Heard an Interesting POV...


Well-Known Member

  • he problem is that you have NEVER in your life actually paid what energy costs and you think you should continue to have all of your energy subsidized by the destruction of the commons. The government subsidizes each gallon of crude that is pumped - but that's ok with you because you think that we are entitled to cheap energy just because we always have been.​

Destruction of the commons? What does that even mean? Using oil is NOT destroying the planet.

You say the government subsidizes each gallon of crude that is pumped and it taxes me about $2.00 per gallon of gas but somehow I am getting a subsidy? The math doesnt work on that statement.

I think I am entitled to cheap energy if it is available and I dont think that the government should purposely make it more expensive to artificially manipulate the market.

Shocking, I know...


Well-Known Member
You aren't getting the subsidy, the oil company is. Wellhead depleation. Using oil is indeed destroying the planet but I don't care, I do care about using coal to do the same thing. Cheap energy has never been available, you are simply shielded for the time being from the true cost. We are staying from the original point. What you want is to drive us off the cliff, and you will be the first to complain that the government didn't protect you. You and those who believe as you do are the ones who will cause an end to our way of life all because you don't think the government is good for anything. I developed a scenario for you and I see you didn't respond - how about a response? what happens when the saudis won't pick up the short fall and we are leaving the market to rise and fall as it will?


Well-Known Member

  • Cheap energy has never been available, you are simply shielded for the time being from the true cost.​

I dont think you live in America. I think you are pissed because it cost you 6.00 per litre of petrol. If I am right then it costs that much to pay for your massive unions and free healthcare.

Well, if we had more oil like the PIPELINE that Obama wont approve it would be much less of a problem. But he likes to send billions of subsidies to countries like Brazil so they can drill for oil and sell it to us instead of backing American companies.

When Bush allowed drilling for oil the price went from $140 per barrel to less than $50.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you live in America. I think you are pissed because it cost you 6.00 per litre of petrol. If I am right then it costs that much to pay for your massive unions and free healthcare.

Well, if we had more oil like the PIPELINE that Obama wont approve it would be much less of a problem. But he likes to send billions of subsidies to countries like Brazil so they can drill for oil and sell it to us instead of backing American companies.

When Bush allowed drilling for oil the price went from $140 per barrel to less than $50.
I paid three bucks and sixty seven cents last week. I'be been telling you - 1. There isn't any more oil and 2. Obama didn't send subsidies to Brazil so they could drill, that is a conservative fabrication.

When Bush "allowed" drilling? you mean off the coast of Jeb's state? do you recall when gas approched 5 bucks a gallon? It went down to about 3 if I recall and now it's about 3.50, yet you say there has been no new drilling. There goes your logic and your argument.


Active Member
All gmo products are labeled in my market.
What market is that exactly? I am very much for GMO labels. At this point 95% of food in all super markets in NA have GMO's in it. The three basics are now almost 100% GMO; Soya, Canola, Corn. At least 1 of them is in nearly every processed food product in some way or another.


New Member
If we just drill more they would continue to sell it to overseas, we have an Alaskan pipeline...we sell it to japan..we have oil wells in the U.S. that are even ran by foreign entities...."Drill baby drill" might as well be "Drill Chinaman drill" it is a Republican Guise, they aren't out to decrease the price of OIL by drilling for more, in fact quite the opposite is true. Don't be silly, they don't care about you or me, they don't care about the people. They care about being re-elected and that takes millions.