Heart Stopping Headline: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is...

I also wish her the best.
I pray for her recovery, but she did what she had to do, which was outlive the Trump presidency.
No more stacking the deck Trump, she could die tomorrow & you'll never get another POS nominee for the SCOTUS
The party is fucking over :)
What happens if Trump and McConnell both lose? You don’t think they’ll try to ram through another appointee before January? Is there enough time?

It would be tragic to lose Ginsberg. Not only because of the Supreme Court implications but because of the loss of one of the finest minds in the country.
Prayers. God forbid something happen to let Trump cement the court's conservative majority.
Never, ever fucking happen now with less than 4 months until the election.
McConnell fucked with Obama for over a year on his selection for the Supreme Court, so now it's payback time.
She could die tomorrow, God forbid, but Trump is finished fucking with America, his nominees for court positions are over.
Never, ever fucking happen now with less than 4 months until the election.
McConnell fucked with Obama for over a year on his selection for the Supreme Court, so now it's payback time.
She could die tomorrow, God forbid, but Trump is finished fucking with America, his nominees for court positions are over.
Hmm. I'm not sure if you got the memo. Trump's going to win again. Thought that was obvious since the left chose Biden to run against him. Sad state of affairs we got here in 2020.
Hmm. I'm not sure if you got the memo. Trump's going to win again. Thought that was obvious since the left chose Biden to run against him. Sad state of affairs we got here in 2020.
Yeah it was such a mistake to choose the old white guy that was so clean Trump had to get himself impeached to try to not have Biden as an opponent by trying to force a vulnerable ally into manufacturing dirt. Especially when Trump's troll army (foreign and domestic) tried so hard to get everyone so worked up about women and people of color for so many years.

Face it, Trump is screwed.

That was all I could see in the newsflash.

She's in the hospital for a suspected infection.

Thoughts and prayers. Srsly.

Yeah as soon as I heard her name and 'hospital' it was a jolt.
Sad state of affairs we got here in 2020.
Yea, your right, it's a sad state of affairs in your home state of Kentucky, because COVID-19 is ravaging that state because the Dumb as Fuck inhabitants, like you apparently (you don't wear a mask right?) blindly listen to that shithead Trump whose advice is killing them.
Anyway, Mitch is fucking finished, he has no respect left from the majority of thinking Americans, so your State's significance will recede to it's rightful place, oblivion, once McGrath & Biden win their elections
Yea, your right, it's a sad state of affairs in your home state of Kentucky, because COVID-19 is ravaging that state because the Dumb as Fuck inhabitants, like you apparently (you don't wear a mask right?) blindly listen to that shithead Trump whose advice is killing them.
Anyway, Mitch is fucking finished, he has no respect left from the majority of thinking Americans, so your State's significance will recede to it's rightful place, oblivion, once McGrath & Biden win their elections
Ya know James the chain around a black man's neck was never as heavy, as the chain made of hate and fear that the Trumpers wear around their's. A black man never abased himself to a master, like these morons do with Trump, only their body's were owned, not their minds and souls. No Black people to the best of my knowledge committed suicide at their master's whim, but many died fighting for their freedom. Who is the bigger slave James, the black man in the antebellum south, or the modern Trumper, who is a fool, a traitor and Hell bent on personal and national suicide? MAGA means moron and anybody who wears the hat is one. Or carries Trump's water here!
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After George Washington appointed her, her wagon train was attacked by Indians.. Not to mention the whole Black Plague scare. so after all that she should pull through
I do wish her well as I don't wish bad health on anyone.....but she needs to hang it up
Ginsburg's quote is below in bold. Ginsburg was defending state approved same sex marriage at a hearing and was responding to a DOMA advocate. On the surface it looks like she's all about liberating gay people, but it isn't about that at all.

You’re saying, no, state marriage [is] the full marriage, and then this sort of skim milk marriage.” - Ginsburg

Ginsburg wanted to broaden who MUST ask government for permission to be married to include gay people. Except, nobody should have to be "licensed" by the state to be married, straight people or gay people.

To do that, is an INCREASE in the people who must seek government approval to be married and who must seek government approval to divorce etc.
That is equality of and expansion of oppression over people, not liberation.
He defended pedophilia for so long it's a running joke and everyone has accepted he is a pedophile. He's even grown comfortable with it. He comes running whenever we call him a pedo.

It's funny that you would say that, but many (most) people here are advocates of government policy that violate others consent, while I am not.

When I point that out, they all go running away and cry, "Rob Roy is making sense again, waaaahh!!! " It's happened so long, it's like it's a running joke.