm, 10 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps 4 reps

(While supersetting) Lat pulldown behind the neck (wide grip): 5 sets of 10

Incline dumbell press: 10, 8, 8, 6

While supersetting close grip lat pulldown: 4 sets of 10

4 sets dumbell flys 10,8,8,6

4 sets Parrell bar dips 15,10,8,8

4 sets t-bar rows (with strait bar in courner, not freewieght machine) 15,10,8,8

4 sets of 10 reps bent over barbell rows

4 sets of 10 seated close grip rows (possibly supersetting last two sets of BB and seated rows)

4 sets of 12 Str8 arm pullovers (hold for stretch)


3 sets of 20-30 reps on machine crunch
3 sets of 20-30 seated leg tucks
3 sets of 20 on oblique machine

WO #2: shoulders + upper arms (on alt days do lower forearms)

Behind the neck military press: 15 rep warm , 10,8,8,6
(Superset) dumbell laterals 4 sets 0f 8

Front military press: 10,8,8,6
(superset) bentover DB laterals 4 sets of 8

Upright BB rows: 4 sets of 10
(superset) Seated str8 arm cable crossover 4 sets of 10

standing BB curl: 15,10,6,4
Superset: Laying tricep BB extentions 15,10,6,4

Alt DB curl: 4 sets of 8
Superset: Tricep pushdows 4 sets of 8

Concentration curls off of leg while seated: 4 sets of 8
Superset: single DB tricep EXt overhead while seated 4 sets of 12


Hanging rev crunches: 20,15,12,12
Seated leg tucks: 3 sets of 25
oblique machine superseted with the crunch machine 2 sets each x 20 reps

Also my nutrition is as follows:

AM vitamins: (3 grams fish oil, 1g vit c, 600 mg calcium, 500mcg folic acid, 1g MSM, 750 glucosamine, 400 i.u. vit e, 500mg niacin, ginko boloba, gensieng)

PM vits PWO: (3 grams fish oil, 1g vit c, 600 mg calcium, Milk thistle, 750mg glucosamin)

Pre WO shake: ( 1 scoop protien, 1 teaspoon micronized creatine, 1 scoop glutamine, 1 scoop waxy maize/trehalose mix)

Pre WO vits: Yohimbine + caffine (cycle 4 weeks on 2-4 weeks off)

Post WO shake: (2 scoops protien, 2 scoops waxy maize mix, 1 scoop glutamine, 1 tea of creatine)

atleast 1 cup of plain oats for breakfast
maybe some lean cut bacon
maybe eggs fried with pam, or hardboiled

lunch is usually some kind of sandwich or leftover dinner

dinner 1lb of chicken, beef, pork
1 cup+ brown rice
1 cup+ greens (broccolli or grren beans)

i went from 257 to 233 in 4 months on this workout and diet with decent cardio

Hre are some of my personal records:

Deadlift: 530 box
495 BB

Squat: 405 X 3 (usually only go to 385x4)

LegPress(freewieght): 1170x4 (26 45lb plates)

Powerclean: 255x1
Powerclean+Press: 205x2

BB curl: 135x3 (cheated alil)

Forgot to include my leg workout and powerlifting heavy days:


Squats/6 sets: 15,10,8,8,6,4 (fail last two sets)
Front squats/4 sets 10,8,8,6 (fail last two)
(superset): Hack squats(machine) and lying leg curls. 15 set warm up each, then 10,8,8,8 (fail last two)
(superset): standing leg curls and standing (which means str8 legged) deadlifts. 4 sets of 10 (fail last two)

Donkey (bent over) calve raises 4 sets of 10
Standing calf raises 4 sets of 10
seated calf raises 4 sets of 10 (fail last two)


EDIT: forgot to mention i just started taking Co Q-10 antioxidant, 200mg.... DAmn this shit is expensive lol

Also i do the following heavy lifts:

Straitbar DeadLifts: 4 sets 225x6, 315x4+, 405x4, 455x 2.... maybe 495 for 1
Box deadlifts: 350x8, 440x4, 490x2,..... then maybe 530x1
Str8 leg deadlifts: 225x10, 315x6, 365x6, 385x4...then maybe 405x2 (max is 425)

Powerclean: 135x10, 185x5, 205x4, 225x2, 245-255x1
powerclean and press: 135x10, 155x8, 185x4, 205x2


Well-Known Member
this is just a fun tool

and that pheilps thing is insane because i herd he was not training while doing this
muscle mmemory only last so long before your body adjust to what your currently doing
My muscle memory is kicking ass years later, minus the much of that has to do with training hard in the BEST years---20-30 years of age.

Oh pays off LONG after you have stopped working out.

Bear in mind, you won't be as hungry when not that active, but your body WILL remember.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Forgot to include my leg workout and powerlifting heavy days:


Squats/6 sets: 15,10,8,8,6,4 (fail last two sets)
Front squats/4 sets 10,8,8,6 (fail last two)
(superset): Hack squats(machine) and lying leg curls. 15 set warm up each, then 10,8,8,8 (fail last two)
(superset): standing leg curls and standing (which means str8 legged) deadlifts. 4 sets of 10 (fail last two)

Donkey (bent over) calve raises 4 sets of 10
Standing calf raises 4 sets of 10
seated calf raises 4 sets of 10 (fail last two)

:o you fucken animal
you'll be a beast in no time
then on to monster


Well-Known Member
to all body builders out there...i would recommend animal pak, combined with animal stak and animal m-stak see great results in a few months. i would recommend taraxatone to flush all those excess water in your body for leaner look, never ever drink sodas or for any reason anything with sugar.


Well-Known Member
I say we need a leg competition too...I'm proud of my calves and thighs...haha
lol i'm with ya there. my weightlifting partner kickass my ass on everything but calves. he does 90lbs 20x while i 225. He always just shakes his head and wonders wtf is wrong with me. (sitting)

edit: btw, my partners 225 6'1". and ripped like puffpuff lol. idk whats up with his calves lol


Well-Known Member
to all body builders out there...i would recommend animal pak, combined with animal stak and animal m-stak see great results in a few months. i would recommend taraxatone to flush all those excess water in your body for leaner look, never ever drink sodas or for any reason anything with sugar.
Animal pak is definitely a good pack of vitamins and amino acids...i've used it...and I like it. Quite expensive though...Anyone ever try extenz? And no...not the male enhancement.

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
Traps=Shoulders...He said he does back, so i'm assuming he does lower back. Youre obliques usually get worked with abs....i like straight arm pull downs with a cables and a straight bar. Running for 45 mins seems like legs to me, also. 45 mins seems a bit steep to be running though. I run 3 miles in about 20 running a marathon? hahaha :eyesmoke:
Shoulders = Deltoids. You can work your traps better by doing shrugs. And although obliques can be worked out by themselves... most of the twisting ab workouts will work the obliques more... and although running does workout the legs, that's half your body that's being ignored in the weight room.

And my normal workouts look like this (I hurt my shoulder, so I haven't been to the gym in a month while I let it heal, but this is normally what I do).

Day 1 - Chest
Bench - 12, 10, 8, 6 reps
Inclined Bench - 12, 10, 8, 6 Reps
Diff ab workout (whatever I feel like doing)
Decline - 12, 10, 8, 6
Oblique workout
Fly - 3 sets of 10
Pushups - Don't really have a number, just try to do as many as I can even though I'm usually dead by now

Day 2 - Arms
Preacher Curls - 3x10
Tricep Press Down (Cables) - 3x10
Standing bar curls - 3x10
Dips - 3x10
Cable Curls - 3x10
Skull Crushers - 3x10
A couple other bi/tri workouts that I can't remember the name for

Day 3 - Shoulders/Back
Shoulder Press (Dumbells) - 12, 10, 8, 6
Pull ups - 3x10
Lat Pull Downs - 3x10
"Wings" (Dunno name of it, works shoulders) - 3x10
Rows - 3x10
Light weight, arms extended to sides and in front (shoulders) - 3x12
Some lower back stuff that I can't remember the name of
Shoulder Press (Cables) - 3x12 - Lightweight

Day 4 - Legs
Lunges with Bar on shoulders - 3x10 (Each leg extended 10 times, so I guess you could say 20)
Squats - 3x10
Legpress - 3x10
Leg Extensions - 3x10
Hamstrings (Laying down, legs curl behind you. On a machine) - 3x10
2 diff calf extension machines - 3x10 each

I hate running, so I try to moves from 1 set of reps of one exercise to the next pretty quickly. Ex: If I'm doing "Arms" day, I will do a bicep workout, then move to a set of a tricep workout, then do a set of an ab workout, then repeat from the beginning 2 more times. This way, I give the muscles that I just worked out time to rest without actually wasting the time to rest, while still keeping my heart rate up.


Well-Known Member
lol i'm with ya there. my weightlifting partner kickass my ass on everything but calves. he does 90lbs 20x while i 225. He always just shakes his head and wonders wtf is wrong with me. (sitting)

edit: btw, my partners 225 6'1". and ripped like puffpuff lol. idk whats up with his calves lol
haha i usually do like 275-315 for calves but on heavy days i can go ass high as 495, or on leg press calve presses i can do 900x8 on my max set.

But i still wouldnt say i have monster calves. They only measure 18" circ. I def need to start cuttin them though

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
So you're saying there's no such thing as over training? Really?
No, I'm quoting Tom Platz. It's all semantics really, to illustrate a point.

The point is if you can recover quick enough you can train as much as you like. You can only overtrain if you don't recover enough. That's what over-training is, it's under-recovering. If you trained biceps on monday, and your bi's were recovered fully by tuesday, it would seem a waste of possible growth time if you didnt train them until thursday or friday, as an example.

Platz had a system where you build up your training intensity to frantic levels, where you cannot recover enough between workouts, and just when your body is about to start playing up from under-recovering, he would ease right back on the training. This would leave his body amped up still adapting to the severe training, but the body would be taking it easy and all the extra amped up energy would go towards growth. The body would over-compensate it's adaptive growth mechanisms while you were training 'easier'.The same principal as carb loading but using training.

So that's what I mean when I quote a successful bodybuilder from years past and say over-training is really under-recovering.


Well-Known Member
One of the best intensity tech's i use is resting no more that 90 secs per set, and sometimes not even resting at all (while doing supersets). Ive trained legs doing this and i threw up because it was so intense.

But you dont need to do it that hard. Just try resting between 60-90 secs per set and i bet youll get bigger and more cut with better definition